Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 271: 271. The eagle delivers the letter

  Chapter 271 271. The eagle delivers the letter

   After dinner, Chu Qingzhi took Tang Jinghong to Beijiang City to buy gifts.

Wu Yaqing sticks to Chu Qingzhi and follows her all the way, but although this princess is not very reliable, she has a very vicious vision. She only looks at good things, and she knows what gifts to buy when talking about a person's character. It helped Chu Qingzhi a lot.

After buying gifts for everyone, the three of them walked back. Wu Yaqing asked what she had been thinking about for a long time, "Qingzhi, can I stay at your place when I go to the capital?" Afraid that Chu Qingzhi would not agree, she hurriedly said, "I can give money, a lot of it."

  Chu Qingzhi thought of the princess in front of her with a lot of money, so she joked, "Then how much do you plan to give?"

  Wu Yaqing thought for a while, and gestured with a finger, "How about I give your family a hundred taels a day?"

  Seeing that Chu Qingzhi didn't respond, she quickly said, "Two hundred taels? Three hundred taels?"

  Chu Qingzhi was not unresponsive, but was surprised by the appearance of the princess in front of her who spent money like water and had a lot of money.

  Wu Yaqing is really a rich woman, their sorbet only sells more than one hundred taels a day, and this guy only pays one hundred taels for food expenses.

   On the importance of reincarnation!

   "Princess, I can let you live in my house, but my house is in a village. There are no maids, guards, silks and satins. I have to do everything myself."

   "Such as cleaning the house and washing clothes. Sometimes the family is too busy and you have to cook by yourself. Can you bear these hardships?"

  Wu Yaqing said without thinking, "It's okay, you see, I've been living well by myself during this time, without maids and guards, without silks and satins, it doesn't matter."

  Yunhua is a child who was born with a golden key in his mouth. He was pampered and raised by the empress of the country. Can he really endure hardship? Chu Qingzhi expressed some doubts, "Since the princess is fine, then I'm fine, but there are some things that need to be said first."

  Wu Yaqing said positively, "Qing Zhi, tell me."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "When you come to my house, you can't mention your princess's status, you can't be arrogant, and do everything by yourself. You can't wear your princess's accessories and clothes, or you will cause trouble."

   "When you arrive at my house, I will introduce you as my friend in northern Xinjiang. Come to the capital to travel and find relatives, and stay at my house temporarily."

   "For food expenses, I will give you one or two a day, what do you think?"

  She has to take her family's thoughts into consideration. Wu Yaqing lives at home for a long time. If she doesn't give money, what if the family members are dissatisfied? Of course this possibility is very small.

  Secondly, as a princess, Wu Yaqing has self-esteem, and she can live with peace of mind only after receiving money.

  Wu Yaqing readily responded, "No problem, I agree, but is one tael too little?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It's quite a lot, enough for you to eat, drink and have fun."

Wu Yaqing hesitated for a moment, and said honestly, "Why don't you give me ten taels? You know I'm not short of money, and I can't spend it all. As my first friend, I wanted to give you some , let’s spend money together.”

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Princess Yunhua who spent money like water, and thought to herself, could this be the charm of rich girlfriends?

  She didn't want Yunhua's money, but she was curious about how much Yunhua planned to give her, "Princess, you just said that you would give me some money, how much do you plan to give?"

Wu Yaqing held out a finger that looked like a green onion, "One hundred thousand taels, if you think it's too little, I'll give you one million. My private treasury is full of gold, jewelry, jadeite, and stacks of silver bills. I've long wanted to clean up the ashes."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

   Tang Jinghong, who was following beside him, "..."

  Chu Qingzhi felt that it was necessary for her to tell her, "Princess, people's hearts are unpredictable. Don't say the same thing to others in the future, otherwise accidents will easily happen."

  Wu Yaqing nodded, "Qingzhi, I only told you this as my best friend, and I never told anyone except you."

  Chu Qingzhi was secretly relieved, the princess was a bit careless, but she was quite smart, "By the way, princess, I have a lot of people in my family, so maybe two people need to live in one room, do you mind?"

  Wu Yaqing is fine, but a little bit worried, "Are they easy to get along with?"

  Chu Qingzhi said with some thoughts, "Okay, my second sister is gentle, my fourth sister is cautious, and the younger sisters are also good-natured. If you get along with them, you should like them very much."

   "Then there is no problem at all." Wu Yaqing said, "Qingzhi, you don't know that I have lived alone in that cold palace since I was a child, and I have always wanted someone to accompany me."

   This is the distress that the poor cannot understand!

  Chu Qingzhi patted Wu Yaqing's shoulder and said with a smile, "When you come to my house, your wish will come true immediately."

   "Qingzhi, I really want to go to your house quickly." Wu Yaqing was very much looking forward to the new life Chu Qingzhi talked about.

  Chu Qingzhi raised her eyebrows and said, "Let's leave tomorrow."


  Tang Jinghong handed the gifts to the dark guards, five of them, each with a fast horse, left the city early in the morning after eating.

  The horses that Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong rode were from the capital city. Li Yuanshao sent someone to bring them over last night.

  Just out of the city, one person and one rider on the side of the road blocked the way of everyone.

  Ge Lihua walked up to several people and saluted, "General Tang, Miss Chu, I want to travel to the capital, can I go with you?"

   There was a girl in front of him. Tang Jinghong took into account Chu Qingzhi's thoughts, so he didn't make a direct decision. He turned his head and asked Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, what do you think?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded and said with a smile, "Get on the horse, let's go."

   Such a girl is already considered a hero among women, and her personality is not bad, so she should be a friend.

  Ge Lihua cupped his hands, turned on his horse gracefully, "Drive!"

   Six people and six riders rushed towards the capital at full speed.


  Chu Family Village.

  Chu Bamei’s best friend, Chu Hongxiu, pointed at the eagle in the sky, ran over and said excitedly, “Bamei, Bamei, look at the eagle flying here again.”

  Chu Bamei ran out of the house, looked at the eagle in the sky, and then blew into the house like a whirlwind, "Mother, mother, Fifth Sister has written again."

  When Li Qingyu heard this, she hurried out of the house.

  The eagles in the sky hovered for weeks and landed on the fence that surrounded their home.

  Li Qingyu took the letter from the eagle's leg, and then went to the kitchen to bring a basin containing a lot of chicken. She put the basin in front of the eagle, "Eat it, thank you for delivering the letter to us."

  The eagle was not polite, he ate a piece of meat very happily, and it was hard work to fly back from northern Xinjiang.

  You don’t need to ask and you know that Chu Qingzhi sent the letter back. It takes about ten days to send the letter by hand, but the eagle is different. A few days is enough.

  The first time the eagle delivered a letter, no one dared to approach it.

  In everyone’s impression, the eagle is a very ferocious bird. If you peck you, you will definitely bleed.

  Chu Qingning and Chu Qingshuang, who were still careful, saw the letter tied to the eagle's leg, and only then did they know that the eagle was delivering the letter to them.

   Now it's taken for granted.

  (end of this chapter)

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