Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 209: 209. A Nest of Bandits

  Chapter 209 209. A nest of bandits

  The big man said with difficulty, "Without the acquiescence of the King of Northern Xinjiang, how dare the soldiers below behave so recklessly?"

  Chu Qingzhi suddenly interjected, "Did all the money you robbed be used to buy officials?"

  Tang Jinghong turned his head and looked at Chu Qingzhi. After thinking for a moment, a doubt popped up. The king of Beijiang wants money?

  The big man said, "Yes, so much money was robbed, but not much fell into our hands, and almost all fell into the hands of the King of Beijiang."

   Tang Jinghong made up his mind. It seems that the king of Beijiang really asked for money, but he couldn't think of what the king of Beijiang wanted the money for. "Is there any change in the army recently?"

  The big man said, "No."

  Ask a few more questions, and after draining the value of the big man, Tang Jinghong raised the knife and killed the big man.

   Seeing that all the robbers were dead, the caravans were extremely grateful to Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi, and hurriedly lined up to express their thanks, "Thank you two heroes for your rescue."

   As he spoke, the leader offered a hundred taels of silver to the two of them.

  Tang Jinghong refused, "Take back the money, everyone, hurry up and cross the bridge." There might be someone standing guard nearby, and reinforcements arrived, and he couldn't guarantee the safety of these people.

   "Yes, hero."

  Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi got on their horses and were about to leave when a young man with a dagger rushed over, "Wait a minute."

  The two looked at the boy together, and Tang Jinghong asked, "What's the matter with you?"

   "I'll tell you later."

  The young man took out a stack of banknotes from his skirt and returned them to the man in casual clothes, "Here are your banknotes."

"I can't stand those **** stealing money, so I want to steal their money, lead them into my trap, and let them suffer, but I ran too fast, those trash didn't keep up, sorry, almost hurt you."

  The man looked at the bank note with mixed feelings, but in the end he felt rejoicing, "Those bandits are too rampant, we don't blame you or me."

  The boy waved his hand, "Let's go, I just saw someone running to report."

  As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately quickened their pace.

  The young man turned around and walked towards Tang Jinghong. He admired the two of them very much, "Thank you for killing those robbers. It's a pity that I don't have martial arts like yours, otherwise I would have killed them long ago."

  Tang Jinghong took a look at the young man. He had a handsome appearance, a monkey-like figure, thin and nimble, and held a dagger that shaved iron like clay in his hand. "Speak business."

  The young master was filled with righteous indignation, "I still know a few places like this, can you follow me to kill those people?"

   It’s okay if you don’t know, if you know, you must go, Tang Jinghong said in a deep voice, “Lead the way.”

  Thus, eight such places were all taken over in one day.


  Northern Xinjiang camp.

  Lu Hongtu was the first person to get the news. This kind of thing is tacitly understood by everyone, but if it is put on the bright side, it will be another matter.

  So he panicked and found seven other people who had done the same thing as him to discuss countermeasures.

   As a result, halfway through the discussion, someone immediately reported that the second stronghold had been taken over.

   Immediately after the third, fourth, until all of them, they were all stopped before they could react.

  The eight people panicked completely, like ants in a hot pot, not knowing what to do.

  Those who dare to do such a thing blatantly must have a strong background. If they are stabbed, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

   "Quickly think of a way!"

   "What can I do?"

   "Everyone, calm down. In fact, the matter is not that serious. As long as we find these people and kill them all, won't this incident be smoothed over?"

   "Yes, yes, kill them all."

  So these eight people immediately found a way to leave the camp and hurried to find someone.


  On the bank of the river, the boy saluted the two of them, "Thank you two heroes for your action, I wonder where you are going next?"

  Tang Jinghong didn't want the young man to be in danger, so he said, "It's not convenient to tell you, so let's go."

  The young man really admired the two of them, and felt a little bit reluctant. He stopped Tang Jinghong, "How about this, it's getting dark, let's go to the village for one night before leaving."

  Tang Jinghong looked at the boy and politely refused, "We will bring disaster to your village in the past."

  The young man thought about it for a while, and it was true, so he stopped trying to keep him, moved away, "Then, let's go."

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong got on their horses and left quickly.

  The young man stood on the spot watching the two of them, and muttered enviously, "I really want to be as good at martial arts as them!"

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong rode fast all the way, and when it was completely dark, they came to a forest.

  I planned to spend the night in the woods, but suddenly I heard a loud noise coming from outside the woods...

   The two looked at each other, and followed the sound and walked over.

   "Let go of me, let me go..."

   "What are you going to do?"

   "You kill a thousand swords, I will fight with you..."

  A group of policemen broke into a village quickly, grabbed a girl and dragged her outside. The girl struggled, but the girl's parents stepped forward to stop her. The surrounding villagers wanted to stop her but dared not...

  A policeman kicked the man hard in the heart, and the man flew upside down, clutching his heart in pain and rolling on the ground.

  Another catcher took a saber and slashed at the back of the woman's neck with a scabbard, causing the woman to faint immediately.

   "Father, mother..." The girl cried and crawled towards the man and woman, her voice was exhausted, and the hoarse cry echoing in the village made people weep.

  Two arresters stepped forward and grabbed the girl roughly. One of the arresters drew out his saber, put it on the man's neck, and threatened, "If you struggle again, I will kill him!"

  The girl looked at the big knife reflecting the pale moonlight, and was so frightened that she couldn't restrain her trembling all over, she didn't even dare to cry.

  The arrester quickly shouted, "Take it away, my lord is still waiting!"

   No one dared to stop this group of wolves, tigers and leopards in human skin, and the girl was dragged away limply.

  She turned her head and stared at her parents, with tears streaming down her dead eyes, with the despair that was separated from heaven and man forever.

  Looking at this scene, Chu Qingzhi frowned, "This northern border is probably a den of bandits!"

  Tang Jinghong's face sank like water, and he still felt a little powerless in his heart, "The king of Beijiang condoned the corruption of his subordinates. I guess as long as he has money, he can do whatever he wants."

  Chu Qingzhi couldn't see the girl's family being bullied, a cold light flashed in her eyes, "Follow me and have a look."

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "Yes."

  The girl was pushed into a carriage, and the policeman rode around the carriage and hurried away.

  Walking halfway, a stone flew into the temple of the lead policeman from one side. Before the blood from his temple fainted, he fell off his horse and died.

   This scene frightened the police all together, and at this moment, in front of the road, a white-clothed female ghost with disheveled hair floated out of the woods.

  The breeze blows her hair away, and everyone can see that she has no facial features, and there is nothing on her face...

  (end of this chapter)

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