Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 286: 286. Preparing to buy land

  Chapter 286 286. Prepare to buy land

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, agreeing with Wu Yaqing's words, "Except for money, it is impossible for everyone to like something. If it can be accepted by most people, it is considered good."

  Wu Yaqing sat next to Chu Qingzhi, glanced at the statistics of Bao Linjiang, "Qingzhi, you let the villagers taste the drink just to know everyone's taste?"

   "Yes." Chu Qingzhi said, "Beer is a new thing after all, if it is not accepted by everyone and brewed in large quantities, it will definitely pay for it."

  Wu Yaqing praised, "Qing Zhi, you are so smart."

  Chu Qingzhi accepted the praise frankly, then turned her head and said to the two apprentices, "You go to the village to recruit workers, recruit ten people, and let's try selling three thousand catties first."

  Wu Yaqing worried, "Qingzhi, if you let others brew, what if they learn to run back and brew by themselves?"

  No one can take advantage of her, Chu Qingzhi said, "Don't worry at all, first of all, the contract will be signed, and second, without hops, no matter how much wheat you give them, they won't be able to brew beer."

  Wu Yaqing nodded, "Yes."

  Zhan Hongjun said, "Master, do we all recruit men?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Recruit two girls, between the ages of 20 and 30, if you can't choose someone, go to the village chief, understand what I mean?"

  Women are suitable for fine work, such as weighing wheat, soaking, washing, malting...

  Zhan Hongjun nodded, "Master, I understand."

  The two apprentices actively went to work.

  Chu Qingzhi picked up the bottom white paper and put it on the top, drew the design of the beer workshop, the first step of brewing beer, and prepared the venue.

  Wu Yaqing raised her face and thought for a while, "Qingzhi, where do you plan to build the workshop?"

  Chu Qingzhi stopped writing and thought. Their old house is on the edge of the village, but there are neighbors on the left and right. On the left is Zhou Qingzhong's family, and on the right is Chu Qi's family.

  Chu Qi’s family is the one on the far side, followed by fields. If the beer workshop is built next to the zongzi workshop, it will be built in the vegetable garden behind Chu Qi’s house.

  There is a problem here... There is no place to build the beer workshop, and the zongzi workshop also needs to be expanded, and there is no place.

   If you want to build next to the previous workshop, you need to buy Chu Qi's vegetable garden.

   Will he sell them?

  In addition, from the perspective of long-term development, other workshops will definitely be built in the future, which requires the purchase of fields in the village. This is everyone's favorite treasure, and it is very likely that they will not be sold...

   No, beer workshops can no longer be built in villages.

  Chu Qingzhi put down her pen, got up and left the house. She went to see if there was any suitable place to build a workshop around.

  Wu Yaqing followed behind her, "Qingzhi, where are you going?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Just take a look."

  Wu Yaqing hadn't turned around the village yet, "Qingzhi, I'll go with you."

  Walking around, Chu Qingzhi came to the place where she took the villagers to find the water vein. This is the foot of the mountain, the terrain is flat, there are no tall trees, just some shrubs and grass.

Chu Qingzhi stood by the well and looked around. This site is not bad, it is flat and spacious, it can roughly accommodate dozens of workshops, and they are all unowned mountains. If you buy this piece of mountain to build a workshop ...excellent.

   "Yaqing, what do you think about building a workshop here?"

  Wu Yaqing looked at it for a while before saying pertinently, "This location is good, it won't affect people, and it's spacious. You can build it however you want, and it's not far from the village."

  Chu Qingzhi made a decision, "I'll go to the county seat immediately and buy all of this piece."

  Wu Yaqing said, "Qingzhi, I'll go with you, and by the way, fix the restaurant where we have dinner."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Let's go."

  Chu Qingzhi went home and talked to Li Qingyu, then went to the county with Wu Yaqing.

  The two went straight to the county government...

   Coincidentally, the master came out of the county office.

  Master likes to use a white folding fan to create an elegant image. When he saw Chu Qingzhi, he closed the fan and cupped his hands, "Miss Chu, what are you doing here at the county government office?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I'm here to buy the land."

  Master thought about it for a while. After the villagers have money, they like to buy fields the most. "Do you want to buy a field?"

  In ancient times, fields were better real estate than houses.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "No, I'm buying mountain land, master, can you trouble the master to come over and assign the mountain land to me as soon as possible?"

  The principal is an official in the county who specializes in the management of land sales in the county.

  Master smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem. Miss Chu, please come with me. I will take you to find the master."

   "Will it be too much trouble for the master?" Chu Qingzhi glanced at the master, it seems that the master has something to go out just now, right?

  Master said politely, "No trouble, it will take a while."

  The house where the principal works is the fourth room after entering the county government office and going to the left.

  Master led the two of them into the house, and said, "Master, Miss Chu wants to buy a piece of land, but she is in a hurry, you see?"

  The principal stood up and bowed his hands to the master, "I'll pack up my tools right away and go measure the land."

  Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, there are people who are easy to handle, "Thank you, my lord."

  The principal has a goatee, is tall and thin, and looks in his thirties. He looks very capable. The desk is full of paperwork, and he is very busy at first glance.

   "Girl, you're welcome."

  The principal packed up his tools, like a doctor carrying a medicine box, and went to Chu Family Village with Chu Qingzhi.

  While passing Hongyan Restaurant, Wu Yaqing went to reserve the largest private room, and the time was set for the day after tomorrow.

  Master stood at the gate of the county government office, looking at the backs of several people, a little puzzled, why is Miss Chu buying mountain land?


  Chu Qingzhi came straight to the foot of the mountain with the master in charge, "My lord, what I want is this large mountain."

  The master in charge has dealt with the land all year round, and also knows a little bit of land knowledge.

   This mountainous land looks rather ordinary. It can neither be used as fields nor land, nor is it suitable for planting fruit trees and medicinal materials. It can be said to be very barren. Why buy this land?

   "Miss Chu, are you sure you want these lands?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, and said affirmatively, "My lord, I want this big movie."

  The master did not ask any more questions, and started to measure the land...

   At the same time, Tang Jinghong and his party stopped in front of a small tea stand next to the official road, got off their horses and prepared to eat some dry food, take a rest before leaving.

  Tang Jinghong took the package that Chu Qingzhi had prepared for him, sat on the stool, and opened it with some anticipation...

  Fang Zerong walked over, sat aside, and said with a smile, "General, what kind of treasure is this?"

  Tang Jinghong glanced at Fang Zerong, "It's the dry food that Qingzhi prepared for me."

   "Miss Chu prepared it for you?" Fang Zerong immediately salivated, "General, give me some?"

   Tang Jinghong didn't want to give it, not because he was stingy, but because he wanted to enjoy everything Qing Zhi gave him, "Didn't you bring dry food?"

  Fang Zerong swallowed, he could already smell the aroma, "I brought it, but it's definitely not as delicious as Miss Chu's cooking."

  (end of this chapter)

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