Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 437: 437. Packaged wedding candies

  Chapter 437 437. Packaging candies

  All the food on the table was eaten clean, and some people licked the pots and bowls, as if they had been washed.

   After dinner, the head beggar took the initiative to say, "Little girl, let's come to work early tomorrow."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and nodded, "Okay, go slowly."

   A group of beggars returned to the county town contentedly.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong locked the door of the old house and walked to the new house. Just in time, Li Qingyu came over and asked them to have dinner.

  Dinner is naturally extremely sumptuous. Li Qingyu prepared it all day, taking care of everyone's taste, with great pains and pains.

  After dinner, Chu Qingzhi sent Hong Yujun to the county seat.

  The two chatted on the road, Chu Qingzhi said, "In the future, you may need to keep an eye on brewing wine, why don't you come and live at my house?"

  Jun Hongyu had never thought about it that way before, when he heard it all of a sudden, he refused without thinking, "I'm an outsider, how can I live in your house, no, I will disturb you."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "My friend asked me to take good care of you. I don't worry about you living alone in the county."

  Jun Hongyu felt warm in his heart, "Miss Chu, thank you for your kindness, but I really can't live in your house, it will make you inconvenient."

  Chu Qingzhi persuaded, "My family doesn't mind, it happens that Ruyue marries eldest brother, her room will be vacant, and I will give you new decorations, okay?"

  Jun Hongyu is a little moved. The Chu family is very kind to her, they speak pleasantly, and often care about her, especially Li Qingyu, who always makes her feel like a mother.


  Chu Qingzhi made a final decision, "Then it's settled, I'll come pick you up tomorrow, and move house by the way."

  Jun Hongyu, "..."

   This action is too powerful, she is still hesitating, Qingzhi has already said to move.

   "Qingzhi, shall I pay some money?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "One penny a month, how about deducting it from your salary?"

  Jun Hongyu waved his hand, "It's too cheap, two taels of silver, I have to eat and so on, one tael is too much for me."

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at Hong Yujun, and said, "That's fine, then we'll make a deal like this." After Yujun gets married, he will return the money with the gift.

  Jun Hongyu is at ease, "Okay."


  Chu Qingzhi came back from the county seat soon. Chu Xuhua stood at the gate of the yard waiting for her. When he saw her, he waved to her and took her to the new house.

  Others saw it and followed suit.

  The interior decoration of the house is all decorated according to the standards of those big houses in the city. The fabrics, materials, and floor tiles are all good materials, and they are beautiful inside and out.

  Based on this, double happiness characters are pasted inside and outside the house, and red silk flowers are hung, which is especially joyful.

Especially the new house where two people sleep, looking at it, it is red, with red floor-to-ceiling curtains in front of the surroundings, red bed curtains, a big red silk flower hanging on the top, hi quilt, screen decorated with red silk flowers, Lampposts, red tablecloths...

  The whole room is exquisitely and beautifully arranged, and everyone likes it.

  Chu Qingzhi took a closer look, there was nothing wrong, she turned her head and teased Chu Xuhua, "Brother, are you nervous about getting married in the future?"

  Chu Xuhua nodded, nervousness is nervousness, but it is more anticipation, he smiled, "We are finally getting married."

  He is already twenty-one years old. If it were anyone else, he would be the father of a child of a few years old.

  Chu Qingzhi blessed, "Brother, your marriage with Ruyue will definitely be consummated, don't worry."

  Chu Xuhua gently reached out and touched Chu Qingzhi's head, "Thank you for bringing Ruyue home, otherwise I would never have met such a nice girl."

  Chu Qingzhi frowned, "There is a destiny in the dark."

  Chu Xuhua looked happy, "Do you want to see big brother's wedding clothes?"


   "The wedding dress was made by Ruyue herself. I tried it on and it fits very well." When Chu Xuhua spoke, the light of happiness on his face almost flew out.

  Chu Qingzhi blinked, and said with a bit of playfulness, "The little girl is here to congratulate the eldest brother and sister-in-law for a happy marriage."

  Chu Xuhua grinned, "Thank you little sister."

   At this time, Tang Jinghong and Ning Yuting came over, Tang Jinghong looked at Chu Xuhua and asked, "Would you like a drink?"

  Chu Xuhua smiled and said, "Okay, let's go and get the wine."

  Chu Qingzhi reminded, "Drink less, don't get drunk."

  The three big men didn't dare to disobey, they nodded together, "Got it."

  Chu Xujin saw them drinking, and joined them. Later, Grandpa Chu, Chu Rong, the two younger ones, and Li Zhangjie joined them, but the younger ones didn't drink and ate some appetizers.

  All the women in the family gathered in the living room on the second floor.

  Shen Ruyue took out the wedding dress, mainly to show Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, look at my wedding dress, is it beautiful?"

  Chu Qingzhi unfolded the clothes one by one. The wedding dress has three layers, the inner garment, the outer garment, and the last layer of Xia Pei.

  Each layer is exquisitely made, and the Xiapei is the most exquisite, with a peacock spreading its wings embroidered with gold thread.

  Phoenixes are used exclusively by queens, and peacocks, mandarin ducks, and auspicious clouds are used instead by folks, but no matter what the pattern is, it is very beautiful, implying wealth, auspiciousness, beauty and happiness.

   "Pretty, very pretty."

  Chu Qingzhi folded the wedding dress neatly and put it away, "Time flies, we are about to have a sister-in-law." Her tone was a little teasing, and Shen Ruyue became a little shy.

  Chu Qingyue pulled Shen Ruyue to sit on the chair, and said with a smile, "Big brother won't have to worry about mother from now on."

  Li Qingyu answered with a smile, "It's the truth. I worry about so many children. I hope that someone will share it. It will be like a moon in the future."

  Grandma Chu smiled kindly, "From now on, Qingyu can relax a bit."

  Shen Ruyue shyly said, "Grandma, don't worry, auntie, I will try my best to take care of Xuhua."

"Good boy." Li Qingyu took Shen Ruyue's hand, she was very satisfied with this daughter-in-law, and everyone in the village envied her, "Although I am worried, but watching you grow up and get married, as a mother, I am very satisfied. Very happy."

  Shen Ruyue held Li Qingyu's hand instead, "Auntie has worked hard these years."

  Li Qingyu said, "It's not hard, it will be fine when the children grow up..."

   After chatting for a while, everyone gathered around the table to wrap wedding candy.

  Happy candy is one of the six-color or twelve-color ceremonies in the in-laws’ wedding ceremony. Before the bride gets on the sedan chair and when the bride and groom enter the bridal chamber, the wedding candies are sprinkled, so that everyone can share the sweetness and beauty together.

  Happy candies are wrapped in oiled paper and divided into four varieties, called "four-color wedding candies", peach blossom candies, winter melon candies, orange candies, and longan candies, which symbolize the four distinct seasons, sweetness, and growing old together.

  Chu Qingzhi taught everyone a new packaging, the sugar cube is the size of a palm, wrapped in oiled paper, and then tied with a small red flower, chic and beautiful.

  Chu Qingyue said exaggeratedly, "Seeing this package, I feel like I can't afford it."

  (end of this chapter)

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