Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 373: 373. Poaching a Corner

  Chapter 373 373. Poaching corners

  Chu Qingning still has to pick mulberry leaves, "Xu Gongzi, I still have to do it, you should rest well, I will ask two children from the village to come and take care of you, if you need anything, let them come to me."

  Xu Jizhou wanted Chu Qingning to stay, but he had no position to say, "Thank you just now."

  Chu Qingning smiled and said, "You're welcome, these are what I should do." After speaking, Chu Qingning left the room.

  Xu Jizhou followed closely with his eyes...

  Jiang Zhaoyong moved his body to block Xu Jizhou's gaze. Now that Chu Qingning is not here, he doesn't have to hold back anymore.

   "Xu Jizhou, don't think about Qing Ning."

  Xu Jizhou turned cold, and met Jiang Zhaoyong's gaze, "What does Qingning have to do with you? In what capacity are you speaking to me?"

  Jiang Zhaoyong was questioned, but he would not be reconciled to losing to Xu Jizhou, "You don't care what I have to do with her, anyway, you have nothing to do with her." After speaking, he turned around and went after Qingning.

  Xu Jizhou gritted his teeth, but Jiang Zhaoyong's wishful thinking, he will not give up easily.


  Ningfu, the capital city.

  Ning Yuting invited Grandpa Ning to the main hall, and asked seriously, "Grandpa, this is the Mid-Autumn Festival gift I prepared for Qingyue's family. Can you see if there is any problem?"

   There is a big box in the house, which is full of Mid-Autumn Festival gifts, which are very rich.

  Grandpa Ning checked it carefully, and said with a smile, "It's well prepared, there's nothing wrong with it."

  Ning Yuting felt relieved, "Grandpa, then I'll send someone over there right away."

  He really wanted to deliver the Mid-Autumn Festival gifts in person, but his grandfather was feeling unwell these two days, so he dared not leave.

  Grandpa Ning smiled and nodded, "Send it."

  Ning Yuting immediately recruited two boys to carry the box. The carriage was ready at the gate, and the box was carried away immediately after being lifted out.

  A carriage drove towards the gate of Ning Mansion, and Tang Jinghong was sitting on one side of the carriage.

   "Yu Ting."

  Ning Yuting followed the sound and quickly saluted, "General Tang."

  Tang Jinghong got out of the car and helped Ning Yuting up, "There is no need to be polite." He glanced at the carriage, "Are you planning to give Qingyue a Mid-Autumn Festival gift?"

  Ning Yuting nodded, and then asked, "General Tang, would you like to help deliver it?"

  Tang Jinghong said, "No need, I've already prepared, but they don't know the way, I'll bring them over to accompany your team, please take care of your team."

   Ning Yuting said, "No problem, I will explain to them."

  Tang Jinghong returned to the carriage and fetched an exquisite box, "This is what Qingyue entrusted me to bring to you, and there is also a letter, which I put in it for you."

  Ning Yuting took the box in great surprise, "General Tang, wait a moment, I'll go and reply Qingyue's letter."

   Tang Jinghong nodded, "Go, don't worry."

  Ning Yuting came back soon, took the letter to the boy who led the team, and explained it in detail before letting the team leave with confidence.

  Watching the motorcade go away, Tang Jinghong bid farewell to Ning Yuting and went to Dali Temple.

  Chu Qingzhi gave him some hints before, these three days have passed, and he should have gained something.

  When Tang Jinghong arrived at Dali Temple, he happened to meet Ren Buqing coming out of Dali Temple. "General, I was going to find you. We found a very useful clue."

  Tang Jinghong stopped, "Speak."

  Ren Buqing has been investigating the family members of the Minister of the Ministry of War for the past few days. If you don’t check, you don’t know. There are all kinds of ghosts and monsters. Among them, the son of the Minister of the Ministry of War...Cao Changsheng’s bad gambling, related to money, immediately attracted his attention.

   "Cao Changsheng gambled badly, and he gambled very big."

  Tang Jinghong raised his eyebrows slightly, "Why haven't I heard of it before?"

Ren Buqing shook his head and said, "He doesn't gamble in ordinary gambling halls, but gambles in the black market. The black market opens every three days, and he goes there every time. The Secretary of the Ministry of War has banned him countless times, but as soon as he is released, he will go bet."

  Tang Jinghong solved a doubt in his heart, "No wonder the Minister of the Ministry of War's family should be very rich, but when the house was raided, there were only a few thousand taels of silver. It turned out that his son used it for gambling."

  Ren Buqing said again, "By the way, General, how about we go explore the black market tonight? Maybe we can catch Cao Changsheng who disappeared without a trace?"

  The Minister of the Ministry of War had a premonition that something was wrong with him, so he sent some family members away in advance, and Cao Changsheng was among them.

   Now that he knows that Cao Changsheng likes to gamble in the black market, he must catch one of them.

  Tang Jinghong naturally agreed, and said in a low voice, "I'll talk to Mr. Lu and ask him to cooperate."

   "I will also make some arrangements." Ren Buqing said with a bit of excitement, "Cao Changsheng is caught, and the case is likely to usher in a huge breakthrough."

   Tang Jinghong nodded, "Yes."

  At this time, a not-so-friendly voice came, "You guys are really idle. Instead of investigating the case, you are standing at the gate of Dali Temple talking and talking. Are you really afraid that the emperor will blame you?"

Tingwei... Rong Dayuan, the eldest son of the prime minister, in his forties, tall, with a Chinese character face, and the majesty of an official. He and Tang Jinghong are deadly enemies. In the classroom, the two sides formed a delicate balance.

   Tang Jinghong has a higher official rank than Rong Dayuan, and the other party wants to salute him, but with their relationship, it is impossible to salute.

  Ren Buqing was not as arrogant as Rong Dayuan, he made an official salute to Rong Dayuan.

  Rong Dayuan looked at Ren Buqing contemptuously, "If you can't get along with Tang Jinghong, you can consider joining me. I also like talents."

  The Prime Minister's Mansion has a large number of diners.

   Is it really okay to blatantly poach the emperor's corner?

  Ren Buqing replied with a lot of effort, "Thank you, Mr. Ting Wei, for your attention. At present, the ability of the lower officials is low, and I am afraid that there is no way to help Mr. Ting Wei."

  Rong Dayuan snorted coldly, and stopped talking to Ren Buqing. He looked at Tang Jinghong and said, "I came here to tell you that I want to take away the Minister of the Ministry of War. If you can't find out through investigation, we can only judge it."

   "Master Tingwei can't take people away!" How could Tang Jinghong let Rong Dayuan take people away, the case is not easy to investigate, and it must be difficult to take people away.

  Rong Dayuan said with a sullen face, "General Tang, as a general, you should do your duty as a general. It is better to leave the investigation to a special person."

  The atmosphere becomes tense...

  Tang Jinghong said unhurriedly, "The emperor gave me a month, and it's only been ten days. How do you know that I won't be able to find out in the next twenty days? Does Lord Tingwei know something?"

  Rong Dayuan's face darkened, "What do I know? If I knew that I had already informed the emperor, would I still waste time talking to you here?"

  Tang Jinghong smiled slightly, "Master Tingwei, the emperor asked me to investigate this case, and you and Bu Qing are assistants. It stands to reason that you should help me. If you want to take people away, it seems that you are not helping me?"

  (end of this chapter)

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