Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 202: 202. Deep Enmity

  Chapter 202 202. Deep hatred

  At this time, the head of a ten-year-old child protruded from behind a big tree in the distance...

  Zhou Xiping looked at the direction where Chu Xujin was being dragged away. After watching for a while, his expression changed, and he immediately ran back to fetch reinforcements.

   For him who was known as the Scud, his figure quickly disappeared at the edge of the bamboo forest.

He took the prescription Chu Qingzhi gave him, and his body has grown from five or six years old to a teenager. These changes made him extremely grateful to Chu Qingzhi. Chu Xujin is Chu Qingzhi's third brother. He also paid special attention to Chu Xujin, but he didn't expect to see the scene of Chu Xujin's accident.

  Chu Xujin was dragged to the depths of the bamboo forest, and those people beat him with fists and kicks without saying a word, and soon beat him all over with cuts and bruises.

  He hugged his head, curled up on the ground, and let out muffled groans from the gap in the cloth strips that stuffed his mouth, which was extremely painful to hear.

  Blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth, staining the cloth strips red and weakening his voice.

   "You can't hit him anymore, if you hit him again, he will be killed!"

   "Hit, continue to hit me, if you kill me, it's mine."

   "I really can't fight anymore!"

  They didn't want to lose their lives, they learned the lesson, and it wasn't a deep hatred, so the helpers stopped doing anything and stood aside.

   Seeing that everyone was not fighting, Si Songling started by himself, picked up a wooden stick from the side, and greeted Chu Xujin fiercely.

   "Bang bang bang..."

   Severe pain spread all over his body, and his whole body was tense, but Chu Xujin had no strength to struggle any more, the cloth strips covering his mouth were all dyed red, the voice in his mouth gradually weakened, and his body slowly moved...

  Zhou Xiping rushed over like an arrow leaving the string, and shouted, "Stop, stop!"

  The police officers brought by him immediately surrounded him, some went to arrest people, some went to see Chu Xujin.

  When Si Songling and the others saw the arrester, they immediately broke out in a layer of cold sweat, and immediately scattered and fled in panic...

  The catcher stepped forward quickly, pulled out the strip of cloth from Chu Xujin's mouth, threw it aside, untied the rope, carried the man on his back, and rushed to Chu's village.

  Two policemen helped him to help him.

   "Catch them all back to the Yamen!"

  Chu Xujin's official uniform was stained red with blood, what a brutal beating!

  Catcher didn't dare to imagine how angry Chu Qingzhi would be if he sent him back!

  My heart trembled, I put away my wild thoughts, and Catcher rushed to the Chu family village at the fastest speed in my life.


  Chu Family Village.

  Chu Qingzhi and her family were very happy to prepare for the move. Suddenly, a villager rushed over and said that Chu Xujin was beaten to the point of blood, and asked her to go back to save others.

  The joy on Chu Qingzhi's face instantly turned into frost, and she went back to the old house in a flash.

  The smell of blood came to her face, making her frown severely.

  The catcher put Chu Xujin on the bed, and as soon as he put him down, Chu Qingzhi had already entered the room, her voice seemed to freeze, "Get out!"

  No one dared to delay, everyone quickly exited the room.

  Chu Qingzhi stepped forward to check, and the other party killed him, the spleen was broken, other internal organs were slightly bleeding, two ribs were broken, not to mention the trauma, blue and purple, all over the body...

Chu Qingzhi's face was gloomy and terrifying, and she put her hand on Chu Xujin's back, and injected spiritual energy into his body to repair the broken internal organs and broken ribs. As long as these are repaired, his life will be saved. The trauma looks terrible. But it is not fatal, and it will recover slowly in the future.

   Half of his spiritual power was consumed, and he finally pulled Chu Xujin back from the gate of hell.

  Chu Qingzhi got up and went back to her room to get some medicine for dressing Chu Xujin's wound.

  Zhan Hongjun saw Chu Qingzhi coming out of the room, and hurried forward to express his desire to help, "Master, how is the third brother, shall we help him with the medicine?"

  Now Chu Xujin is fine, Chu Qingzhi nodded, she went back to the room to get the wound medicine and handed it to Zhan Hongjun, "He has a lot of injuries, please be careful."

  The two little apprentices nodded, "Understood, Master."

  Chu Qingzhi gave a few more words of advice before walking to the main room, where the head catcher and the others were waiting here, her voice was like the snow in nine cold days, "Brother catcher, who did it?"

  The headhunter felt that Chu Qingzhi was a little scary at this time, her eyes were cold, without any emotion, and with a trace of murderous intent, she quickly said, "Come with me."

  Deep in the bamboo forest, the police quickly caught three people, the others ran away, and Si Songling also ran away.

  Chu Qing Zhiyin asked with a sullen face, "Just them?"

  The police officer didn't dare to look up at Chu Qingzhi at this time, and under Chu Qingzhi's strong pressure, he replied subconsciously, "There are two more, I haven't caught them yet."

  Chu Qingzhi asked coldly, "Who is the mastermind?"

  Zhou Xiping pushed aside the person standing in front of him, and said loudly, "It's the person in black."

  Chu Qingzhi shifted her eyes to Zhou Xiping, she remembered that it was that dwarf, but it was not like that now, "Thank you."

  She turned to the head catcher and said, "You take these people back, and I'll find them."

   Immediately flew up.

   This kind of light work that can come and go freely made all the weak kung fu chickens fascinated for a while, but soon their attention was turned to reality.

  What kind of deep hatred is going to beat Chu Xujin to death?

  The head arrester gave an order, "Take him back and imprison him for premeditated homicide."

  The arresters responded in unison, "Yes, arrester."

  The three of them softened and begged for mercy, but no one listened to them, and they were all thrown into the dungeon.

  Si Songling and another person ran for a long time, and unknowingly ran to the depths of the forest. The two of them were panting like cows, and looked panic-stricken, like frightened birds.

  The man was sweating profusely and asked, "What should we do now?"

  Si Songling said unhappily, "How do I know what you will do? Who of you recruited the police? If there were no police, no one would know even if Chu Xujin was beaten to death!"

  The man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, very scared, "It's too late to say this now, the police already know about it, and they saw us."

  Si Songling didn't think it was serious, and they didn't beat Chu Xujin to death, "If you see it, you will see it. There is no such thing as injustice in this world."

  Chu Qingzhi stood on the tree trunk, with a cold light in her clear eyes, "In this world, there are always things that are unfair to money, such as buying your life!"

  Twisting her slender fingers, a green leaf appeared in her hand...

  A strange tune echoed in the woods, and what echoed the tune were heavy breathing and heavy footsteps around.

  Si Songling and the man's hair stood on end, their bodies tensed up, and they looked around in fear.

  When it was identified that the voice was from a beast, the two of them immediately felt a chill in their hearts, spreading all over their bodies and penetrating to the marrow of their bones.

   "Run!" Si Songling shouted, and then ran away.

  The people who followed him also ran forward immediately, but after running for a while, the two of them stopped suddenly, their pupils dilated and looking ahead, their faces were horrified, as if they had seen a ghost.

  In front of them, a giant piebald python coiled on a tree trunk, hissing at them and spitting snake letters...

  (end of this chapter)

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