Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 278: 278, million gold

   Chapter 278 278, million gold

  Zhan Hongjun said earnestly, "Qing Ning, life is so long, there is more than just marrying a wife and having children, there are many other things to do, the worst thing is not to marry, anyway, it will not be a handful of loess in the end."

  Chu Qingning disagreed, "You are too pessimistic."

   "Haha." Zhan Hongjun typed a haha, ending the topic, "Master, what else should we do?"

  Chu Qingzhi is looking at Ganoderma lucidum.

  Originally there were two ganoderma lucidum, and then another one grew out. The first one was the size of a thumb, and the smaller one was only the size of a little finger. They grew very well.

   "Not doing anything."

  Tang Jinghong said, "Hongjun, Lin Jiang, you go back first, I still have something to talk to Qingzhi."


  The two were talking about leaving when they suddenly saw a person running over quickly, so they stopped, planning to see what was going on before leaving.

   "Jinghong, Jinghong..." The visitor called Tang Jinghong's name out of breath, sounding very anxious.

  Tang Jinghong turned around to look, and when he saw Tang Shan, his lips tightened, and he struggled for a long time before he said indifferently, "What's the matter with you?"

   Tang Shan saw that Tang Jinghong's father stopped shouting, and immediately felt uncomfortable, but when he thought of his purpose, he smiled again, "Jinghong, you have been away for so long, why don't you come back to see your father?"

  Everyone: How big is it to say such a thing?

  Tang Jinghong's eyes were cold and indifferent, "Didn't you let me go at the beginning?"

  Tang Shan choked, "If I tell you to go, you go. Why don't you give me money if I ask you?"

  Everyone: Because you are my irresponsible father, you spanked my ass, and I have to put my face in front of you? Is that what you mean?

   "If you can bring my mother back, I will give you as much as you want." Tang Jinghong bit his words hard, with a trace of hatred.

   Tang Shan curled his lips and said, "What can I do if your mother is going to die? I didn't kill her!"

  Tang Jinghong clenched his fists, the veins on his forehead swelled slightly, and his voice suppressed his anger, "Do you dare to say that you didn't kill him?"

  He has already found out what happened when his mother died. Although Tang Shan did not do it, he was the pusher.

  When he served in the military for his father, when the border was fighting, his mother was afraid that he would die on the battlefield, and she was terrified and terrified every day. In the end, she missed him and fell ill in bed.

  This father not only ignored him, but also flirted with Tang Dengping's mother.

  He didn't even know what this stepmother was looking for in Tangshan!

  After Niang found out, her condition worsened overnight, and then she caught cold again due to the change of seasons, and passed away.

  Others told him that when his mother died, she hugged the clothes he had worn tightly in her arms, and tears wet those clothes.

   What's even more exasperating is that his mother died in the middle of the night, only to find out at noon the next day.

   Think about it, what a **** this dad is!

  Tang Shan didn't take it seriously, "I didn't kill you in the first place, and I was worried every day that you would die outside, and she didn't listen to your explanation. Didn't you die in the end?"

  People, "…"

   Not only Tang Jinghong, but their fists were hardened.

  Is this what the father said?

  After going through untold hardships, I came back from a narrow escape, just changed the sentence, didn’t you die?

  Auntie marrying such a man really ruined her life!

  Tang Jinghong clenched his fists and creaked loudly. He really wanted to beat Tang Shan up. His fists tightened and then loosened.

   "You are wrong, your son is dead, I am not your son, don't come to me in the future."

  When Tang Shan heard this, he quit immediately, "What do you mean? Why did you die when you stood in front of me in such a good manner!"

  Tang Jinghong stopped talking to Tang Shan, "Qingzhi, let's go."

  Chu Qingzhi walked over and held Tang Jinghong's hand. Her soft and warm hand made Tang Jinghong's hard fist slowly relax, "Jinghong, I will take you out of the village."

   Tang Jinghong lowered his head and stared at Chu Qingzhi, his eyes gradually softened, "Okay."

   Tang Shan's goal was not achieved, how could he let Tang Jinghong go? He rushed over to stop Tang Jinghong, "Stop! Am I letting you go?"

  Tang Jinghong wrapped his arms around Chu Qingzhi's waist, tapped his toes, and flew away.

  Tangshan, "…"

  He stood there aggrieved and looked at the flying away helplessly, and shouted, "Tang Jinghong, stop for me, I haven't finished my sentence yet."

  He chased after him, but there was no one there.

  The three people who stayed in place looked at each other and couldn't help sighing, such a good brother Tang actually has such an unreasonable father, it really is hard to be perfect in life!


   County seat.

  Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi flew all the way to the county town before landing on the ground.

   The two walked on the street in silence.

  Tang Jinghong suddenly held Chu Qingzhi's hand, and said with a bit of worry, "Qingzhi, he is my biological father, I can't do anything to him, and I may encounter such troubles in the future..."

  Chu Qingzhi understood Tang Jinghong's meaning, "Jinghong, I'm not afraid of trouble, and it's not troublesome at all in my eyes."

   It is easy to solve it, but what Jing Hong said is that Tang Shan is his biological father, so it is impossible for her to attack her boyfriend's father, even if this father is an outrageous jerk!

  Tang Jinghong took a deep breath, and then said with a positive attitude, "Qingzhi, I will try my best to deal with these troubles and not let them bother you."

  Chu Qingzhi turned sideways, hooked Tang Jinghong's neck, and kissed him, "Are you in a better mood?"

   "It's better!" Tang Jinghong's lips curled slightly, he hugged Chu Qingzhi and flew to the inn, then flew into the room through the window, pushed Chu Qingzhi to the wall and kissed her.

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  She was beaten by the wall?

  Actually, she quite despises the overbearing president, but now it's her turn, um, I feel pretty good.

  When the air in the room was tainted with an ambiguous and hot atmosphere, Tang Jinghong let go of Chu Qingzhi, buried his face on Chu Qingzhi's neck, and slowly calmed down the chaotic atmosphere.

  Chu Qingzhi stroked Tang Jinghong like a wounded animal, "Have you recovered?"

   "Recovered, come, I'll show you a surprise." Tang Jinghong pulled Chu Qingzhi to the middle of the room.

  There are many large boxes there, and the big boxes are all locked.

  Tang Jinghong handed a bunch of keys to Chu Qingzhi, "Open it and have a look, there is a surprise."

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at Tang Jinghong suspiciously, Tang Jinghong smiled slightly, and then she went to unlock the lock.

   Tried twice, unlocked the big lock, and Chu Qingzhi opened the box at once.

  Her eyes flashed twice immediately.

   Gold! !

  In the box are gold bars, which are shining with golden light, especially shining.

  Chu Qingzhi laughed, she doesn't value money, but she values ​​Tang Jinghong's care for her, "Jinghong, is this gold brought back from northern Xinjiang?"

  Seeing Chu Qingzhi's smiling face, Tang Jinghong felt completely better, "Well, I asked the dark guard to bring back a million taels of gold, and I will give you all of it."

  (end of this chapter)

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