Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 176: quite a lot

  Chapter 176 176. There are quite a lot of scenes

  Tan Xueqing shook her head, "No, I only saw a little of the content in the book before my grandfather discovered it, and I never saw that book again."

  I have to ask Mr. Tan about this matter. Chu Qingzhi walked towards the catcher, whispered something to him, the catcher nodded, and then took Mr. Tan to a room alone.

  Grandpa Tan was very flustered at this time, his face was a little pale, and he sat on the chair, and his mind soon wandered away.

  Chu Qingzhi walked into the room, but Mr. Tan didn't respond. She walked up to Mr. Tan and asked oppressively, "Master Tan is wondering why the enemy came to the door, right?"

  Use an established fact to ask questions. If the questioner is not prepared, he will fall into the trap directly.

  This made Mr. Tan flinch a bit, and he answered reflexively, "Yes..." He immediately reacted, "No, no..."

  His eyes were flustered, but he quickly hid it, comforting himself, it can be said that he heard it wrong just now, yes, he heard it wrong.

  This reaction is enough to explain the situation. Chu Qingzhi looked at Mr. Tan, "Master Tan, you should tell what you know, otherwise no one will be able to save your family."

  Grandpa Tan has calmed down at this time. As the head of the family, he will not be scared so easily. "I don't know anything. If I know, I will tell you."

  Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, it seems that she still has to use some means, a spot of light penetrated into Mr. Tan's body, and she asked again, "Where is the book that records the secret?"

  Mr. Tan wanted to say that he didn't know what you were talking about, but what he said was, "In the dark compartment of the study room."

  After hearing what he said, Mr. Tan felt a sense of coolness on his feet, raised his head, and stared at Chu Qingzhi with wide eyes.

  Chu Qingzhi said nonchalantly, "You said it yourself, I didn't torture to extract a confession, nor did I coerce or lure you."

  Mr. Tan only felt dark in front of his eyes. He couldn't believe that he would tell the truth.

  The catcher standing at the door couldn't help showing admiration on his serious face at this moment. He underestimated Chu Qingzhi, and he immediately said, "Miss Chu, I'll take someone to fetch it right away."

  Chu Qingzhi waved her hand, "Go."

  After the head arrester left, two arresters came in again and stood at the door. Chu Qingzhi continued to dig out the secret, "Mr. Tan, who is your enemy?"

  Mr. Tan showed a struggling expression on his face, but finally he couldn't help but instinctively said, "They are my friends."

  Chu Qingzhi's tone was even and steady, "A friend turned into an enemy and even killed your family. What did you do more than 20 years ago?"

  Grandpa Tan pinched his palm, trying to use the pain to stop himself from speaking, but found it was useless, "I went to inform the king of Beijiang, and then the king of Beijiang killed them all."

   It turned out to be a big traitor who killed everyone, and came here by himself to hide his name and live a stable life as a rich family...

  Chu Qingzhi stared at Mr. Tan for a while, "Tell me, what's going on?"

  Mr. Tan's heart faintly collapsed. He raised his head and looked at Qingzhi, thinking that she is a devil who can tempt people to tell the deepest secrets in their hearts...

  Twenty years ago, the first emperor (the grandfather of the current emperor) was still in power. At that time, the first emperor was old and faint, and practiced the art of alchemy, which made the people of the whole country miserable and miserable.

   There is a garrison near northern Xinjiang, about 50,000 people.

  For nearly half a year, the imperial court did not distribute food and salaries. Every time a memorial was requested for food and salaries, the imperial court would perfunctorily say that the treasury was empty and let them figure out their own solutions.

   It is true that the generals here have found a way to raise money, otherwise the garrison here has been in chaos for the past six months.

   It's fine if you don't pay the food and pay, because the general offended a harmful warlock, he will be taken back to the court and beheaded for public display. This move completely angered the garrison here.

  Then several generals discussed rebellion, since they couldn’t survive anyway, so it’s better to fight.

  However, one of them was timid and fearful, but extremely selfish and ruthless. When everyone was about to make trouble, he ran to inform.

  The person he went to inform was the former Northern Xinjiang King.

After the former king of Northern Xinjiang learned about it, he subdued a group of generals who were about to rebel one step ahead of time, and killed the entire family of these generals on the charge of rebellion, incorporated the garrison, and the power grew rapidly, becoming the most powerful among the princes of various fiefdoms, etc. The imperial court realized that this matter was a foregone conclusion, and later even the imperial court had to look at Beijiang's face.

  The informer got a lot of money and moved his family.

  He is quite smart, knowing that the most dangerous place is the safest, so he chose the county seat under the jurisdiction of the capital, kept his anonymity, and lived a wealthy and idle life.

  After hearing what Old Master Tan said, Chu Qingzhi felt that he deserved it, that anyone would take revenge for hurting him so badly.

   "If it was your enemy who took revenge, why did he kill Tan Maozhi first?"

  Tan Maozhi was neither the biggest nor the smallest, neither the most outstanding nor the least outstanding. There should be some reason for killing him.

   In addition, it is not certain that it is the enemy's revenge, so what she said is a hypothetical.

  Grandpa Tan showed a painful look on his face, "No, it wasn't Tan Maozhi who killed first. My eldest son was the first to kill. I was panicked at the time, so I chose to keep it secret."

   "The second is my wife, and the third is Tan Maozhi."

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes were fixed, "Your eldest son?"

   "My eldest son died seventeen years ago. At that time, our family's business had just started. He worked very hard and often traveled around."

   "It was a rainy night. He escorted the goods to Lin County to deliver the goods. He hid from the rain in a ruined temple at night, but he didn't expect to be killed."

   "Didn't find the murderer?"

   "At that time, I thought it was the enemy's family who killed me, so I didn't dare to investigate further, so I reported the case, but the government didn't find anyone, so I let it go."

  The story of the Tan family is quite clear. Qing Zhi said, "Do you know that your wife was murdered?"

Mr. Tan said, "My wife has always been in good health. It is impossible to die after sleeping overnight. Someone must have murdered her, but I was afraid that what happened back then would be exposed, so I kept silent. As for why Tan Maozhi will be killed next, I don't know." Know."

   "You just said that your eldest son was also killed?"

  Old Master Tan's eyes turned red, "Yes, he was stabbed seven times with a dagger, and died of excessive blood loss."

  Chu Qingzhi lowered her eyes and analyzed, "Your eldest son was killed with a dagger, while your wife and grandson were killed by unknown means. The modus operandi is different. From this point of view, it should not be the same murderer."

  Mr. Tan suddenly became excited, "What do you mean?"

   "That's the superficial meaning." Chu Qingzhi said, "Seven stabbings, it can be seen that there is a deep hatred between the two of you. By the way, you said that your eldest son escorted the goods. What about the goods?"

  Old Master Tan immediately said, "The goods are not lost, they are still in the ruined temple."

  (end of this chapter)

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