Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 228: 228. Annihilated

  Chapter 228 228. Annihilation of the whole army

  Voices came from all directions, "Open the box!"

  Shi Zonghao looked around, took two steps back, and opened the box.

  The stacks of banknotes in the box can easily arouse people's greed. People with low concentration may be corrupted by this box of banknotes immediately.

  Shi Zonghao raised his voice, "It's a lot of money, please return the prince to us."

  There are no snakes on the tree today, and there are no animals of any kind. There is only the lonely Li Yuanan, who looks like a rag kite hanging on the tree, not to mention how pitiful it is.

  Chu Qingzhi shrouded her mind, checked the banknotes in the box, they were all real, and said, "Just go and get it."

  Shi Zonghao immediately waved to the people behind him, "Go and take down the prince."

   "Yes, my lord." Both subordinates had martial arts, flew up the tree, and rescued Li Yuanan. Inexplicably, they felt that their eldest son had lost a lot of weight.

  The two supported Li Yuanan and fell behind Shi Zonghao.

  Shi Zonghao looked around vigilantly, fearing that the two of them would backfire, and said, "You guys help the prince and go first."

   "Yes." The two hurried away with Li Yuanan supported, their hasty attitude was like a dog chasing after them.

  Shi Zonghao cupped his hands, "You two heroes, we have delivered the money, and I will leave later."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Please go ahead."

  Shi Zonghao turned around and ran away with his men.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghongfei landed on the side of the box, looking at the bank notes more attractively.

  Chu Qingzhi asked in a joking tone, "Jing Hong, do you feel tempted when you see so much money?"

   "The heart is moved, but it will be restrained." With so much money, ordinary people can't help but be moved, but what they see is the action after the heart is moved.

  Chu Qingzhi patted the edge of the box, "It's full of people's fat and people's ointment, are you going to dispose of this money?"

  Tang Jinghong took out one hundred thousand taels of silver notes from it and handed them to Chu Qingzhi, "These are for you, and the rest I plan to use to help the suffering people in northern Xinjiang."

  Chu Qingzhi took the bank note. She is not doing charity work, so she has to get some money no matter what. "In addition to this money, there is also the gold in Wan Zhilin's room."

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "Yes, but don't worry, we'll help the people after we've dealt with the matter in northern Xinjiang, otherwise we'll hurt them instead."

  Chu Qingzhi agreed, "It makes sense."

  A touch of black flashed into Chu Qingzhi's eyes, she grabbed Tang Jinghong's hand, feeling annoyed, "Poisoned!"

  Tang Jinghong's fingers were black, and the toxin spread quickly. In just a moment, his hands were black, as if they had been smeared with ink.

  Chu Qingzhi hurriedly held Tang Jinghong's hand, and used spiritual power to help him detoxify. After the spiritual power nourished his hands, Tang Jinghong recovered.

  Tang Jinghong was extremely complicated in his heart. If it wasn't for Qing Zhi, he would have died again this time.

   It was agreed that he would protect Qing Zhi, but in the end it was Qing Zhi who was protecting him, and he felt that he was so useless.

   "All the people who came here today never returned!"

  Chu Qingzhi was very angry. She flew up to the branch, took out the jade flute, and at the same time manipulated her spiritual power to fly out and imprison Shi Zonghao and others in place.

  Shi Zonghao brought more than 500 people over. At this time, they were all lying in ambush at a position of more than 200 meters near the dead tree, waiting for the two to be poisoned, and then they would be killed with one blow.

  However, a gust of wind blew by, and all of a sudden, they found themselves unable to move, as if an invisible force was acting on them.

  Everyone panicked instantly, "What happened, why can't I move?"

  Shi Zonghao was walking, but also found that he couldn't move, his face changed wildly, and his heart was filled with fear, "What's going on!"

  The pair of brothers and sisters are very evil, and possess unique skills. It is said that they came from a hermit family, and these have been spread throughout northern Xinjiang.

   At first, I still didn't believe it, but looking at it now, it's too terrifying, to be able to use the hold spell through the air.

   Just as the killers were panicking, the sound of the melody came, accompanied by rippling white light, hitting them.

  Everyone felt as if a heavy boulder had slammed into them, their chests hurt sharply, and blood spilled from the corners of their mouths.

  After several impacts, this ray of light became the last color in their eyes.

  Chu Qingzhi did not kill Li Yuanan. Tang Jinghong said that Li Yuanan should die on Xingtai, she supported it, but all the people brought by Shi Zonghao died, including Shi Zonghao.

  The top ten subordinates of the King of Northern Xinjiang have now become the nine subordinates.

  Chuqing Zhifei fell to the ground, took out the poisonous snake sac she collected from the water dungeon, crushed it with spiritual power, sprinkled it into the box, and detoxified the poison.

   "I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon." Chu Qingzhi said with a sigh.

"If you say that the people in northern Xinjiang are really insidious, they actually put poison on the bank notes. No one would touch them when they saw so many bank notes. If she was a mortal, she and Jing Hong would probably be two by now. The corpse is too insidious."

   You have to be more careful.


   "Jing Hong, I understand what you mean, between us, whoever saves the other is the same, there is no need to distinguish so clearly." Jing Hong's self-esteem may have been hit a bit, so please comfort him.

   "Hmm." Tang Jinghong didn't know what to say, and said silently in his heart that he would definitely treat Qing Zhi even better in the future.


  Tang Jinghong moved the box into the cave, Chu Qingzhi used illusion to hide it, and Xiong stayed here to watch, there were many wolves around, so everything was safe.

   "Jing Hong, let's go."

   "Okay." Tang Jinghong held Chu Qingzhi's hand and left from another direction.


  The person in charge of meeting Shi Zonghao waited and waited until no one came out, so he sent a few people into the forest to check.

   Not coming out for so long, could it be that he died with that brother?

   What I saw was corpses all over the ground, and all of them were full of fear, and their eyes looked very piercing.

   "What the **** did they go through? Could it be a ghost?"

   "What the hell? It was the pair of senior brothers who killed them. The people of the Hermit Family are really not easy to mess with. They were wiped out without a sound."

   "Yeah, we only heard the sound of the song outside, and didn't hear any fights."


   "Isn't that the stunt of the pair of seniors?"

  Everyone shook their bodies, looked left and right, and then left the forest quickly.

  They didn't even touch the hair of that senior brother, and the other party has killed more than a thousand of them, it's too terrifying.

  The person in charge of responding was Tang Jianying. She was in charge of the bows and crossbows in Northern Xinjiang.

  Shi Zonghao was on his way to explore the road, and the two of them made an appointment to use fireworks as a signal. As soon as Tang Jianying saw the fireworks, he would bring reinforcements. In the end, nothing came, only the news of Shi Zonghao's death.

  Tang Jianying is a 30-year-old woman with a very sharp appearance, "Where is your son?"

  The men replied, "We didn't see the prince!"

   "Go back and find me a prince. In life, I want to see people, and in death, I want to see corpses!"


   "No need, I'm coming out." Li Yuan'an rushed out from the woods, stumbling and embarrassed.

  Tang Jianying hurried up to greet her, "My lord!"

   "Hurry up and go home, this son is starving to death!" Li Yuan'an hadn't eaten for two days, and was dizzy and dizzy from hunger, his eyes were black.

   "Yes." The others died, and the eldest son came back, and there was an explanation. Tang Jianying ordered to go back to the house immediately.

  (end of this chapter)

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