Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 220: 220. A Faithful Servant

  Chapter 220 220. A loyal servant

  In the carriage, Tang Jinghong hugged Chu Qingzhi tightly, thinking about countermeasures, and at the same time looked warily at the young man in Tsing Yi, "Who are you?"

  The young man in Tsing Yi laughed, "Don't be nervous, my master has specially sent me to pick you up, and I will send you to a safe place."

  Tang Jinghong asked, "Why do you help each other?"

  The young man in Tsing Yi asked instead, "Are you a senior brother?"


  Tong Yujie's eyes widened, and he couldn't hide his shock. Could it be that Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi are the pair of brothers?

  Tang Jinghong realized that the people in front of him regarded them as the two senior brothers who had recently turned upside down in northern Xinjiang, "You mistaken people, we are not."

   "It doesn't matter whether you deny it or not. My master has a deep hatred with the king of Beijiang, but he likes to do anything that can make the king of Beijiang more difficult."

  The young man in Tsing Yi tried his best to express his goodwill, "If I wanted to kill you, I would have brought the pursuers here, not the carriage."

  The other party did not have any malicious intentions, but Tang Jinghong did not relax his vigilance. Who knows if he would have other purposes if he didn't kill them, "Who is your master?"

  The young man in Tsing Yi had a slight smile on his face, "He is waiting for us at the destination."

  Tang Jinghong didn't say anything, but secretly clenched the sword in his hand.

  The carriage drove into a remote house. There are thousands of houses here, and the alleyways are scattered all over the place. It can be said that it is very difficult to find someone. It is the best hiding place so far.

  The young man in Tsing Yi went down first, and then helped the unconscious man get off the carriage. Tang Jinghong came down last with Chu Qingzhi in his arms.

  Out of a private house, a young man with a handsome face and a bright future came out, but this person was sick and weak, like a delicate flower that had been devastated.

  Tang Jinghong recognized this person, "Seventh Prince!" (I don't know what to call the prince's son, as long as everyone understands the meaning.)

   Li Yuanshao greeted Tang Jinghong with a peer salute, "I have seen a hero."

  Tang Jinghong held Chu Qingzhi in his arms, unable to return the courtesy, he said politely, "I'm not a hero, the Seventh Prince recognized the wrong person."

   "It's not important, we'll talk about it later." Li Yuanshao smiled and said, "The room is ready, the hero will send people into the room first."

   "Thank you." Tang Jinghong followed the young man in Tsing Yi into the room, and carried Chu Qingzhi to the bed, "Is there a doctor?"

  The young man in Tsing Yi said, "I understand a little, let me take a look for your junior brother."

  Tang Jinghong moved away, he was very nervous, afraid that Qing Zhi would be unconscious like last time.

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but blame himself again, it was he who didn't protect Qing Zhi well, and always made Qing Zhi hurt.

  Why can't he be more powerful?

   Li Yuanshao followed into the room, "Hero, don't worry too much, Chu Sheng's medical skills are good, as long as it is not fatal, he can cure it."

  Tang Jinghong looked at the young man in Tsing Yi. There was a loyal servant beside Li Yuanshao named Cong Chusheng.

   "Thank you, Seventh Prince."

  Li Yuanshao was slightly suspicious, "Why did you recognize me at a glance?"

  Tang Jinghong babbled nonsense, "I was lucky enough to see it once at the sacrifice ceremony in northern Xinjiang."

   During the sacrifice ceremony in Northern Xinjiang, people from the entire Northern Xinjiang palace will show up, so it is not surprising to recognize them.

  Cong Chusheng took Chu Qingzhi's pulse, and just when she was about to touch Chu Qingzhi, Chu Qingzhi woke up and retracted her hands. She scanned the room and felt relieved when she saw Tang Jinghong.

   Tang Jinghong saw that Chu Qingzhi had woken up, and immediately walked over, and asked with concern, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

  Chu Qingzhi told the truth, "I don't feel any discomfort, but my body is a bit damaged, and I need to rest for a few days."

  When Tang Jinghong heard about the loss, he blamed himself even more. It was his lack of ability that caused Qingzhi to be injured. "Is there anything I can make up for?"

  Chu Qingzhi shook her head, "No, just take a rest."

  Tang Jinghong looked at Chu Qingzhi with eyes softer than moonlight, "Then you should go to sleep quickly, and I'll prepare food for you later."

   "Okay, I'm going to sleep." Her spiritual power was exhausted, and she was really tired. She was also worried about her fainting situation, so she forced herself to wake up. Now that she is safe, she doesn't worry anymore.

  Tang Jinghong stroked Chu Qingzhi's hair, "Yes."

  He tucked the quilt for Chu Qingzhi, then asked everyone to leave the room, and they went outside to talk.

   Both Li Yuanshao and Cong Chusheng had unexplainable awkwardness in their eyes. This brother is not like a brother at all, but like a loving lover.

  The two reacted and looked at each other, their pupils dilated slightly. Could it be they?

  ...broken sleeve!

   No matter how surprised they were, they all came to the next room at this moment.

  Here lay the young man in black robe, under the light, Tang Jinghong recognized him.

  Seven years ago, when he was marching, he met a young man who was hungry and fainted by the roadside because of the war. He couldn't take him away, so he gave him the steamed buns he brought.

  The boy has become a young man, but the six fingers on his hand have not changed, which is very recognizable.

Cong Chusheng went to take his pulse, "There are countless internal wounds and whip wounds on his body. After being soaked in water for a long time, the lower body is considered useless. The body is eroded by toxins. If you rescue it and take good care of it, you may live longer, otherwise it will only be three to five years. .”

   Li Yuanshao looked helplessly at Cong Chusheng. Chu Sheng was fine with everything, but he was too straightforward, "Rescue him first and then talk about it."

  Cong Chusheng nodded, opened the medicine box, took out a pill and fed it to the young man.

   Soon, the young man coughed and spat out the dirty blood. He also woke up and looked around blankly. When he saw that he had escaped from the water prison, all his emotions turned into ecstasy.

   Finally got rid of the dark dungeon and those terrifying poisonous snakes.

  He got out of bed excitedly, knelt down to several people, "Thank you for saving me..."

   Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, looked at the people in the room, "you, why did you save me?"

  Tang Jinghong helped him up, "Let's talk slowly."

  The young man looked at Tang Jinghong suspiciously. He didn't know the person in front of him, but why did the other person seem to care about him, "Can you tell me who you are?"

  Tang Jinghong said gently, "Do you still remember those steamed buns?"

  The steamed bun that saved his life, he will always remember it in his heart, and he has been looking for the person who gave him the steamed bun.

  After listening to Tang Jinghong's words, he became even more ecstatic, his eyes turned red with excitement, he knelt down to Tang Jinghong with his legs, and asked anxiously, "Are you benefactor?"

  He was a little puzzled that Engong's appearance had changed, but no one knew about the steamed bun except the two of them.

  Tang Jinghong quickly pulled him up, "Get up, sit down and talk."

  The young man tentatively asked, "Grandfather, do you still remember my name?"

   Tang Jinghong thought to himself, this guy should be testing him because he saw his appearance changed, "Remember, Wang Ximing, sometimes what you see with your eyes may not be true."

  (end of this chapter)

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