Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 420: 420. The Pear Garden Attends a Banquet

  Chapter 420 420. Pear Garden Banquet

  Empress Xin and Lin Yingmin were taken to a side hall. Along the way, Xin Concubine looked at everything that was unfamiliar and familiar, and she couldn't help feeling as if she had passed away.

  Lin Yingmin walked in a restrained manner with his head bowed. The palace was in crisis. He didn't want to cause trouble, and he didn't dare to cause trouble.

  After the little **** led the man into the side hall, he immediately backed out. After a while, the emperor walked in slowly with his hands behind his back.

  Concubine Xin and Lin Yingmin knelt down to salute, "I have seen the emperor."

  The emperor took a look at the mother and son. He didn't remember Concubine Xin, so he couldn't tell what it was, "Pingshen."

  He went to sit in the upper seat, and Concubine Xin and Lin Yingmin got up.

  The emperor took the dagger and asked straight to the point, "Where did you get this dagger?"

  Concubine Xin replied, "This was given to my concubine by the late emperor..."

  The first emperor went on tour four times in his life, once each in the east, west, north, and south. When he came back from the south, he passed by the nunnery and saw the pregnant concubine Xin.

  At that time, he wanted to take Concubine Xin back to the palace, but Concubine Xin was too timid to go back to the palace to have a baby, so in the end he rejected the emperor and only wanted a birth gift.

  The birth ceremony was specially sent to her after the first emperor returned to the palace, and he also ordered the **** who recorded the birth to record it.

  The child does not need to return to the palace, but there is such a thing.

  The first emperor was very benevolent, and later sent a midwife there, and seeing that there was no problem, he even put the child on Yudie.

  Eunuch Li Fei presented the jade butterfly, "Your Majesty, please have a look."

  The emperor looked at the jade butterfly and confirmed that Concubine Xin did have a child, but this did not mean that Lin Yingmin was the son of the late emperor. "Concubine Xin, how do you prove that he is the prince?"

  Concubine Xin took out a piece of white jade the size of a palm, and offered it with both hands, "Your Majesty, if two people who are related by blood drip blood on this jade, the blood will blend and dye the jade red, otherwise it won't."

   This is amazing, the emperor took the jade into his hand and looked at it carefully for a moment...

  Li Fei was fair and fair, "Your Majesty, the body of the dragon cannot be injured, please ask someone else to replace it?"

  The emperor twirled the white jade twice with his thumb, and looked at Li Fei, "Go find someone and try it first."

   "Yes, Your Majesty."

  A young **** at the gate of the palace stepped forward, "I am willing to share my father-in-law's worries."

  Eunuch Li Fei patted the little **** on the shoulder, "You are very promising, come with me."

   Take a needle and ask the two to do a blood test.

  Two drops of blood fell on the jade, and quickly merged into the jade. The two drops of blood were next to each other at first, but after entering the jade, they ran to the edge as if they were repelling each other, and finally seeped out from the edge.

  The emperor looked at this scene, very novel.

   Right at this moment, the little **** came in and reported, "Your Majesty, the little prince is here."

  The emperor smiled, "It's just in time, let him in."

  The little prince came into the side hall completely lonely, and sat on the chair next to him, "Brother Huang."

  The emperor was puzzled, "What's wrong with you? Are you downcast?"

  The little prince said disappointedly, "The guard Qu is gone."

  The emperor felt a little baffled, "How did he leave?"

  The little prince puffed up his cheeks, with a helpless expression on his face, "Go home to serve the sick."


   "You find another guard, whoever you like, I will give it to you."

  The little prince shook his head, "I just want guard Qu."

   "Did he give you ecstasy soup?"

  The little prince shook his head listlessly, and whispered, "Brother Huang, I want a friend."

   Want a friend? The emperor glanced at Lin Yingmin, he was a good candidate, "You do me a favor, and I will give you a friend afterwards."

  The little prince was overjoyed, "Brother Huang, what can you help me with?"

  The emperor pointed to the jade on the table, "Pour a drop of blood on this jade."

  The little prince pricked his finger with a needle without saying a word, and squeezed a drop of blood onto the jade.

  Lin Yingmin dripped another drop of blood on the jade.

  Two drops of blood attracted each other, fused together, and then spread evenly as if blooming, white jade turned into red jade, and after a while, the blood began to precipitate white jade, and the jade turned back to white.

  The emperor was curious, "Xin Taipin, this is?"

  Xin Bin replied, "This is Yuqi from southern Xinjiang, which contains blood gu, which is specially used to verify blood relationship."

  The emperor asked Eunuch Li Fei to bring him the jade.

  Eunuch Li Fei hurriedly washed the jade, wiped it clean and put it in the hands of the emperor.

  The emperor looked at Yu, "A few more people will test it."

   A total of more than 20 people were verified, and the results of the verification were right with what Concubine Xin said, so the emperor believed Concubine Xin's words, "Xiandi, let me introduce someone to you."

  The name of the little prince is Li Xiandi. Hearing this, he looked at the emperor, "Brother, who is it?"

  The emperor pointed at Lin Yingmin, "My father's third prince, Li Tingzhao."

  The little prince's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Lin Yingmin, "The former emperor's prince living among the people?"

"He is not living in exile, he was taken out by Xin Taipin..." The emperor has now taken the position of emperor, half of the ministers in the court support him, and generals like Tang Jinghong, for a prince who has no power and power, I don't care.

  The little prince looked Lin Yingmin up and down. He was dressed in a moonlight color robe, handsome and gentle, but he looked like a royal. "Brother Huang, how do you plan to arrange him?"

  The emperor said, "Follow the rules."

  The little prince nodded, "In that case, shall I take him around the capital? By the way, today the noble ladies in the capital invited the future general's wife to a banquet. I want to see the rumored Chu Qingzhi."

  Lin Yingmin's hand tightened, Qing Zhi turned out to be the wife of the future general? really extraordinary!

  The emperor didn't know about it yet, "Is there such a thing?"

   "Yeah." The little prince was very interested, "Everyone is staring at the position of the general's wife, but now a peasant girl is taking it. It's very interesting to think about it."

  The emperor said with a smile, "Have fun."

   "Brother Huang, I'm leaving." The little prince relieved his depression, and he waved to Lin Yingmin, "Come with me."

  Lin Yingmin looked at Concubine Xin, seeing that Concubine Xin did not object, he quickly got up, "Thank you, little prince."

  The little prince waved his hand, "You are the son of the first emperor, and my cousin. You can't call me that."

  Lin Yingmin asked cautiously, "Then what should I call you?"

  The little prince thought about it, Lin Yingmin's identity is very embarrassing now, it seems that it is not suitable, "Forget it, let's change the name after you become king."

   "Yes, little prince."

  The little prince took Lin Yingmin away.

  The emperor said, "Concubine Xin, Lin Yingmin's affairs will be handled according to the rules, and you will live in Shoukang Palace during this time."

  Xin Tai concubine blessed her body, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  The emperor returned to the imperial study and immediately sent someone to investigate Yuqi to see if it was true as Xin Taipin said.



  At noon, Fan Yuru anxiously sent her maid to see if Chu Qingzhi had come.

  The servant girl returned quickly, "Third Miss, Miss Chu has gone out and is coming this way."

   Ten chapters are updated, one by one.



  (end of this chapter)

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