Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 222: 222. So Many Secrets

  Chapter 222 222. A lot of secrets

  North Xinjiang Palace.

  In the study, the king of Beijiang heard what Wan Zhilin said, and slapped the tabletop, smashing the whole table, and said angrily, "Which hermit family has such a unique skill?"

One person can fight against thousands of people. If such a person can't be used by him, it will be a disaster, but now he appears in the northern border. The key is that his subordinates have nothing to do with this person. His face, a challenge to his majesty!

  Wan Zhilin was so frightened that he knelt down on his knees, and hurriedly said, "My lord, my subordinates must find out this family as soon as possible, and wipe out the roots!"

  The king of Beijiang did not lose his mind, he slowly let go of his clenched fists, and suppressed the anger in his heart, "No, cutting grass and roots is bloody, I want this person to be used by me!"

   Wan Zhilin responded immediately, "This subordinate understands."

  Beijiang King waved his hand, "Back off."

   "The subordinate resigns."

  Beijiang King looked at the direction where Wan Zhilin was leaving, his face was gloomy, his eyes became terrifying like poisonous snakes, "There is only one end for me... Life is worse than death!"


   Residential houses.

   Tang Jinghong boiled a pot of nutritious black-bone chicken soup. Some angelica and Hericium erinaceus were put in the chicken soup, which smelled very delicious.

  He filled a bowl, then tore off a chicken leg, and carried it to the room.

   "Qing Zhi, eat something!"

  Chu Qingzhi woke up as soon as she heard Tang Jinghong's words, sat up, looked at Tang Jinghong with a smile, "Did you make chicken soup?"

   "Yeah, maybe the taste is not as good as yours, you will eat some, and we will go to the city to eat tomorrow."

  Tang Jinghong came over and hugged Chu Qingzhi to the stool and sat down, then brought the shoes for her to put on, girls are weak, even though Qingzhi is stronger than him, he still wants to pamper her.

  Chu Qingzhi acted cooperatively as a weak woman, "I also know that you let Angelica go."

   Tang Jinghong's lips smeared with a smile, "Taste the taste."

"Yeah." Chu Qingzhi ate Tang Jinghong's cooking for the first time, looking forward to it, took a small bite of the soup, it was very fresh, moderately salty, and could be considered very hot in a pot, "Jinghong, it's delicious. "

   Tang Jinghong smiled, "Then you eat, and I'll serve it for you after eating."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi gnawed the chicken leg, "Jing Hong, would you like some?"

   "You eat first, and the rest is mine." Tang Jinghong's eyes were gentle. His eyes were originally sharp and cold, but whenever he saw Chu Qingzhi, they would soften involuntarily.

  Chu Qingzhi squinted her eyes, picked up the spoon, scooped up a spoonful of soup and fed it to Tang Jinghong, "Taste it."

   Tang Jinghong couldn't refuse such a good thing at all, so he drank the soup in one gulp, "You feed it better."

  Chu Qingzhi blinked at Tang Jinghong, and said in a coquettish tone, "Jinghong, I'm not full and I still want to eat."

  Tang Jinghong rubbed Chu Qingzhi's hair, very doting, "I'll serve it for you again."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

  Tang Jinghong came to the kitchen, put another chicken leg and two wings into a bowl, and served it to Chu Qingzhi.

   When he walked to the kitchen door, he was stopped.

   "Brother, can I serve my sister a bowl of chicken soup?" Tong Yujie thought that his sister hadn't eaten, and when he saw a pot of good chicken soup, he couldn't help but want to give her some.

  Qing Zhi was not full yet, Tang Jinghong hesitated, "Is it only for one bowl?"

  Tong Yujie froze for a moment, then nodded, "Yes."

   "Then you can serve a bowl." Tang Jinghong felt a little reluctant, it was what he cooked for Qing Zhi, but the other party was a woman, so let's share a bowl.

  Tong Yujie looked at Tang Jinghong's back with a bit of doubt in his eyes. Was the general a little reluctant just now?


  Tang Jinghong gently put the chicken soup in front of Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, eat."

  Chu Qingzhi took the chicken leg and gnawed it twice, then suddenly remembered something she forgot, "Jing Hong, I met a man in black when I was looking for the entrance of the water prison yesterday, and he was also the maid who came to find the princess."

   Tang Jinghong fixed his eyes and asked sensitively, "Do you know what the other party's purpose is?"

   "For a secret letter." Chu Qingzhi waved to Tang Jinghong, and Tang Jinghong approached cooperatively, "The man in black was knocked out by me and hid in the green bamboo forest next to the rockery. You can bring him out for questioning."

   "I'll go right away." Tang Jinghong looked at the sky, there was still an hour before dawn, and now Wan Zhilin was looking for them everywhere, but the guards in the mansion were empty.

  Chu Qingzhi changed Tang Jinghong's appearance and nodded his eyes, otherwise he would not be able to see through the illusion, "Then be careful, if you don't come back in half an hour, I will go find you."

  Tang Jinghong felt sweet in his heart, and suddenly felt that Qingzhi was his most solid back, with Qingzhi around, big problems could be solved, "Okay."

  ... No way, who made you so lucky that you got the favor of a fairy?

  Chu Qingzhi continued to drink the chicken soup, squinting her eyes in enjoyment, never expecting that Jinghong's cooking skills are so good and delicious.

  After Tang Jinghong left the house, he took out a face towel to cover his face, and flew to Wan Zhilin's mansion.


  In the room, Cong Chusheng looked at Li Yuanshao whose face seemed to be paler with distress, "Master, why don't we go back to sleep and come back tomorrow."

  Li Yuanshao's handsome face was pale, and even his lips were stained three points pale, more like a delicate flower after being devastated by a storm.

  He waved his hand, "No, I'm afraid they will leave."

   "They are injured or sick, and they won't leave." Cong Chusheng persuaded that the master's way of doing this is likely to break down the body that has finally stabilized.

  Li Yuanshao thought about it, but finally rejected it, "No, this opportunity must not be missed, I can't leave."

  Cong Chusheng was anxious, "Master, but your body..."

  Li Yuanshao didn't talk anymore, after a while, he got up and walked out of the room, came to the door of Chu Qingzhi's room, knocked on the door, "Hero, I have something to discuss with you, is it convenient for you?"

  Chu Qingzhi had an accident, so I have something to discuss, what is the discussion?

   "Come back later, my senior brother is not here." Li Yuanshao is the seventh prince, and he must be talking about political affairs, she doesn't care about them.

   Li Yuanshao looked sideways at Cong Chusheng, why did the hero go?

   "Okay, thanks."

  Chu Qingzhi yawned, just woke up and couldn't fall asleep, a little bored, "I don't know how Jing Hong is?"

  Tang Jinghong came back with someone after a stick of incense, and entered through the window without letting others know.

  The man in black was thrown to the ground by him, still unconscious.

  Tang Jinghong pulled off his veil and said directly, "Qingzhi, he is from Anhuai country."

  Chu Qingzhi waved her hand, and a ray of spiritual light spread out, covering the whole room, preventing what they said from leaking out, "Indeed, he told me before."

   "It's not uncommon for a palace maid's maid to have a secret letter, but it's strange to find it at Wan Zhilin's house." Tang Jinghong suddenly felt that his brain was not enough.

  Chu Qingzhi patted Tang Jinghong on the shoulder calmly, "Ask the man in black first."

  (end of this chapter)

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