Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 237: 237. Misunderstood Again

  Chapter 237 237. Misunderstood again

   Residential houses.

  As soon as Li Yuanshao heard that Yang Jingwen had failed in the assassination, he quickly helped them secretly and took them all to that secret private house.

  Yang Jingwen was seriously injured, but none of them hurt her vitals, so she was not fatal.

  Looking at the pale woman on the bed, Li Yuanshao felt a little complicated in his heart. He was still alive and kicking when we parted, but he was dying when we saw each other again, and all this was for him.

  Yang Jingwen's long eyelashes trembled, she opened her eyes, looked at the worried Li Yuanshao, and said, "Seeing you worry about me, it's worth the pain."

   Li Yuanshao seemed to have been hit by something in his heart, and blurted out: "You are lucky this time, you are only injured, what if you don't escape and die?"

  Yang Jingwen pursed her pale lips, and said openly: "Anyway, you saved this life, so let's treat it as returning it to you."

   It is rare to meet a person who is sincerely good to me, but always hovering on the edge of life and death, Li Yuanshao closed his eyes, "I will not allow you to die."

   "Then I won't die..." Yang Jingwen stretched out her hand to hold Li Yuanshao's hand, and looked over at the same time. His hand was white and thin, and the skin was very thin, and the veins under the skin could be seen.

   Li Yuanshao was embarrassed and wanted to withdraw his hand, but Yang Jingwen held it tightly and did not withdraw it, "Then get well soon."

  Yang Jingwen smiled softly, "Don't worry Yuan Shao, I have a strong recovery ability, and I will be fine in a few days."

  Hearing the other party call his name, Li Yuanshao's heart skipped a beat, and he looked away slightly, "That's good."

Yang Jingwen looked at Li Yuanshao, the other party's handsome and delicate face, sickly and noble temperament, could arouse her desire to protect, "Yuan Shao, for the sake of my serious injury, can you kiss me?" ?”

  Li Yuanshao blushed immediately, his pale face was dyed red, making one couldn't help but want to kiss Fangze, "You are a girl, how can you..."

  Yang Jingwen saw that Li Yuanshao didn't reject her, so she simply pressed Li Yuanshao's hand down and pressed it to her lips.

  The process is not important, but the result is more important.

  Li Yuanshao's eyes widened and his body froze, too, too presumptuous, "..."

   After a while, he came back to his senses, and hurriedly backed away, "You, you..."

  Yang Jingwen looked at Li Yuanshao who was blushing in embarrassment, and wanted to tease him, "Yuan Shao, I can't repay you, I can only promise you with my body, you can..."

   Li Yuanshao directly covered Yang Jingwen's mouth, "Stop talking, I'll come see you in a few days." After speaking, he hurried away.

   After all, Li Yuanshao is only seventeen or eighteen years old, and has never been in contact with the relationship between men and women. Now Yang Jingwen is chasing and attacking him, breaking his heart, but also making him startled.

  Cong Chusheng came out of the room and was surprised to see Li Yuanshao's embarrassed look, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

   Speaking from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Yang Jingwen's room, and understood, the master must have been molested again.

  Seeing Cong Chusheng's clear face, Li Yuanshao became even more embarrassed, "Hurry up and treat their injuries. I feel a little uncomfortable, so I'm going back to my room."

  Cong Chusheng blinked, the master looks like a good woman after being molested, haha!


  Sky Snow Mountain.

   After eating, Chu Qingzhi sat next to Tang Jinghong and leaned against him to rest.

  She was eating dried meat as a snack in her hand, and it was quite delicious.

   Picked up a piece of dried meat, ate half of it, and fed the other half to Tang Jinghong, "Brother, you should try it too."

  Tang Jinghong lowered his head and ate the jerky, "It's delicious."

   Little did they know that Gong Wentang next to him was stunned by this scene. This, this..., how could they do this?

  The two men are tired of being together. Although it looks like that, he still can't accept it.

  Anyway, this scene challenged his three views too much!

   "May I ask, how long have you been together?"

  Tang Jinghong didn't want to answer his question, Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "It's been half a year, why are you asking this?"

   "Just curious, you said two men..." In the middle of speaking, Gong Wentang couldn't continue.

  Chu Qingzhi made a serious face on purpose, "Do you look down on us? Do you think we have challenged human ethics? Do you think we are too unethical?"

  Gong Wentang wanted to nod, but looking at the fierce Chu Qingzhi, he couldn't nod, "I, I..."

  Chu Qingzhi interrupted him, "Okay, you don't need to say anything, no matter how much you say, we won't change it, so save your saliva."

The first time she knew that men and men can be together, her three views were also shocked, but then she saw two handsome men together, so seductive and beautiful, her heart changed instantly, as if they should be together , no one is more suitable than them, and then she becomes a rotten girl.

  Gong Wentang: "..."

   Tang Jinghong remained silent, since it wasn't true anyway.

  Chu Qingzhi then gave Gong Wentang a fatal blow, "Boy, does anyone like you?"

   His heart was stabbed hard, Gong Wentang turned in a different direction, not wanting to face Chu Qingzhi, it was too shocking.

  Chu Qingzhi made a victory gesture, complete victory!

  Tang Jinghong bowed his head, and whispered to Chu Qingzhi softly: "Sleep for a while."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."


  Gong Wentang suddenly stood up, "Look, why are there so many people over there?"

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong got up and looked.

  Tang Jinghong narrowed his eyes, and a cold and sharp light appeared in his eyes, "Wan Zhilin!"

  Chu Qingzhi said: "It's him."

  Gong Wentang turned his head to look at the two of them, swallowed, and said slowly, "Looking for you?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes, be careful when you fight."

   "No, how did you offend the king of Northern Xinjiang?" Gong Wentang said here, something caught up in his mind, and he was shocked: "You, are you that pair of brothers?"

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at Gong Wentang, "Your reaction is a bit slow."

  Gong Wentang, "..."

  Wan Zhilin led a group of men in black to surround Tianxue Mountain.

  In the middle of the afternoon, it is the time of the day when the clouds and fog clear on the top of Tianxue Mountain. At this moment, everyone can see each other up and down the mountain.

  Wan Zhilin was slightly puzzled when he saw three people on the top of the mountain, aren't they two brothers?

  The old man who followed him was also very puzzled. When they left, there were only two of them. Could it be that another one came?

   If the person who comes to **** the snow lotus, can that kid tolerate it?

  The others looked at each other. Could it be that there are not only two seniors, but three?

  Everyone has never met a real senior brother, so the truth can be anything.

  No matter what, Wan Zhilin finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the three people on the top of the mountain, and secretly swore that he would catch all three of them.

  Wan Zhilin looked at the three people on the top of the mountain with the eyes of a turtle in a jar, "Are you arrested without a fight, or after you are beaten up?"

  (end of this chapter)

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