Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 264: 264. Two Armies Confronting

  Chapter 264 264. Two armies against each other

   At this moment, the sound of marching was heard in the distance. Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong looked at each other and flew out of the barracks.

  The soldiers immediately went to inform the other generals, and the atmosphere in the barracks became even more tense in an instant, just like the bowstring when Tang Jinghong was shooting arrows just now, all the soldiers' hearts tightened.

  In the distance, a long dragon composed of flames slowly approached, and then settled down on the south side of Maiji Mountain.

  Fang Yuchen's barracks is on the north side. The terrain in the north is higher, and behind it is a dense forest. Once they enter the forest, the soldiers of the King of Northern Xinjiang will be helpless.

  There are hills behind the south. If you want to escape, you need to climb over the hills. Once you are surrounded, you will be like a turtle in a urn.

   To the east is a river, which is not suitable for garrisoning troops.

  The west side is woodland, but it is swampy and dangerous, and it is not suitable for garrisoning troops.

   In addition, there is no terrain in northern Xinjiang that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, so Maiji Mountain is the only place suitable for the two armies to fight.

  Originally the north of Maiji Mountain was a place that the King of Northern Xinjiang valued, but it was occupied by Tang Jinghong and the others, so he had to garrison in the south.

  The beginning was a little helpless and humble.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the Beijiang military camp in the distance, their faces sank.

  The king of northern Xinjiang led his troops, and the war was not far away.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Jinghong, her eyes could not hide her worry, "Will you go to the battlefield in person?"

   "No." Tang Jinghong stood up straight with his hands behind his hands, powerful, steady and confident, "I have discussed the battle plan with General Fang and the others, and I don't even need to make a move."

  Chu Qingzhi felt slightly relieved, "I see."

  Tang Jinghong comforted, "Don't worry, we will return to the capital in three days."

  Chu Qingzhi turned to look at Tang Jinghong, "Don't worry about everything here?"

  Tang Jinghong seemed to start to glow again, "I have already arranged everything. This war is my last thing."

  Chu Qingzhi remembered that Tang Jinghong had been writing letters there before, letter after letter, at least 20 or 30 letters, and it turned out that they were all arranging follow-up. This is the so-called one step, is it ten steps?

  Suddenly felt that Jing Hong was more powerful than she imagined.


  Northern Xinjiang Barracks.

   It was already late at night when the entire barracks settled down.

  The fake king of Northern Xinjiang stood in front of the tent and looked at Fang Yuchen's barracks, with hatred in his eyes. Tang Jinghong, Fang Yuchen, I am at odds with you!

  Tang Jianying came over, stopped behind the false king of Northern Xinjiang, and said respectfully, "My lord, everything has been arranged."

  The fake Northern Xinjiang King narrowed his eyes, "Okay, go down and rest."

  Tang Jianying cupped her hands, "Yes, my lord."

The bright moonlight illuminated the barracks on both sides extremely brightly. The white tents looked like giant mushrooms growing in the mountains, which looked quite spectacular, but the two mushrooms were fighting each other, and the atmosphere in the whole mountain was particularly tense. Lian Shanfeng exaggerated the feeling of tension.


  The war came quickly, and there was almost no time for people to breathe. The two sides were bounded by a small stream, Chen Bing on both sides.

  The soldiers of Fang Yuchen's barracks were dressed in red soldier uniforms, looking enthusiastic and prosperous, like the rising sun.

  The soldiers of the northern Xinjiang military camp were dressed in dark blue soldier uniforms. They looked cold and unkind, like blades.

   Tens of thousands of soldiers stood there neatly, like two giant beasts hating each other, ready to show off.

  A chariot slowly drove out from the rear of the two armies, and the top generals of both sides stood on the chariots pulled by two horses...

  The fake king of Northern Xinjiang looked at Fang Yuchen, and taunted him, "Where's Tang Jinghong, that shrunken turtle?"

  Fang Yuchen's loud voice replied in a more mocking tone, "To deal with you, we don't need to ask General Tang to come forward, we can press you to death!"

  The face of the false king of Northern Xinjiang sank, "You want to kill this king just because you speak lies?"

  Fang Yuchen smiled. The burly man looked very bold with a smile. If it weren't for the many soldiers around him, he would have looked like an old friend meeting, "Why don't you try?"

   As he spoke and waved his hands, the two were escorted onto the platform in front of the chariot by the soldiers.

   "King of Northern Xinjiang, do you recognize them?"

   Tang Jinghong handed these two people over to him last night, and he also talked about the fake king of Northern Xinjiang. He was in disbelief. He didn't expect that not only the sky had changed in Northern Xinjiang, but even the king of Northern Xinjiang was a fake, which made people creepy.

  These two people are Qin Fengnian and Qin Yajun. They looked at the fake Northern Border King and shook their heads.

  The false king of Northern Xinjiang looked at the two, his face was gloomy and ugly, and he felt very sorry. From the previous royal family to his generation, there were only three brothers and sisters left. Now the younger brother and younger sister have fallen into the hands of the enemy...

  Fang Yuchen looked happily at the face change of the fake northern border king, "If you surrender, I don't have to kill them, but treat you as a surrendered army, but if you insist on going your own way, then they can only be used by me to sacrifice the flag!"

  Qin Yajun shouted hoarsely, "Don't save us, we'd rather die!"

  Qin Fengnian didn't speak, but his silence also explained his choice.

  Fang Yuchen drew out his saber, put it on Qin Fengnian's neck, and said in a somewhat oppressive voice, "My lord, I will count to three, please make a choice!"

   These two men were also involved in the rebels' plan. They deserved to die, and if they were killed, they would be killed.

  The fake king of Northern Xinjiang stared straight at the two of them, his eyes slowly turned red, angry and forbearing, he had never faced such a choice, it was too difficult, too difficult...



  Fang Yuchen began to count, and every sound he made was like a huge boulder hitting the heart of the fake Northern Xinjiang king hard, making him **** and battered, and his heart ached unceasingly.

  He has been planning in northern Xinjiang for seven years, and he is not reconciled, not at all.

  He can't say the words to surrender!


  Fang Yuchen sneered, the power really blinds people's eyes, even the blood relatives are ignored, "King of Northern Xinjiang, the taste of doves occupying the magpie's nest is very good, isn't it? Otherwise, why are you not willing to give up?"

  The fake northern Xinjiang king thumped in his heart, his eyes shot a cold light, "If you want to kill, kill, what nonsense?"

  If it weren’t for the fact that the fake Northern Border King was surrounded by many experts, he really wanted to show his true face to the soldiers of the three armies, to see who would listen to him!

  In order to prevent people from uncovering their masks, the fake king of Northern Xinjiang, especially Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi, had already set up three layers of masters around him, so they couldn't get close for a while.

  Wait for them to take off the mask of the fake northern border king, the war might be over.

   "You asked me to kill, then I will kill!" Fang Yuchen raised his knife and waved lightly, and Qin Fengnian's neck had a long bloodshot, slowly oozing blood, and fell to the ground dead.

   Then came Qin Yajun.

   After killing the siblings, Fang Yuchen swung his knife and ordered, "Kill!"

  The fake king of Northern Xinjiang saw this scene, looked at his brother and sister who fell to the ground, his eyes turned red, hatred was everywhere in his heart, and he shouted, "Kill!"

  (end of this chapter)

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