Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 300: 300. Golden Feather Phoenix

   Chapter 300 300. Golden Feather Phoenix

  Li Qingyu said, "Chu Rong, I have discussed with Qing Zhi about the dowry list for Ruyue. You will take Xu Hua to buy the dowry gift tomorrow. You have bought everything."

  Chu Rong nodded, "I know, Ruyue will not be wronged."

   "Our Xuhua took advantage of an outstanding girl like Ruyue willing to marry Xuhua." Li Qingyu likes Shen Ruyue very much. She is smart and capable, not arrogant at all, and treats everyone politely.

  She subconsciously forgot about Shen Ruyue getting angry and cursing in the workshop.

  When Shen Ruyue was doing business, there was no closeness or estrangement, and she had to say everything she had to say, without mercy.

  Chu Rong said, "I think so too. Let's treat Kisaragi better in the future, but we must not beat and scold the daughter-in-law like the neighbor next door, forcing the son and daughter-in-law to reconcile."

   "My daughter-in-law is also half a daughter, so I can't bear it." Li Qingyu never thought of beating and scolding her daughter-in-law, and acting like other mother-in-laws.

   In her heart, it was not easy for her son to marry a wife. The last time Fan Jiayao resigned, it not only hit Chu Xuhua, but also her.

  Chu Rong nodded, "Yes."


  Chu Qingyue came out of Chu Qingzhi's room, saw Ning Yuting sitting in the hall, and hurried over, "Yuting, why haven't you gone to sleep yet?"

  Ning Yuting stood up and handed Chu Qingyue a bottle of medicine, and said with concern, "This is the medicine I asked for from Hongjun, take it to wipe your face."

  If he hadn't taken care of his elders, he would have given Qingyue the medicine himself.

  The marks on Chu Qingyue's face are already very faint, almost invisible, and there is no need to apply medicine.

   Couldn't bear to brush off Ning Yuting's kindness, she happily took the medicine, "Go to sleep, I'll rub it in a while."

   Ning Yuting was a little shy like a kid, "Yes."

  Chu Qingyue watched Ning Yuting off, and after Ning Yuting went downstairs, she leaned on the window to look again, with a smile on her face, it was rare to meet a man who cared about her so much, she would cherish her blessings.


  Ning Yuting returned to the old house briskly. It happened that Chu Xuhua sent someone back, "Brother, I can't sleep, do you want some beer?"

   "Okay." Chu Xujin came out of the room and answered first.

  Li Zhangjie said positively, "I'll get you beers."

  Chu Xuhua found a boxy low table and put it in the yard, and took out some peanuts, walnuts, and red dates, and everyone brought out the stools, and they made a simple round.

  Li Zhangjie poured wine for everyone, "You drink, I will pour it for you."

  Chu Xuhua patted Li Zhangjie on the shoulder, "You sit too, we pour the wine ourselves, and you drink too."

  Li Zhangjie nodded with a smile, "OK."

  The Chu family did not treat him as a servant, and everyone treated him very well.

   And after only three or four months since he came here, he has already saved twenty taels of silver, as well as some valuable gifts.

  Thinking of these, he was extremely grateful for his original decision.

  Chu Xujin swallowed a red date, glanced at the two of them, and asked curiously, "Brother, Brother Yuting, we are getting married, how do you feel?"

  Chu Xuhua and Ning Yuting looked at each other, then smiled, Ning Yuting said, "I'm a little nervous."

  Chu Xujin was puzzled, "Why are you nervous? Shouldn't you be happy?"

  Chu Xuhua drank a bowl of wine boldly, thought it over and said, "I am happy, but I am also nervous."

  Chu Xujin looked curious.

  Chu Xuhua couldn't explain it clearly either, "You'll know what it's like when you get married in the future."

  Ning Yuting poured a new bowl of wine for Chu Xuhua, then picked up the bowl and touched Chu Xuhua, "Brother, drink."

  Chu Xujin looked at Chu Xuhua, then at Ning Yuting, with a puzzled look on his face.

  Chu Xuhua and Ning Yuting seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, you drank one bowl after another, and Chu Xujin and Li Zhangjie became the foil behind.


  Xujia Village.

  In the room, Li Qingyin handed the medicine bowl to Xu Wenlin, and said softly, "Wen Lin, come, drink the medicine."

  Xu Wenlin frowned, finally pinched her nose, and drank the bitter medicine in one gulp, "Mother, this medicine is so bad."

  Li Qingyin tapped Xu Wenlin's forehead lightly, "You still think it's bad, but your fifth cousin found it for you in person. You have to thank her very much in the future."

  Xu Wenlin said seriously, "Mother, I know, my fifth cousin saved my life, and I will always remember her kindness for the rest of my life."

  Li Qingyin smiled slightly, "Good boy."

  Xu Songnian came over, "Mother, sister, the bath water is ready."

  Looking at her sensible son, Li Qingyin felt relieved, "You go wash it first, and I will wash it for your sister later."

   "I'll wash it later." Xu Songnian walked towards Li Qingyin, "Mom, shall we buy ducklings tomorrow?"

  Chu Qingzhi told them that the family needs a lot of salted duck eggs, they can raise ducks to lay eggs, and then salt them into salted duck eggs and sell them to her.

  Now there are no duck eggs, you can buy other people's eggs, when will they be marinated, and when will they be delivered.

  Li Qingyin touched her son's face, "Mother, clean up the pond next to it first, then find someone to build a shed, and then go buy ducklings when you're ready, don't worry."

  Xu Songnian thought for a while, then nodded, "Yes, mother, I will help you."

  Li Qingyin said, "You don't need to help, you and your sister are still going to take care of the zongzi forest. Your fifth cousin said that the zongzi business needs to expand, and there is a great shortage of zongzi leaves."

  Xu Songnian said obediently, "I listen to mother."


  Chu Family Village.

  Chu Qingzhi stood alone by the window, staring at Tianhe Peak in the distance in a daze, the cool night wind gently blew her hair like black ink, and the wind chime made a slight crisp sound, which was very pleasant.

  She misses Tang Jinghong...

   During the day, she was entangled in all kinds of things, and she was busy, but she didn't feel it. Now that she was alone, she couldn't help thinking about it.

   After a while, she raised her finger, and a light condensed on her fingertips, and drew a golden feathered phoenix in the air... That was her mount in the cultivation world, and now in the fairy world.

  She said a word to Jin Yufenghuang, "Jing Hong, what are you doing now?"

   Then with a light wave of his finger, the Golden Feather Phoenix disappeared into the void and flew towards Tang Jinghong.

   After a while, Chu Qingzhi added another sentence, "Jing Hong, you speak directly to the Golden Feather Phoenix, and it will be brought to me."

Tang Jinghong is currently in the study of the General's Mansion, and he has just ordered the secret guards to collect the criminal evidence of Si Yingzong's boss, and to find Si Yingzong's nephew. As soon as he sat down to drink some water, he saw a golden light in the air, and the space was torn apart. A mighty, domineering and beautiful golden-feathered phoenix flew out.

  The Golden Feather Phoenix was the size of an eagle, and he was shocked to see it.

   Before he finished shocking, Jin Yufenghuang uttered another word, "Jing Hong, what are you doing now?"

   "Jing Hong, you speak directly to the Golden Feather Phoenix, and it will be brought to me."

  Hearing this familiar voice, Tang Jinghong's eyes couldn't help but smile. Except for Qing Zhi, who else has such ability.

  (end of this chapter)

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