Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 313: 313. Go to Baihua Building

   Chapter 313 313. Go to Baihualou

  The General's Mansion in Beijing.

  In the study, Tang Jinghong finished handling the political affairs and sat on the back of the chair. His slender fingers gently moved his legs, as if thinking.

  He not only investigated Shen's family background, but also investigated the things Mrs. Shen did.

  Relying on her son, Mrs. Shen often bullies people she doesn't like. Many people in the county dare not speak out against her, but now they are bullying Qing Zhi. Very good...

  Mrs. Shen's son is working in the Ministry of War. It just so happens that the emperor feels that the Ministry of War is a bit dereliction of duty and perverting the law. It's better to take this matter over and clean up the Ministry of War.

  He thought for a while, took a pen and wrote the memorial, and asked the emperor to hand over the matter of the Minister of War's imprisonment to him.

   A few days ago, the matter of the Ministry of War's sale and purchase of official positions was exposed, and the Shangshu of the Ministry of War was thrown into prison by the emperor, and is now awaiting trial.

  The Minister of the Ministry of War belongs to the prime minister's faction, and no one in the court dares to take over this matter, and it is still arguing endlessly.



  In the room, Zhang Ziyang slapped Xueying on the face. Xueying's snow-white and beautiful face immediately had five finger prints, and she burst into tears.

   "Trash, you can't do this little thing well, what use are you for?"

  Zhang Ziyang was so angry that he happily came to hear the good news, but this **** actually told him that he had failed, and let people know that he sent people there.

   "Master, that family is not simple, you should stop as soon as possible." Xueying rubbed her stomach, if it wasn't for the sake of the child, she would not have said this.

  She has only one purpose now, let Zhang Ziyang take her back to the Zhang family and give her a title, she can't let the child be born a slave.

   "Not simple?" Zhang Ziyang roared, "How difficult can it be? It's just a farmer. It's just that you are not doing well, so don't make excuses for yourself."

   Xueying couldn't express her suffering, she just shed tears.

   Zhang Ziyang heard her crying, and shouted irritably, "Don't cry, you know how to cry all day long, it's useless."

  Xueying has to rely on Zhang Ziyang now, and she really dare not cry. If Zhang Ziyang is unhappy and leaves her alone, her path will be even more difficult.

  Zhang Ziyang gulped down a mouthful of wine, and after a moment of silence, he thought of a poisonous plan...


There are two large gardenia-shaped lamps hanging on the left and right of the main entrance on the first floor of Baihua Building. This kind of lamp is called "gardenia lamp", which is the symbol of "sex and pornographic places" in this era. face.

  A handsome young man in Tsing Yi paced out of the darkness, holding a white folding fan in his hand, he opened it with a "swish", shook it slightly, and walked into the building.

  There are many girls attracting guests standing at the door, posing and doing all kinds of provocative gestures, with a squeaky voice, when they see a man, they rush over, scrambling to bring him into the building...

   "Wow, you are so handsome, you look strange, is this your first time here?"

   "Young master, who do you like here? You pick one at random, and we will take care of you comfortably."

   "Yeah, whatever pose you want..."

  A group of girls stopped at the gate, seeing the young boy's clean appearance, they didn't dare to go forward, laughing and joking, and only verbally teased him there.

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  Other guests looked at Chu Qingzhi so popular, they all cast jealous eyes, shouldn't they look better? As for such an upside-down?

   There is no way. From ancient times to the present, it has always been a world based on faces.

  Chu Qingzhi turned her eyes around the girls, and finally chose the most attractive girl.

  This girl is dressed in red, with a flamboyant and beautiful appearance, a slender waist, and a well-proportioned figure, which is very predictable.

  Chu Qingzhi pointed at the girl with a folding fan, "What's your name?"

  The girl who was named walked towards Chu Qingzhi twisting her seductive water snake waist, and saluted with a coquettish smile, "I have seen you, my son, Hong'er."

  Chu Qingzhi gently lifted Hong'er's chin with a folding fan, her movements were flirtatious, and her tone provocative, "Hong'er, you are the one to serve tonight. If you serve well, I will reward you greatly."

  Hong'er didn't expect that Chu Qingzhi looked pure and white, but she was actually a seasoned veteran. She bit her lip lightly, and threw a suggestive wink, "I must try my best to satisfy you, Young Master."

   "Then it's hard work, girl." Chu Qingzhi stretched out her hand to straighten Hong'er's slightly messy temple hair, this action instantly fascinated Hong'er's eyes, young master is so gentle.

  Chu Qingzhi stretched out her hand to hold Hong'er's hand, and walked towards Baihualou.

  The two of them entered the Baihua Building with them, leaving countless envious eyes. Hong'er is so lucky to serve such a gentle young master tonight...

  Baihualou is very luxurious, with cloud-top sandalwood as the beams, crystal glass as the lamps, and pearls as the curtains, everything looks very rich.

  There is a song and dance performance on the stage, surrounded by spectators.

  The woman performing the song and dance is exposed, her **** are half exposed, and the side of her skirt is slit to her thighs. She moves and dances, which is very attractive.

  The warm fragrance with aphrodisiac effect lingers in the air, which makes people's blood flow faster and stimulates the most primitive desire.

  A girl put a plate of sorbet in front of a spectator, "Young master, this is sorbet. It cools off the heat and relieves heat. It's very delicious. Try it."

  The spectator held up the ice cream and asked the girl to bite first, then provocatively bit the place where the girl bit and ate it.

  Looking at the scene, Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, the ice cream has already been sold in Baihualou.

  She suddenly remembered that when she was looking at the accounts, there was a sum that Baihualou ordered 3,000 ice creams every day.

  She was a little curious, how did Shen Ruyue and Chu Xuhua negotiate this business, neither of them seemed like people who would deal with this kind of place.

  Seeing Chu Qingzhi staring at the ice cream, Hong'er smiled and said, "Young master, do you also want to eat ice cream? Let's go upstairs to the private room, and I'll get it for you."

  Chu Qingzhi followed Hong'er upstairs, "How much does the ice cream in the building cost?"

  Hong'er smiled and said, "Twelve words."

   Huge profits!

  Chu Qingzhi secretly thought that Baihualou was dark, and it only cost four pennies to buy goods from her house, and it tripled in one leap. This business is too easy to do.

  Hong'er led Chu Qingzhi upstairs, and sat on the empty seat next to the railing, "Master, please wait a moment, I'll get you some wine."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Take the best."

  Hong'er pursed her lips and smiled, "Yes."

  As soon as Hong'er left, Chu Qingzhi scanned the room behind her with her spiritual sense, and Zhang Ziyang was inside.

  She got up and knocked on the door, "Is Miss Xueying there?"

  In the room, Zhang Ziyang was irritable, and when he heard the knock on the door, he immediately became even angrier, "Is your mistress here?"

  Don’t think that in a brothel like Xueying’s situation, you don’t pick up customers. You also have to pick up some special guests, especially dark and perverted.

   Xueying heard a strange voice, "I don't know you."

Zhang Ziyang walked to open the door angrily. When he saw the young boy with red lips and white teeth, he felt like he felt a cool breeze in the hot summer. The anger in his chest subsided instantly, and he put on a flattering face, "This Who is the young master?"

  (end of this chapter)

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