Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 428: 428. Full blown

  Chapter 428 428. Full-scale outbreak

  Chu Qingzhi unfolded the letter, and there was a sentence on it, "I am waiting for your arrival in Dongling."

   The two looked at each other, what do you mean?

  Unable to think of a reason for a while, Tang Jinghong gave up and went to deal with the current matter, "Clean up the scene and transport the things back to the capital."

   "Yes, General."

  Chu Qingzhi took the letter, leaned against a tree trunk, crossed her arms, and concentrated on thinking.

  I am waiting for your arrival at Tanglin...

  The first meaning of this sentence is that the person who wrote the letter has gone back to Dongling.

   On the second floor, does "you" refer to Jing Hong and her? If yes, why them? If not, who is it referring to?

  The third level of meaning, it seems that something big is going to happen to Dongling.

  The fourth level of meaning, using the word "waiting", the other party is sure that "you" will go to Tanglin, why is he so sure?

  Suddenly, a light flashed in Chu Qingzhi's mind. One of them had never appeared, but throughout the whole thing, she somewhat understood who left the letter.

  Tang Jinghong came over and reached out to hold her, "Qing Zhi, you can go back."

  Chu Qingzhi walked out of the forest following Tang Jinghong's strength, and said with bright eyes, "I know who left the letter."

   Tang Jinghong paused, "Who?"

   "Yun's traitor." Chu Qingzhi said, "Killed three merchants. By the way, didn't you say that someone exposed the Ministry of War Shangshu's buying and selling of official positions? I think he did it too."

  Tang Jinghong led Chu Qingzhi to continue walking, while thinking about her words. As he thought deeply, he found that there was no violation, "He is helping us."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "I'm a little curious about what kind of enmity he has with Yun, and why does he have to punish Yun to death?!"

   Tang Jinghong was thoughtful, "Let's go back first, this case is over, and we will talk about the future."

  Chu Qing Zhi replied, "Yes."


  After Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi returned to the city, they went to the inn to report Chu Xujin's safety, and then went to meet Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang.

  After the people are caught, you can start to destroy the poisonous incense.

  In the early court, several ministers were called to the imperial study by the emperor. The emperor secretly told them about the poisonous incense in their house and asked them to cooperate with Tang Jinghong in arresting people.

   For such a major event, several ministers naturally cooperated extremely, and at the same time they were also terrified. If this matter was not discovered, or if it was discovered too late, wouldn't the people in their mansion be ruined?

  This made the foreheads of several ministers drip with cold sweat, and they couldn't help feeling a little grateful to the emperor.

  After knowing that there was poisonous incense in the house, the ministers ordered no more incense after returning home. The day passed and night came, and many people in the mansion...drug addiction.

  Chu Qingzhi had given the prescription to Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang, and they were leading the people from the Tai Hospital to brew the medicine at this time. The whole Tai Hospital was filled with a strong smell of bitter medicine, and some people were so smoked that their eyes shed tears.

  Prime Minister's Mansion.

  Rong Shiyu came back to the room after taking a bath, suddenly felt heart palpitations, followed by cold sweat all over her body, shivering continuously, as if there were many ants biting her bones, the pain caused her to fall limply on the bed.

   After a while, she endured the pain and shouted, "Come, come!"


  The maid opened the door and came in, and the close maid also inhaled a lot of aromatherapy, but compared to Rong Shiyu who loves aromatherapy, her symptoms were negligible, she was just sweating and shivering.

  Rong Shiyu tightly grasped the quilt with her fingertips, her fingertips turned white, "Go see a doctor, I feel so uncomfortable, go see a doctor..."

   "Yes, Miss." The servant girl lifted the hem of her skirt, endured the discomfort and ran away.

   Not long after, the servant girl brought Chu Qingzhi back.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong passed by the prime minister's mansion, and a maid rushed out of the mansion. The maid felt uncomfortable due to drug addiction, ran and fell, and fell right in front of Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi stepped forward to feel Rong Shiyu's pulse, and couldn't help but frowned, "Why are you so addicted?"

  Rong Shiyu's face was covered with sweat, she opened her eyes slightly, and seeing that it was Chu Qingzhi, she couldn't help but rushed over to hug her, and cried loudly, "I'm in so much pain, I feel like I can't breathe, am I going to die?"

  Seeing Rong Shiyu crying so sadly, Chu Qingzhi softened her heart, and gave her a hint of inspiration, "It's okay, you rest for a while, the hospital will send medicine right away, you will get better after drinking it."

  Rong Shiyu felt a cool feeling in his body, and the uncomfortable feeling gradually eased, "Thank you Qingzhi."

  Chu Qingzhi patted Rong Shiyu's back lightly, and said soothingly, "You're welcome."

  Rong Shiyu felt exhausted and fell asleep. Chu Qingzhi put her flat on the bed and walked out of the room.

   "Miss Chu, how is the poem?" Mrs. Rong likes to eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha, but not incense. She is fine.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Mrs. Rong with kind eyes, and she had a good impression, "She fell asleep, and the medicine will be brought to her in a while, and she will be fine after a few days."

  Mrs. Rong clasped her hands together and bowed to Chu Qingzhi, "Thank you Miss Chu."

  The butler ran over in a cold sweat, "Miss Chu, Master Xiang is dying, please go and have a look."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  Drug addiction is more serious, not so fast to die!

  Mrs. Rong was so anxious that she almost fainted when she heard this, "Miss Chu, please save the Prime Minister. Our Prime Minister's Office will thank you very much."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, followed the butler and walked quickly to Xiangye's room.

  Mrs. Rong looked at the door of her daughter's room, followed behind, and passed together.

   Several ministers inhaled the most poisonous incense and had the most serious drug addiction.

  At this time, Master Xiang gritted his teeth, curled up on the bed and trembled, his eyes turned black from the throbbing pain, and the pain was unbearable. He secretly vowed in his heart that he must catch Master Yun and execute him Ling Chi.

  Just like the emperor, the prime minister also holds a grudge against Master Yun.

   Not only the Prime Minister, but other ministers who are addicted to drugs all hate Master Yun.

  Chu Qingzhi kept shuttling through the mansions of several ministers all night, and was not free until dawn in the morning.

  Tang Jinghong called a sedan chair and took Chu Qingzhi back to the mansion, "You take a rest, I will tell Nanny Han not to let anyone disturb you."

  Chu Qingzhi hooked Tang Jinghong's neck and kissed him, "Yes."

  With this kiss, Tang Jinghong felt that he could not sleep for three days and three nights, "I'll go first, finish everything today, and come back in the afternoon to pack things."

  Chu Qingzhi showed a beautiful smile, "OK."

   Tang Jinghong left.

  Chu Qingzhi lay down on the bed, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.


on the street.

   Tang Jinghong and Rong Dayuan met head-on, Tang Jinghong's expression was calm, and Rong Dayuan's expression was ugly.

Rong Dayuan has his own Tingwei Mansion, he doesn't live in the Prime Minister's Mansion, he went out on business yesterday and was not in the mansion, he didn't expect that when he came back in the morning, he heard that something happened in the Prime Minister's Mansion, he hurried back immediately, but he didn't expect to be on the way Met Tang Jinghong.

  When the two of them did not confront each other, Rong Dayuan's face became even more ugly. He always felt that under Tang Jinghong's calm appearance, he was laughing at him.

  (end of this chapter)

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