Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 469: 469. Biting Rabbit

  Chapter 469 469. Biting rabbits

  Seeing Wu Yaqing's embarrassing look about to dig a hole to hide in, her face flushed, everyone thoughtfully said nothing, and silently exited the dining room.

  Wu Yaqing wanted to jump up and pinch Mr. Lu's neck, and viciously made a gesture of wiping his neck to him, and she ran upstairs quickly.

  Mr. Lu pursed his lips, confirming that this girl is a rabbit that wants to bite. With a low cough, Mr. Lu returned to his cold appearance, and walked out with long legs.

  Tang Jinghong stood in the yard waiting for Mr. Lu, "Just now..."

   "Nothing happened!" Lu Sanye said quickly in a concealed manner, don't make it too obvious that there is no money here, and then left this "place of right and wrong" with Wang Ximing.

  Tang Jinghong looked at Lu Sanye's back, a smile appeared on Jun's face, and it became more and more interesting.


   "Fifth sister, come and taste it!"

  In the hall on the second floor, everyone put the apple pies made today on the table one by one, and arranged them in a row, a total of seven.

  Chu Qingyan went to the room and asked Chu Qingzhi to come out to taste.

  Chu Qingzhi came to the hall, and glanced at the seven apple pies, "They all look pretty good."

  Chu Qingyue cut open the one she made, took a piece with chopsticks, put it on a plate and handed it to Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, try it."

  Chu Qingzhi sat on the stool and began to taste it seriously, "Second sister's apple pie is a bit sweeter, but everything else is pretty good."

   "Fourth Sister's has been baked for a long time, it's a bit old, and a little bit burnt."


   "The taste made by Yujun is too light, too little honey is added, the sour taste is not covered, and it is sour."

  Everyone's apple pie Chu Qingzhi carefully commented.

  Chu Qingyue sighed and said, "Look at Fifth Sister's making it so simple. We do it ourselves, but everyone has problems."

  Chu Qingning comforted herself, "Where can we master Fifth Sister's craftsmanship in one go, it's already very good to do this for the first time."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and encouraged, "What the fourth sister said is that you have already figured it out. If you are someone else, you may not be able to do it."

   Chu Qingyue said, "Try again in a few days."

  Chu Qingzhi got up, "Tomorrow is the food festival, I'll go back and check the process, if you have anything to do, come to the room to find me."


   "Qingzhi, wait a minute." Hong Yujun called to Chu Qingzhi, she stepped forward and pulled Chu Qingzhi to the side, and said coyly, "Qingzhi, I want to know how to find Wen Shaoyuan."

  Chu Qingzhi hesitated for a moment, "Only Jing Hong can find Wen Shaoyuan. I'll tell Jing Hong later and ask him to pass it on."

  Jun Hongyu nodded with anticipation, "Thank you Qingzhi."

"You are welcome."


   Wine making workshop.

  The rice wine is now in a critical period of fermentation, and needs to be observed frequently. Mr. Hongyu has to check one by one every day, even at night before he can sleep with peace of mind.

  The last fermentation tank has been inspected.

  A footstep came from behind...

  Jun Hongyu thought it was Wen Shaoyuan, and turned around happily, but the person she saw made her smile completely.

  She took a step back and asked warily, "Who are you?"

  Wang Chunwei looked at Hongyu Jun squintingly, "Don't be afraid, I'm from Wangjia Village next door. I saw you when I passed by today, and I can't forget your appearance..."

  While speaking, he approached Hong Yujun, seeing him like that, he knew what he wanted to do without saying anything.

  Jun Hongyu opened her mouth to call for people, but did not make a sound. If the villagers saw her with a man at night, no matter what happened or not, her reputation would definitely be ruined.

  She managed to have a clean name, and she didn't want to be stained with any more stains.

What should we do now?

   Seeing the other party getting closer and closer to her, Hong Yujun couldn't help but drop a drop of cold sweat on his face.

  Wang Chunwei rubbed his hands, with a wretched look on his face, "Little beauty, don't be afraid, my brother will love you, it became a good thing tonight, and tomorrow my brother will carry you in..."

   As he spoke, he rushed towards Hong Yujun.

  Jun Hongyu threw the lantern, hurriedly ran to another room, and quickly closed the door.

  But Wang Chunwei had one foot stuck in the crack of the door, Hong Yujun couldn't close it no matter what, and Wang Chunwei touched his hand.

   "It's so slippery." Wang Chunwei said lewdly, and reached out to touch Hong Yujun's hand.

  Jun Hongyu had no choice but to back away and run into the house.

  Wang Chunwei pushed the door open and entered the room, smiled obscenely, and plugged the door, let's see how you can escape.

   This is the warehouse, where there are a lot of glutinous rice for brewing. The glutinous rice is packed in sacks and stacked one on top of the other.

  Jun Hongyu saw the door was closed, cold sweat slipped down one by one, she was extremely nervous, her body was so frightened that she fell to the ground, and touched a stick on the ground in fear, she quickly took it in her hand to guard against it.

  Wang Chunwei turned around, and with the moonlight projected through the gap in the window, he approached Jun Hong a little bit, "Little beauty, don't be afraid, I will make you happy in a while."

  Jun Hongyu flinched back in despair, and at the same time kept waving the stick in his hand, "Go away..."

Wang Chunwei was beaten a few times, and in a fit of anger, he grabbed Hong Yujun's hand against the stick, snatched the stick from her hand and threw it aside, making a "clang" sound. In this claustrophobic environment, even more It makes people nervous and scared.

   "You can't escape the palm of my hand..."

  Jun Hongyu struggled violently, but the power gap between men and women was huge, she couldn't break free no matter what, "Let me go, let go..."

  Seeing that Wang Chunwei was about to rush over, Hong Yujun shouted in despair, "Wen Shaoyuan, Shaoyuan..."

  The next second, the door was broken by a sword, the door opened, and a tall and handsome figure flashed in.

  He slapped Wang Chunwei on the head.

  Wang Chunwei's body softened, and he fell to the side, and blood flowed out of his seven orifices.

  Wen Shaoyuan leaned over and hugged Jun Hong, "Sorry, I'm late." His voice was deep and tough, with a hint of tenderness.

  Jun Hongyu recognized Wen Shaoyuan's voice, and his fearful heart calmed down instantly. He put his arms around the other's neck, and pressed his body tightly against Wen Shaoyuan's broad chest. Only in this way can he feel safe.

   "If it was later, you might not see me." When the moment of despair came, she would bite her tongue and kill herself.

  Wen Shaoyuan paused, tightened his arms, and said in a low voice, "It won't happen next time."

  The two came outside, with the help of the moonlight, Jun Hongyu looked up and down, and saw Wen Shaoyuan's sharp-edged jaw, which was so beautiful that her eyes were fascinated.

  At this time, Wen Shaoyuan was almost thirty years old, and he had the air of a mature man. In addition, he had a handsome and resolute appearance, so his charm was needless to say.

  Jun Hongyu patted Wen Shaoyuan's shoulder lightly, and said with some embarrassment, "Shaoyuan, put me down, I'm fine."

  Wen Shaoyuan carefully put Hong Yujun down.

  Hong Yujun's legs were still a little weak, and his body staggered and threw himself into Wen Shaoyuan's arms.

  The atmosphere immediately became ambiguous and embarrassing!

   There is an urgent delay today, and the last chapter may not be updated until after ten o'clock in the evening, my dears.



  (end of this chapter)

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