Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 226: 226. The Waves Are Flying

  Chapter 226 226. The waves are flying

  In the inn, an ordinary little girl walked up and down the room, clasped her hands, faintly anxious.

   "It's almost noon, why haven't you come to pick me up, have you abandoned me?"

   "Hero Xiaoqing, big brother, come quickly!"

"I am so hungry!"

  Wu Yaqing slumped her shoulders and sat on the edge of the bed with a look of lovelessness.

  Suddenly, footsteps came from the corridor...

  Wu Yaqing came back to life on the spot, "Teng" stood up, and walked towards the door, "Is it Xiao Qing who came?"

   There was a knock on the door, followed by a man's voice, "Is this Miss Wu?"

  Wu Yaqing saw that it was a stranger's voice, so she didn't answer, and she was faintly vigilant.

  The man said again, "I am sent by the hero Xiaoqing. He asked me to deliver a letter to you. Can you open the door? I will bring you the letter."

  Wu Yaqing heard the other party mentioned Hero Xiao Qing, so she believed it, opened the door a small gap, took the letter, and asked by the way, "Why doesn't Hero Xiao Qing come by himself?"

  The man said, "They still have a lot of things to do, and they will come to you after they say they are done."

  Wu Yaqing asked eagerly, "How long will it take to pick me up?"

  The man said, "I don't know, the letter has been delivered, I'm leaving." After speaking, he disappeared in a flash.

  Wu Yaqing blinked her eyes, couldn't help admiring, as expected, birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, and the friend of Xiaoqing Daxia is also a master.

  She closed the door, and hurriedly took out the letter to read.

   "Yaqing, we have a lot of things to do recently, and we can't take care of you for the time being. You take care of yourself and come to see you when we are done, Xiaoqing."

  Wu Yaqing looked at the beautiful block letters on the paper, her eyes rounded, and she couldn't help but praise, "The writing is so beautiful."

   "Since you won't be here for a while, I'll go eat."

  My stomach started growling again, Wu Yaqing rubbed it, opened the door and went out.

  As soon as she went out, she saw two familiar faces, she panicked, and immediately closed the door again, her heart pounding in fright, "How did you find this place?"

"How to do how to do?"

  Wu Yaqing immediately panicked.

  After trembling for a while, she suddenly remembered that she had changed her appearance now, and it was the one given to her by Xiao Qing, so she would definitely not be discovered.

  Instead of hiding like this tremblingly, it’s better to take a gamble. If you lose the bet, it’s a big deal to find a way to get out again. But if you win the bet, the whole northern Xinjiang will be her world...

  Wu Yaqing's eyes were bright, she opened the door, suppressing her panic, and calmly waited for two familiar faces to come over.

   As a result, the two disguised guards walked past Wu Yaqing without even looking at her.

  Seeing this, Wu Yaqing was overjoyed, she really couldn't recognize her, really couldn't recognize her! !

  Haha, here I come to Beijiang!

  Wu Yaqing was elated, like a fish entering the water, walked out of the inn openly, and set off for Hongding Restaurant, having a full meal first.

   In the next period of time, Wu Ya Qinglang will fly.

  Chu Qingzhi's technique has the effect of making people ignore them actively, and no one will take a second look at her plain face.


   Residential houses.

  Li Yuanshao came out of the room. The handsome and noble son had a rest all night, and his face looked better, "Are you leaving?"

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "I am saying goodbye to the Seventh Prince."

  Li Yuanshao was silent for a moment, "Will you guys come back?"

   Tang Jinghong said, "We don't plan to come back, Seventh Prince, thank you for your help these few days."

   "It doesn't matter." Li Yuanshao coughed and said, "Two heroes, let me waste a little time for you. Is there something I want to discuss with you?"

   "Seventh Prince, please speak." Tang Jinghong secretly said, Li Yuanshao was very patient, and he didn't speak until they were about to leave.

Li Yuanshao said earnestly, "You two heroes, you have all seen the current situation in northern Xinjiang. The officials only know how to search for the people's fat and anointment, seek pleasure, and don't care about the people at all. It is a time when we need the help of talented people like you, Xiao Wang is not talented, I hope the two heroes can stay in northern Xinjiang."

  Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi looked at each other, and they really planned to recruit them. The seventh son of the king of Northern Xinjiang might not be as sick and delicate as he looked, with his ambition hidden in his stomach.

   If they were really rangers, they could stay. After all, northern Xinjiang is really chaotic now, but they are not.

  Tang Jinghong politely declined, "Our senior brothers like to travel in the mountains and rivers, and don't like to be restrained. The Seventh Prince's responsibility, forgive us for being powerless and unable to do it."

   Li Yuanshao was very disappointed, it was rare to meet such a talented person who hated evil and had both abilities.

   "Beijiang really needs people like you now. As long as the two agree, Xiao Wang will do everything possible to meet your requirements."

   Tang Jinghong suddenly had an idea that the northern border was indeed in chaos, and the king of the northern border was still pretending. If Li Yuanshao could replace the king of the northern border, then the king of the northern border could rest, which would be a good choice.

   But before that, we have to look at Li Yuanshao's ability and his heart for Daling, so as not to support a second ambitious king of Northern Xinjiang.

   "The seventh prince has no power or power, do you think you can change Northern Xinjiang?"

  Li Yuanshao saw that Tang Jinghong was relieved, and he was overjoyed, "It's man-made, you can't stop doing things just because things are difficult, and if more people like you help, the difficulties will be correspondingly much smaller, and it may not be impossible to achieve."

  Tang Jinghong admired Li Yuanshao's enthusiasm. If he was as he said in his heart, he would be a good vassal king. "Does the Seventh Prince know how powerful the King of Northern Xinjiang is?"

Li Yuanshao said word by word, "I know, my father has one hundred thousand elite soldiers, fifty thousand fat and strong horses, and crossbowmen, dark guards, and countless killers. It can be called a mountain, which is difficult to shake. How afraid."

   Tang Jinghong hesitated, "Then you..."

  The other party is so smart, as soon as he opened his mouth, he probably guessed his intentions. Li Yuanshao simply opened the skylight and said, "I'm not afraid of revealing my thoughts..."

  He paused, "I want the seat of King of Northern Xinjiang."

"Nowadays, no matter whether it is a military position or an official position, all can be bought with money. Corruption has formed from top to bottom. Taxes and corvees are overwhelmed. How many of those ordinary people sell their children and daughters every day? How many beggars are there on the street? How many are there?"

   "I want this position, not for this title, but simply to let the people live a stable life and make northern Xinjiang prosperous."

  Chu Qingzhi raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect the king of Beijiang to give birth to such a good son.

  Tang Jinghong looked at Li Yuanshao. The Seventh Prince had never had a sense of presence in northern Xinjiang. He was either ill or on the way to his illness. It was a surprise that he had such a grand idea in his heart.

  (end of this chapter)

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