Chapter 224 224. Fog

  Tang Jinghong looked at the map carefully again, but found no flaws, but still needs to verify the authenticity, "How much do you know about crossbows?"

  Tong Yujie said, "The manufacturing of the crossbow arrows in Beijiang is in charge of Tang Jianying, one of the ten subordinates of the King of Beijiang. The strong crossbow was rebuilt two years ago. The King of Beijiang ordered it to be kept secret, and it has not been circulated yet."

  What Tang Jinghong wants to know most is, "Who is the person who transformed the crossbow?"

  The topic of Qiangnu is extremely sensitive in northern Xinjiang. No matter who it is, anyone who is known by the king of northern Xinjiang will be shot to death. During this time, Tong Yujie has been inquiring about it, and he was almost discovered.

   "General, only the King of Northern Xinjiang knows about this. In my capacity, I can't get in touch with these things. I tried my best to inquire about them, but found nothing."

   "Continue to inquire, and be sure to dig out this person." Tang Jinghong secretly said that although Tong Yujie is very skilled, he is only a killer after all, and there are no people in Beijiang who are better than Tong Yujie.

  Tong Yujie cupped his fists, "Yes, General."

  Tang Jinghong put away the map, went back to his room and wrote a few letters, handed them out one by one, started to lay out the layout, and then came to Wang Ximing's room.

  Wang Ximing took Cong Chusheng's panacea, and his body recovered quickly. Seeing Tang Jinghong coming in, he immediately stood up excitedly, "Grandfather."

  Tang Jinghong patted him on the shoulder, "Sit down, don't be formal."

  Wang Ximing refused, and said with a bit of stubbornness, "How can I sit on an equal footing with En Ping, no."

  Tang Jinghong said gently, "Don't call me benefactor, if you don't mind, just call me big brother."

   Calling Big Brother is obviously more cordial, Wang Ximing chose the title "Big Brother" without hesitation, "Yes, Big Brother."

  Tang Jinghong smiled slightly, "Since we are brothers, let's sit down."

  Wang Ximing sat down happily.

  Tang Jinghong said straight to the point, "Xi Ming, I came to see you mainly to ask why you were put in a water prison?"

   Mentioning this, the smile on Wang Ximing's face immediately dissipated, and he slowly tightened his fists. Instead of answering Tang Jinghong's question, he asked, "Brother, what is your current military position?"

   Tang Jinghong was full of doubts, "Why do you ask this?"

  Wang Ximing's expression was extremely serious, with a hint of fear mixed in, "Brother, if your military rank is not high enough, let me tell you, I will send you to a dead end, and I don't want to."

  Tang Jinghong analyzed in his heart for a moment, then said, "General Zhen Guo!"

  Wang Ximing was stunned, then knelt down on one knee, the worship in his heart was like a surging river, magnificent and endless, and said excitedly, "Brother, you are really amazing."

  Tang Jinghong helped him up, "Can you tell me now?"

  Nodding his head, Wang Ximing's voice trembled, "The king of Beijiang is not the king of Beijiang."

   "What do you mean?" Tang Jinghong's heart was filled with turmoil, and his face changed, "Now this king of Northern Xinjiang is pretending to be?"

  Wang Ximing nodded, "Yes."

  This trip to northern Xinjiang has really yielded a lot. Tang Jinghong feels that he is now pessimistic about the ups and downs of the rock, "How do you know?"

  Wang Ximing told another huge secret, "I am the one who changed his face!"

  Tang Jinghong couldn't help tearing a crack in his stable mentality, he couldn't believe it, "What's going on?"

  Wang Ximing fell into memories, "Brother, I ate your steamed buns that day, and gradually gained strength, so I left and met an old man on the way."

  "He is carrying a broken pannier, and he is also in tatters. He looks like an old beggar, but he is very rich."

  “When I met him, he was buying roast chicken. Seeing me staring at him, he tore off the neck of the chicken and gave it to me to eat. Afterwards, I followed him all the time.”

"He told me not to follow. I insisted on following him. After half a month, he suddenly fell ill. I took care of him with the attitude of repaying gratitude. Then he told me that it has been more than ten years, and no one has ever cared about him so much. , he was moved and wanted to accept me as an apprentice, and his special skill is changing faces."

   “Tweaking a person’s face with a few tools and a few materials can turn one face into another entirely, just like you.”

  Wang Ximing looked at Tang Jinghong's face carefully, and was amazed in his heart, "But my skills are not as good as yours. Your face has no flaws. My skills have flaws. As long as my skills are higher than mine, you can tell."

   "Master didn't expect me to have such a high talent here, and I was directly better than Lan. Later, my reputation gradually spread, and I even won the title of "ghost face"."

   "It is precisely because of this name that the fake king of Northern Xinjiang approached me three years ago and made me change my face."

   "Brother, if you don't change, you will die. I have no choice but to help him change, but I left myself a way out."

  Wang Ximing said with lingering fear, "I know that once the face change is successful, it will be my death, so I told him that if he kills me, the people I planted in the Northern Xinjiang Palace will tell the secret to the whole world."

   "The fake king of Northern Xinjiang didn't dare to gamble, so he tied me up and immersed me in a water prison."

   After listening to the whole story, Tang Jinghong has calmed down, but he still finds it ridiculous, "What is the identity of this fake king of Northern Xinjiang?"

  Wang Ximing shook his head, "I don't know, I only know that he is very young, about the same age as you, very noble, like a prince in the palace."


   Tang Jinghong had no idea for a while, "Where is the real king of Northern Xinjiang?"

  Wang Ximing shook his head.

  Tang Jinghong asked again, "Who else knows that the King of Northern Xinjiang is fake?"

  Wang Ximing shook his head again.

  Tang Jinghong tapped his finger on the edge of the table lightly, "Xi Ming, take care of your wounds. After you can leave, change your face and leave Beijiang."

  Wang Ximing knelt down again, "Brother, I want to follow you, but I don't want to leave. I've been looking for you for so many years, and I won't leave."

  Tang Jinghong said, "I didn't drive you away, but let you go to the capital, where there are my people."

   "That's it..." Wang Ximing heaved a sigh of relief, "As long as you don't drive me away, I will listen to my elder brother in everything."

  Tang Jinghong said casually, "I came here this time to find the person who improved the crossbow. Do you have any clues?"

  Wang Ximing said unexpectedly, "Brother, I really have a clue."

   Tang Jinghong was surprised.

  Wang Ximing said in a low voice, "Brother, I once heard the sound of blacksmithing near Tianxue Mountain. You should look around there."

   "Strike the iron?" Tang Jinghong thought. There are barren hills near Tianxue Mountain, and there are no people, even the villages. How could it be possible to strike the iron? "Are you sure it is the sound of the iron?"

  Wang Ximing said categorically, "Definitely."

  Tang Jinghong thought to himself, discuss it with Qing Zhi later, and go to Tianxue Mountain to have a look.

  (end of this chapter)

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