Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 412: 412. A Stubborn Donkey

   Chapter 412 412. A Stubborn Donkey

  Qu Xinwei secretly thought, as a little prince, he has a noble status, but he has no one to talk to. Hey, this little prince is actually quite pitiful.

  Qu Xinwei pretended to be helpless, "My lord, my subordinates received a letter yesterday. The old parents in my hometown are inconvenient to move, so I should go back to serve immediately, and my subordinates can't help themselves."

   It's about filial piety, and the little prince didn't dare to stop him.

  The little prince was extremely disappointed. Finally, someone was able to eat with him, but he was about to leave after just one meal. "Guard Qu, I really don't want you to leave..."

   Speaking of this, the willful and kind little prince came up with an idea, "Guard Qu, why don't you bring your parents to the palace? This way you can take care of your parents and stay in the palace."

  Qu Xinwei, "..."

   "My lord, there is still an orchard at home to take care of. It is the painstaking effort of my parents all my life. I dare not let them give up."

  The little prince was in a hurry, "This won't work, and that won't work either. Isn't there a way to have both?"

  Qu Xinwei lowered his head and refused to answer. He had to leave, otherwise how would he get out? !

  The little prince wanted to stretch Qu Xinwei's clothes, but he stretched out his hand halfway and took it back. He sighed deeply, full of disappointment, "That's all, let's go."

  Qu Xinwei saluted the young prince, "Young prince, this subordinate will leave." He went straight to pack up the things and left Prince Rui's mansion.

   "Jiu" and Special Envoy Xi have been sent to prison by her, and the interrogation is probably over by now.

  The steward walked to the courtyard where the little prince lived, and whispered, "Little prince, guard Qu is gone."

  The little prince's eye circles were a little red, he really has no friends, "Go down, let me calm down by myself."

  The housekeeper looked at the little prince distressedly, and withdrew.


  Changle Palace.

  The personal maid walked into the palace with some hesitation, "Tell the princess, this servant has heard a piece of news, but I don't know if it's true or not."

  Princess Changle has been very displeased recently, even looking at the people and things around her is not pleasing to the eye, and she also looks impatient at the maids, "Say, what's the matter?"

  The maid lowered her head, "A girl came to the palace last night. She is the master of the little genius doctor, but she has another identity..."

  Princess Changle said impatiently, "What status, can't you speak faster?"

  The maid speeded up her speech, "General Tang's fiancée."

  Princess Changle froze on the spot, and immediately became furious, "Okay, I didn't say anything about seducing Jing Hong, but now she's coming into the palace to seduce Brother Huang, she's so daring!"

  The maid endured the risk of being beaten and whispered, "She was invited into the palace to treat the emperor..."

  Princess Changle slapped the maid on the face, "Do you have a place to speak here?"

  The maid staggered two steps after being beaten, she covered her face, tears streaming down her face, her face was in burning pain.

  Princess Changle impatiently walked out of the bedroom and headed for the imperial study.

   "Emperor Brother, Emperor Brother..." Princess Changle didn't dare to make trouble in front of the emperor, and stood respectfully at the door of the imperial study and waited.

  The emperor rubbed his temples with a headache, "Come in."

  Princess Changle walked into the imperial study room with a smile on her face, and saluted solemnly, "I have met the emperor."

  The emperor saw Princess Changle's well-behaved appearance, and his head hurt even more, "Changle, I asked you to reflect, have you reflected?"

  Princess Changle hurriedly said, "Brother Emperor, Changle knows it's wrong."

  The emperor brought up the imperial pen to review the memorial. He wanted to test whether Changle really knew that he was wrong, so he ignored her for a while.

  Princess Changle's impatient temper could not hold back after all, "Brother Emperor, I heard that Jinghong's fiancée entered the palace last night?"

  The emperor secretly thought that it was bad, Changle was not willing to admit defeat, and Chu Qingzhi was obviously not easy to provoke, if this happened, the capital would not be torn apart?

   "I'm very busy now, you go to the queen, she knows."

  Princess Changle thought about it, the queen is a woman, and it is easier for women to talk to women, so she went to the queen's palace.

  The emperor secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He scolded Changle and punished him, but she was like a stubborn donkey who didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back. She couldn't listen to a word. He really couldn't help it.

  Queen, thank you for your hard work.



  As soon as the little prince had his breakfast, he ran to the central palace to look for the queen, "Mother, when shall we go to see my sister?"

  The queen was dressed in the queen's uniform, dignified and gentle, hugged the little prince on her lap, and said softly, "You tell the queen first, why do you never forget your sister?"

  The little prince stared at black and white eyes, softly said, "I almost died last night, my sister saved me."

  The queen quickly covered the little prince's mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, you almost died."

  The little prince's eyes were as clear as water, and he said in a childish voice, "Mother, I couldn't breathe last night, but when my sister touched my wrist, I came back to life."

  The queen thought about the scene last night, Chu Qingzhi took the little prince from her hand, put him on the bed, took the pulse, and after taking the pulse, before taking the medicine, the emperor seemed to have recovered.

   This Chu Qingzhi has extraordinary bearing, extraordinary abilities, and extremely high medical skills. She is probably a girl from some hidden family with unique skills.

   "Huang'er, my sister is not free recently, when she is free, shall we go see her again?"

  The little prince looked innocent, "Is sister busy?"

  Helping Tang Jinghong investigate the case, the case is so big and involves tens of thousands of people, how could he not be busy, "Yes, my sister needs to help General Tang, and I will have time in a few days."

  The little prince struggled, "Then... let's go find my sister in a few days."

  The queen patted the little prince on the back, and said softly, "Hey, go and practice big characters, and I will check it with the emperor later."

  The little prince walked up to the queen, bowed obediently and cutely, and said softly, "I will take my leave."

  The Queen smiled with relief, "Go."

  As soon as the little prince left, Princess Changle rushed in, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law..."

  The queen also had a headache for this sister-in-law, but she didn't show it at all. She smiled and said, "Changle, why did you come here so early today?"

  Princess Changle had a request from the queen, and she acted more politely than usual, "Sister-in-law, you have already asked this question, so I will say it directly."

  The queen patted the soft person next to her, "Chang Le sat down and said."

  Princess Changle was impatient and impolite, she sat down and hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, did you see Jinghong's fiancée yesterday?"

  The empress didn't know about this at first, she didn't hear what Zhan Hongjun said, but she is the empress of Zhonggong, and most of the people reported the news to her, "Changle, who did you listen to?"

   "Sister-in-law, it's spread all over the palace, you don't know about it?" Princess Changle looked at the queen in disbelief. The queen is the lord of the six palaces, and the news is not as good as her. How is it possible?

  The queen is still gentle and virtuous, her tone is neither urgent nor slow, "Changle, it doesn't matter whether I know or not, the important thing is what you ask her to do?"

  (end of this chapter)

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