Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 315: 315. One hundred taels of ransom

  Chapter 315 315. A hundred taels of redeemed people

   "Hong'er was brought into the building from a young age. I raised her for fifteen years, but she gave me very little in return. If you want to redeem her, yes, the money is enough, and I'll give you the deed immediately."

  The young man said calmly, "How much?"

  The bustard lion opened his mouth, "Ten thousand taels."

  The young man glanced around the room and locked the position of the deed, "One hundred taels, not more than one tael."

  He wanted Hong'er to walk out of Baihualou in a fair manner, bid farewell to the shadows, and start over, otherwise he wouldn't come out at all.

  The old bustard looked incredible, "I called out ten thousand taels, and you pay back one hundred taels. Are you here to tease me?"

  Hong'er clenched her hands slowly, one hundred taels, the old bustard would never agree, her heart sank, her expression couldn't help but let down, she couldn't leave today.

   "It's one hundred taels..." The young man leaned closer to the madam, and whispered something in her ear, "There are two corpses buried under the plane tree in your backyard..."

  I saw that the rosy radiance on the old bustard's face immediately faded away, and his face became pale. Looking at the boy's eyes full of fear, "You, you..."

  The young man said with a hint of impatience, "I don't have the time to take care of your shit, give me Hong'er, and we'll live in peace."

  The old bustard wanted to call for a thug, but as soon as she backed away, her eyes blurred, and the person in front of her ran behind her, and she was frightened out of her wits.

   It's too scary, even the ghost is not as fast as that boy, it's too scary!

  The boy turned his body sideways, "I still have something to do, hurry up."

  The old bustard instinctively trembled, and soon covered with cold sweat. He immediately speeded up, took the deed of sale, and handed it to the young man with trembling hands, "Here, the deed of sale."

  The young man took the deed of sale into his hand, looked at it, and then showed it to Hong'er, "Take a look, is there any problem?"

  Hong'er stood there in a daze, with an incredulous expression on her face. She originally thought that she wouldn't be able to get out of Baihualou today, but she didn't expect a turnaround. She really got the contract of sale.

  She looked at the deed of sale eagerly, and only after reading it three times in a row was she sure that it was true. She was overjoyed, "It's my deed of sale, young master, it's mine."

  The boy took out a hundred taels of silver and stuffed it into the hands of the bustard, "From now on, Hong'er has nothing to do with your Baihualou."

  After speaking, he waved to Hong'er, "Go upstairs and pack your things, I'll wait for you downstairs."

   "I'll go right away." Hong'er hurried upstairs.

  The old bustard looked at Hong'er's back, and her heart ached so much that she bought the beautiful girl in her building for a hundred taels.

   Soon Hong'er packed up and down, excitedly walked in front of the young man, "Young master, I packed up, let's go."

  The young man got up, gently waved his fan and walked towards the gate of Baihualou.

  Hong'er followed behind him step by step. As the gate got closer, her heart beat faster and faster. After many years, she was finally able to walk out of that gate.

  When she came to the gate, she stopped, took a deep breath, and stepped forward slowly...

   After holding her breath and walking out of the gate, Hong'er turned her head to look at the sisters who grew up together, and said happily, "Sisters, I'm leaving. Take care of yourself from now on."

   All the girls froze for a moment...

   "Have you been redeemed?"

"you're free?"

   "You followed the young man next to you?"

  Hong'er looked at the boy, and nodded shyly, "Well, I will be the young master's man from now on."

  All the girls instantly became envious...

   "Hong'er, you are so lucky."

   "I'm so envious of you, you're so lucky."

   "Remember to come back to see us in the future, don't forget us."

  The girls began to cry as they talked, envious of Hong'er, they all regretted in their hearts, why didn't they **** the young master away in the first place...

   "I'm leaving." Hong'er waved to the sisters, then turned to catch up with the boy, "Little son, where are we going?"

  Chu Qingzhi asked back, "Do you have somewhere to go?"

  Hong'er nodded unexpectedly, "I have quietly bought a small house, if the young master doesn't mind, we can live there together."

  She couldn't help imagining the scene of living with the young master. The more she thought about it, the better it became, and she almost couldn't get her thoughts back.

  Chu Qingzhi nodded and said, "You lead the way, and I'll take you there."

  Hong'er hasn't understood the meaning of Chu Qingzhi's words yet, so she readily responded, "The little house is on the right side..."

  Passing through several streets and alleys, Chu Qingzhi stood at the door of a small courtyard.

  She took a look and found that there are such small households around here... a few houses with a small walled courtyard. The environment is quiet and not bad.

   "Hong'er, what are your plans for the future?"

  Hong'er lowered her head slightly, and said shyly, "I don't have any plans, I just want to serve the young master well."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

   "I will leave Shuiyun County in a while and travel to other places..."

  Hong'er heard Chu Qingzhi's meaning, her eyes turned slightly red, "Can't you take me with you, young master?"

  Chu Qingzhi said euphemistically, "I like to be alone, I'm not used to two people."

  Hong'er cried immediately, she was reluctant to part with the young master, although she didn't even know his name, but she was already attached in her heart.

  Suddenly, she didn't know what she thought of, and slowly raised her head, staring straight at Chu Qingzhi.

   "Little son, if you want to leave, I can't keep you, and I don't plan to marry in this life, you, you leave a child for me?"

   There were teardrops on her eyelashes, and she blushed completely, looking as if she had been bullied severely.

  Chu Qingzhi is a woman, seeing her like this can't bear it anymore, "A girl's reputation is very important..."

   "Does the young master dislike me for being unclean?" Hong'er interrupted Chu Qingzhi, and hurriedly said, "Although I grew up in a brothel, I, I am still innocent."

  Chu Qingzhi was surprised that such a charming girl actually...

Hong'er's tears rolled out of her eyes one by one, "The bustard used various methods to deal with me, the most serious time, she even let those thugs bully me, I bit my tongue and killed myself, the blood in my mouth at that time scared everyone, The bustard was also afraid that I would really die, so she didn't force me anymore..."

   She is really a strong woman, Chu Qingzhi admired it a little, "Hong'er, do you still have relatives?"

  Hong'er was not sure, "I was sold into a brothel at the age of five, and my memory of my childhood is very vague. I don't know if I have any relatives."

   "Let's go with fate." Chu Qingzhi said, "Then do you have anyone you like?"

   Leaving this girl here like this made her a little worried.

Chu Qingzhi was afraid that Hong'er might have concerns, so she hurriedly added, "Hong'er, I didn't redeem you because I wanted to possess you, nor did I want to be a servant girl. I didn't have any purpose, I just wanted to save you. Don't worry about it. , if there is anyone you like, tell me, and I will fulfill you."

   Ask for a ticket.



  (end of this chapter)

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