Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 309: 309. Big Trouble

  Chapter 309 309. Big Trouble

   "Thank you for caring about me so much. I will send you invitations and invite you to my wedding banquet."

  Shen Ruyue smiled, she thought to herself, these people must be jealous of her and hope that she will live a bad life, but she is not as good as they wish, she just wants to live a better life than them all.

  Inviting them to the wedding banquet is to let them see with their own eyes how good she is.

   "Okay, we will definitely come when the time comes." Han Xinyu would feel internally hurt from jealousy, why does Shen Ruyue, a dead girl, have such good luck!

   "Xinyu, I still have a lot of things to do at home, so I'm going back first." Shen Ruyue doesn't want to face these hypocritical faces anymore, so it's better to look at Xu Hua's handsome face more when she has this time, it makes people happy.

  Han Xinyu pressed Shen Ruyue's arm, "Wait a minute, I still have something to tell you."

  Shen Ruyue sat down again, "What are you talking about?"

  Han Xinyu whispered, "Mrs. Shen wants to buy Chu Qingzhi's ice cream workshop and rice dumpling workshop. I want you to go back and deal with them. If they don't sell them, you can give the formula to Madam. She will not treat you badly."

  Shen Ruyue suddenly burst into anger, "Is Mrs. Shen a fool?"

  Han Xinyu said logically, "You were cultivated by her alone. Now that you have found a good family, shouldn't you repay her?"

  Shen Ruyue slapped the table with a slap, she was very angry, "I took the blame for her and almost ruined my life, isn't it enough to pay off?"

  Han Xinyu's eyes were full of jealousy, "But aren't you okay? You still wear gold and silver, and live better than Mrs. Shen."

  Shen Ruyue furiously said, "I live a better life than Mrs. Shen. That's because of my own hard work. I have a half-money relationship with her? You go back and tell her, it's impossible!"

  Han Xinyu persuaded again, "She helped you at the most difficult time in your life, why did you help her?"

  As long as Shen Ruyue really does this, she will inform her, and then try to marry Chu Xuhua and replace him.

  Shen Ruyue took a deep breath, comforted herself secretly, without getting angry, "Han Xinyu, we will break up our relationship in the future!" After she finished speaking decisively, she turned around and left.

  Han Xinyu felt as if a pot of cold water had been poured down, and his heart felt cold from the inside out, "Like the moon, like the moon..."

  Shen Ruyue walked faster and faster, never turning back.

  Han Xinyu stood where he was, cursing Shen Ruyue for a long time in his heart, and finally walked in the opposite direction.


  Shen Ruyue went home angrily all the way. When she got home, she saw Chu Xuhua loading cars and delivering goods at the old house.

  She paused for a moment, then walked towards Chu Xuhua, "Xuhua, come with me."

   "Okay." Chu Xuhua thought that Shen Ruyue had something to do, so he hurriedly followed.

  The room where Chu Qingzhi lived in the old house was transformed into a counting room, and Shen Ruyue worked in it. She took Chu Xuhua into the counting room, closed the door, and hugged Chu Xuhua tightly.

  Chu Xuhua was carrying goods just now, and he was covered in sweat. He said quickly, "Jiyue, I am covered in sweat, which will stain your clothes."

  Shen Ruyue hugged her even tighter, "I don't mind, Xu Hua, let me hug you for a while." She was panicked, and her voice was a little fragile.

  Chu Xuhua finally found out that something was wrong with Shen Ruyue, and quickly asked concerned, "Did something happen?"

  Shen Ruyue hesitated for a while, and told him everything about meeting Han Xinyu in the county just now, "Xuhua, I don't like them, not at all."

  Chu Xuhua said distressedly, "Then don't associate with them anymore, let's make friends again."

  Shen Ruyue nodded, "Yes."

  Chu Xuhua continued to comfort gently, and Shen Ruyue gradually recovered, "Xuhua, I will not betray the Chu family or you, this is my home."

  Hearing this, Chu Xuhua's heartbeat accelerated, and he couldn't help kissing Shen Ruyue's forehead, and hugged the girl in his arms tightly, "I know, I believe in you."

  Shen Ruyue couldn't help being shy. No one has ever kissed her in such a big age.

  She let go of Chu Xuhua, took out her handkerchief, and said with a bit of embarrassment, "I'll wipe your sweat."

  Chu Xuhua smiled and said, "Okay."

  The two of them are tired and crooked.


  Shen Mansion.

  Han Xinyu returned to the Shen residence, and told Madam Shen how Shen Ruyue rejected her, "Shen Ruyue has long forgotten Madam's kindness."

   "This white-eyed wolf." Madam Shen was so angry that she brushed the tea cup to the ground, and the snow-white tea cup fell to pieces.

   That was Mrs. Shen's favorite set of teacups, and she just dropped one, which shows that she was very angry.

  Han Xinyu was a little scared, "Ma'am, what should we do now?"

  Since this is the case, then don’t blame her for doing a great job, Madam Shen smiled darkly, "Go and find shopkeeper Qian and shopkeeper Zhou, I have something to tell them."

  Han Xinyu blessed her body, "Yes, madam."

  Mrs. Shen has a son who is competitive. He passed the Jinshi examination three years ago. He was favored by the Minister of the Ministry of War and recruited as his son-in-law. Now he is working as an official in the capital.

  Treasurer Qian and Shopkeeper Zhou are doing business in the county, and they are most aware of the twists and turns of the relationship between the various families. When Mrs. Shen spoke, they rushed over immediately.

  On the way, the pair of fellow sufferers glanced at each other. As competitors, this was the first time they faced the same pressure together.

  The two of them were quite dumbfounded.

  The journey was not long, and they quickly appeared in front of Mrs. Shen anxiously, "I have met Mrs. Shen."

  Mrs. Shen looked like a lady, except for being a bit old, she was still very attractive in other places. She kindly asked the two shopkeepers to sit down.

  The two shopkeepers sat down slowly, feeling very nervous. Mrs. Shen looked very kind, but the two of them just couldn't rest assured, and always felt that something was going to happen.

   Shopkeeper Zhou said politely, "Madam Shen, please speak up if you have something to say."

  Mrs. Shen looked at the two of them with a smile, "The business of the restaurant in the county seat is the best of both of you, right?"

   Shopkeeper Zhou smiled reluctantly, "Mrs. Shen was joking, the restaurant's business is very average."

  Relying on sorbet and rice dumplings, the two took advantage of their exclusive advantages to turn the restaurant into a special restaurant, and the business was much better than before.

  Mrs. Shen said with a smile, "Don't be joking, people from other places now eat Shopkeeper Zhou at noon and Shopkeeper Qian at night. The restaurant of the two of you is now famous."

  Shuiyun County is a must-pass county for the capital and the other three cities. There are many business travelers passing by every day, and the floating population is at least a thousand people every day, which drives the consumption of Shuiyun County.

   Shopkeeper Zhou and Shopkeeper Qian apologized for laughing, but did not answer.

  Madam Shen scolded the old fox secretly, but her face was still very pleasant, "Now that Shen Ruyue has offended me, and Shen Ruyue is Chu Qingzhi's number one running dog, I don't want to see ice cream and rice dumplings in the county town anymore."

  The smirks on the faces of Shopkeeper Zhou and Shopkeeper Qian froze. What does this mean? Does it mean to let them destroy the Great Wall?

   Shopkeeper Qian suppressed his dissatisfaction, "Mrs. Shen..."

  (end of this chapter)

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