Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 450: 450. Someone is making trouble

   Chapter 450 450. Someone is making trouble

  Guangxi Garden has a circular layout as a whole, with a small lake in the middle and houses on the edge, and the middle is empty, which is most suitable for stalls.

  The entire garden can accommodate tens of thousands of people. If the surrounding houses are opened up, it can accommodate even more. This is the intuitive reason why Chu Qingzhi chose this place.

  The theater stage is built not far from the entrance to the garden. After entering the garden, you can see it at a glance. It is wide and stable, and looks good.

  With the theater stage, there is no need to build the stage. After arranging it, it can be used directly, saving a lot of trouble.

Chu Qingzhi flew directly onto the stage. She did this on purpose. For a big event, you have to show convincing ability, otherwise no one will listen to you, and it will be easy to cause trouble, and martial arts is the most intuitive ability. way to prove your abilities.

   No, the shopkeepers who followed her into the garden immediately became serious.

  No matter when, everyone will value people with real skills.

  Standing on the stage, Chu Qingzhi looked around for a week, and began to speak with emotion, "Welcome everyone to Guangxi Garden..."

If you want others to be willing to spend money, you must use beautiful language to decorate. Needless to say, Chu Qingzhi's language rendering ability, but a few words will make everyone excited. What everyone thinks is that participating in the food festival will definitely make a lot of money .

  Tang Jinghong stood under the stage and looked at the gleaming Chu Qingzhi, unwilling to look away.

  Others looked at Chu Qingzhi with a look of admiration, the combined light of all the people was not as bright as Qingzhi.

  Finally, I got to the point, "I invite everyone to come here this afternoon for one thing, and that is to reserve the booth."

   At this time, there were more than 300 shopkeepers standing in front of the stage, and people were still coming one after another.

   "The location of the display racks includes the left and right sides of the entryway, the area behind me, and the lakeside, which surrounds the entire lake. The better the location, the higher the starting price."

   "There are a total of 300 exhibition booths here. Let's start shooting from the best location. By the way, correspondingly, the better the location, the bigger and more eye-catching the exhibition stand, there will be preferential treatment."

  A shopkeeper raised his hand, "I have doubts."

   "Seller, please tell me."

   "How does the display stand display our products, I'm a little confused?"

   "May I ask what kind of business does the shopkeeper do?"

   "I sell shoes."

   "Wait a minute," Chu Qingzhi walked off the stage, and there was a set of tables and chairs beside her. She sat on the chair and drew with a brush.

   What she does is different from the usual ones, she paints colorful Q prints, absolutely novel and eye-catching.

  She drew all the styles of shoes in this era...

  She got up and took the painting to the shopkeeper, "Look, do you like it?"

  The shopkeeper took the painting over and widened his eyes in novelty when he saw it, "This, this painting is so cute!"

  The shopkeepers next to me all squeezed over to see...

   "How can you make a picture like this!"

   "If I saw this painting suddenly, I couldn't help but look at it a few more times."

   "The little girl is so talented, she actually thought of painting in such a novel way."


  Chu Qingzhi returned to the stage, "If everyone has no problems, we will start bidding, and now we are bidding for the best position... For the entry-level two positions, the starting price for the first one is twelve taels."

  A shopkeeper raised his hand, "I'll pay eleven taels."

   "Twelve taels."

   "Thirteen taels."


   "Twenty taels."

   After waiting for a while, no one asked for a price, Chu Qingzhi made a final decision, "Congratulations to the shopkeeper, you have won our first booth, please come here to make a record."

  Record the shopkeeper's business, features, advantages, store location and other basic information, which will be marked on the exhibition picture at that time.

   Six people, including Chu Xujin and Ge Lihua, were responsible for this matter.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Let's continue to bid for the second booth..."


   County government.

  Tao Yuansong walked quickly to the back hall of the county government, and asked in a questioning tone, "Uncle, how can you entrust the food festival to an outsider?"

  The county magistrate thought that he could add another achievement under the rule, and was happy when his disappointing nephew ran over, "What are you doing? Who do I entrust the food festival to, and I have to report to you?"

Tao Yuansong immediately took a step back to show weakness, "Uncle, I'm your cousin, and I don't let the fat and water flow to outsiders. You should organize the food festival for me. Uncle, you give me an order to ask Chu Qingzhi to hand over the right to hold the food festival to me." I, I must be better than her."

  The county magistrate also wanted to help his nephew, but his nephew didn't live up to expectations, and he couldn't help him even if he wanted to. "You said to hold a food festival, do you have a plan?"

  Tao Yuansong looked blank, "What plan?" He said nonchalantly, "It's so simple to hold a food festival, what kind of plan do you need, it's unnecessary."

  Master County Magistrate, "..."

   It wasn't that he turned his elbows outward, but his nephew couldn't even match a strand of Chu Qingzhi's hair, and he didn't even know what the plan was, so he was going to hold a food festival.

  He shook his head, "You can't do it, just stay at home obediently, and forget about eating and drinking when the time comes."

   Tao Yuansong saw that the county magistrate looked down on him, so he became competitive, "Uncle, I must hold a food festival."

  The county magistrate said, "What should you do? Your lips touch your lips?"

  Tao Yuansong begged, "Uncle, a girl like Chu Qingzhi can do it, why can't I be a man? Uncle, just let me do it."

   "I have already given the right to host to Chu Qingzhi, if she is willing to give it to you, then you can do it." The county magistrate didn't want to offend Chu Qingzhi, and also wanted to help the children of the family, so that's all he could say.

  Tao Yuansong cupped his hands at the county magistrate, "Uncle, I will definitely ask Chu Qingzhi to give me the right to hold the event."

  The county magistrate waved at him, out of sight and out of mind.

  Tao Yuansong came to the Guangxi Theater in a high-spirited manner with a few dog legs.

   "Chu Qingzhi, give up the right to host, my uncle asked me to hold the food festival." Tao Yuansong led people to the stage and shouted.

  Tang Jinghong and the others frowned inaudibly. The troublemaker is here?

  When everyone heard what he said, they all backed away. The county magistrate's nephew is an idle second-generation ancestor who only knows how to bully others. He doesn't know how to hold a food festival.

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at Tao Yuansong and his party. The county magistrate didn't send anyone from the county government, explaining that this matter is a private matter, and it's easy to handle if it's a private matter.

   "Where do you want to do it?"

  Tao Yuansong secretly thought that there is no one in the county who dare not disobey his uncle's words, so his attitude became even more arrogant, "You give up the stage, and I will speak on stage."

   "Then tell me."

  Chu Qingzhi walked off the stage very cooperatively, and then said to everyone, "Let's come here and say, give him that seat."

   Get the auction done first, and then "reason" with the person in front of you.

  Everyone walked to the other side, about ten meters away, to continue the auction just now.

  Everyone knows what kind of goods he is, so why would he listen to him, if the money is given, it will be in vain.

   Only Tao Yuansong and a few of his attendants were left on the spot. The autumn wind blew, and the fallen leaves swirled, bleak, desolate, and lonely.

  Tao Yuansong was stunned for a few seconds, then turned his head and roared, "All of you come over here, now I will organize the food festival."

  Everyone secretly said, you do yours, they do theirs, and there is no contradiction.

  No one moved.

  (end of this chapter)

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