Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 456: 456. Tied me up

  Chapter 456 456. Tied me up

  Guang Opera Park.

  Chu Qingzhi called the three helpers in front of her, "This is my framed exhibition picture, I will mount another one later, you can look at it, and after you understand it, you can frame the other exhibition pictures."

   On her right hand is the framed exhibition picture. Four wooden strips are used to fix the drawing paper, and a bracket is used to support the picture frame. The whole picture is slightly tilted, and the viewing angle is the best when standing.


  Chu Qingzhi slowed down and framed it again, "Do you understand?"

  The three nodded, "Understood, it doesn't look difficult."

   "It's really not difficult." Chu Qingzhi stepped aside, "You guys have a try, be careful when mounting, don't tear the drawing paper, or you will have to redraw."


  The three of them acted immediately. They are all good carpenters in the village. They are meticulous and careful in doing things, and they are more suitable for mounting paintings.

  The mounting of the first exhibition painting was bumpy, but there was no danger, and finally the exhibition painting was successfully mounted.

  It is much easier to mount the second picture.

   I got started in the third picture.

  After Chu Qingzhi saw that there were no problems with everyone, she went to draw the remaining exhibition pictures under the shade of the tree, and tried to draw all the exhibition pictures as soon as possible.

  Chu Xuhua led three old men in their fifties towards Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, they have something to ask for you."

  Chu Qingzhi looked up, and saw the three old men dressed plainly, looking like villagers, with anxious expressions, they must have encountered some difficulties.

   "What are you looking for from me?"

  One of the old men said, "Little girl, we are sericulture farmers. We used to supply the silk we raised to the Shen family. Now that the Shen family has sold the workshop, our silk cannot be sold."

  Silk? Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, I don't know if the second sister and the others bought the workshop, but if they bought it, they could discuss it in private.

   "Which village are you from?"

   "From Wangjiacun."

  Wangjia Village is two quarters of an hour away from Chujia Village, not far away.

   "Does your whole village raise silkworms?"

   "Yes, there are four seasons every year, and more than 200 catties of silkworm rolls per season. Everyone lives on this. If they don't buy them, many people in our village will not be able to survive."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Who are you looking for me?"

  The old man muttered his lips twice, "We want to set up a small stall at the food festival. Our silkworm rolls are very good, in case the shopkeeper takes a fancy to them."

   "Is the silkworm rolled up?"

   "I brought it." The old man hurriedly put the pannier on the ground and showed it to Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi picked up a silkworm roll. The silkworm roll was snow white, a bit bigger than a thumb, and the quality was very good. "Wait a minute, I'll call someone over to take a look."

  The old man looked grateful, "Okay, thank you, girl."

  Chu Qingyue and Ning Yuting passed by the Guangxi Theater, and were about to come in to see the situation, when they ran into someone who came to them.

  Chu Qingyue walked towards Chu Qingzhi quickly, "Fifth Sister, what do you want from us?"

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to the silkworm rolls in the back basket, "Have you bought the workshop yet? There are excellent silkworm rolls here, do you want to have a look?"

  Chu Qingyue smiled and said, "I bought it. Yu Ting and I were talking about going to the shopkeeper who supplies silk, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

   "That's a coincidence."

  Ning Yuting took out a silkworm roll from the back basket, looked at it carefully, and then took a few more to check, "Who did you sell your silkworm rolls to before?"

  The old man said, "Guard Wang is from our village, but after the Shen family's weaving workshop was closed, he stopped buying it. No, we came out to find a way by ourselves."

  Ning Yuting thinks the silkworm rolls are very good, "Take us to your village to have a look, if it is suitable, we will order again."

  The old man was overjoyed, "Really, really?"

  Ning Yuting nodded, "Really."

  The old man was overjoyed, and hurriedly responded, "Okay, okay, I'll take you there right away."

  The weaving workshop needs a lot of raw materials for weaving clothes. In addition to silk, there are also raw materials such as ramie and hemp. Among them, silk is the raw material for making the most advanced fabrics.

  The most advanced fabric represents the competitiveness in this industry. If it is not done well, it will not be far from closing the door. Ning Yuting attaches great importance to it.

  Farewell to Chu Qingzhi, Chu Qingyue and Ning Yuting followed the old men to Wangjiacun.

  Chu Qingzhi continued to paint.

  Chu Xujin came over, "Fifth sister, shopkeeper Xia who sells lanterns has brought the lanterns, do you need to hang them up immediately?"

   Lanterns are sponsored by Chuqing Zhila, there are more than 300 lanterns, and there are all kinds of lanterns.

   "Just hang the two lanterns that I specially asked Shopkeeper Xia to make on the gate of the Guangxi Garden. Put the rest away and hang them the night before the food festival."

   "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

  Chu Qingshuang slightly lifted the hem of her skirt and ran towards Chu Qingzhi, very excited, "Fifth Sister, I brought porcelain here."

  Chu Qingzhi put down the brush, "Let me see."

   This batch of porcelain is also sponsored. In addition to being used at the food festival, any merchant who successfully trades at the food festival will give a set of souvenirs.

  For example, send a set of tea sets, vases, several bowls, and several plates. The value is different, and the gift is based on the size of the transaction list.

  The staff of the workshop carried several boxes into the Guangxi Garden, and put them in front of Chu Qingzhi to open them one by one.

  Chu Qingzhi picked up one. The porcelain was ordinary but exquisite white porcelain, with the words "Food Festival" and a picture of QQ on it.

  Q funny picture is one of the chubby zodiac signs, drawn randomly, looks very cute.

   "Qingshuang's craftsmanship is getting better and better."

   "Fifth Sister taught well."

   This batch of porcelain is only part of it, and the rest is still being produced. The two sisters chatted for a while, and Chu Qingshuang hurried back with his people.

  The shopkeepers who sponsored were very helpful, and the things were delivered one after another...

   Uninvited guests also came.

  Tao Yuansong held a grudge against Chu Qingzhi for not giving up the right to host the food festival, so he brought many people over today to make trouble.

  Tao Yuansong pointed at Chu Qingzhi angrily, "I'll ask you one last time, will you give up the right to hold the food festival?"

  Chu Qingzhi picked up a stone and flicked Tao Yuansong's finger, "I don't like people pointing at me."

  Tao Yuansong heard Chu Qingzhi speak, and at the same time he heard his fingers "click", and then there was a piercing pain, "It hurts—"

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tao Yuansong coldly, "Get lost!"

  Tao Yuansong squeezed his fingers tightly, his facial features twisted in pain, and shouted angrily, "Smash this place!"

   A group of thugs immediately dispersed, holding sticks in their hands, and they were about to knock down the things that everyone had arranged with great difficulty.

   "Looking for death!" Chu Qingzhi waved her hand, and a force was generated out of thin air, sending everyone to the gate to form an arhat, "Tie them up to me and put them under the sun to avoid bad luck."

   "How dare you!" Tao Yuansong roared, "I am the nephew of the magistrate! If you offend me, you offend the magistrate!"

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes flashed sharply, "You don't have that much face, you can't replace the county magistrate!"

  She waved her hand, "Tie me up!"

  (end of this chapter)

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