Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 472: Knowledge is broken

  Chapter 472 472. Knowledge is broken

  Guang Opera Park.

After everyone flocked into the Guangxi Opera Garden, some were attracted by the paintings, various stalls, various delicacies, exquisite lanterns, and calligraphy and paintings written on colorful fabrics. attractive...

  The entire garden was suddenly filled with noise and voices.

  The shore of the lake is surrounded by exhibition racks, forming a whole circle. At a glance, it is full of paintings, just like an exhibition.

   "This style of painting is too cute."

   "I've never seen such a painting method before, the painter is very good."

   "If you don't dare to hold a food festival, if you don't have the ability, who dares to take the lead? Aren't you afraid that everyone will not buy it?"

  At this time, several people commented on a painting with many shoes, as if my experience was too short, and today I have greatly improved my knowledge.

  In front of the small stall of Chu Qingzhi’s house.

  The little girl greedily pointed at the sandwich and asked, "Ma'am, what is this?"

  Li Qingyu has never done business like this before, so she was very nervous, "This is a kind of breakfast, do you want to try it?"

  The little girl looked at her companions, "Yes, give me two."

  Li Qingyu packed her with oiled paper, "There are bread, rice dumplings, biscuits here, do you want to eat?"

  The little girl waved her hand, "I don't want it for now, I can't eat so much, I will buy it later when I leave, and bring some back to my family."

   "Okay." Li Qingyu handed two sandwiches to the little girl, "Eighty Wen."

  The little girl gave the money to Li Qingyu, and took the sandwich by the way, "If it's delicious, I'll buy it later."

   "Walk slowly." The door opened for a while, and more than a dozen sandwiches have been sold. The business is so good, Li Qingyu smiled and continued to entertain the next guest.

  The county magistrate and master entered the Guangxi Garden.

  The county magistrate looked around and was about to speak when a candy was stuffed in his hand. He froze for a moment, then walked in, "Not bad, it's so lively?"

  Master also had a candy stuffed in his hand. He looked down and said with a smile, "Miss Chu seems to be successful in everything she does."

  The county magistrate was deeply convinced, "Yes, fortunately, she is in our Shuiyun County. If she were in another county, my heart would be so distressed."

"Lord Tao, you're here too." County Magistrate Yun of Tongzi County walked over in casual clothes, smiling all over his face, jealous in his heart, why the county he governs doesn't have such talents, and he doesn't know how much tax he can collect on this day alone. Earn!

   "Master Yun, what brought you here?" Magistrate Tao puffed out his chest, very proud, be jealous, hahaha, jealousy is useless!

   "Isn't this to see your glory?" County Magistrate Yun secretly scolded County Magistrate Tao for putting on a show, but his smile became more warm.

   "Master Yun is still satisfied with this scene?" County magistrate Tao was full of ambition, like a spring breeze.

   "Satisfied, satisfied..." County magistrate Yun hated secretly, and he shrugged carefully for you.

   "Let's go for a walk, look at the painting by the lake, you haven't seen it yet, have you?" County Magistrate Tao said as he walked towards the painting exhibition, feeling extremely proud.

   Magistrate Yun gritted his teeth and followed.

  Hey, don’t think about surpassing County Magistrate Tao in future political achievements, I’m heartbroken.

  Fan Yuru and Rong Shiyu walked into the Guangxi Theater.

   "There are so many people!" Fan Yuru looked at the garden, where people were crowded together, like ants.

   "This is held by Qingzhi, can it not be crowded?" Rong Shiyu was proud of having a sister like Chu Qingzhi.

  Fan Yuru was also very optimistic about Chu Qingzhi, and said sincerely, "If Qingzhi is a man, she can definitely be a high official."

  Rong Shiyu joked, "And then marry you?"

  Fan Yuru laughed and said generously, "Hahaha, if Qing Zhi wants to marry me, I will marry her."

  Rong Shiyu pretended to shake his head regretfully, "It's a pity, I can only be sisters in this life."

   The two were joking and walking towards the food area.

  Half of the stalls here are all selling food, dazzling and dizzying.

  Fan Yuru waved his hand grandly, "Eat, we can eat whatever we want, I treat you."

  Rong Shiyu's gaze was attracted by the apple pie, "I want to eat that, do you want to try it?"

  Fan Yuru looked over, "I've never seen this thing before."

   "It's just that I haven't seen it before." They are in the capital, and there are special people to find good things for them, but they have lived in the capital for more than ten years, what things have they not seen? Tired.



  Four girls came to the stall. Fan Yuru pointed to the apple pie and asked, "What's this called? How do you sell it?"

  Li Qingyu smiled and said, "Apple pie, two dollars a piece."

   "Give us one." Fan Yuru looked around, "Can you set up a small table? We want to eat here?"

"Ok, Ok."

  Chu Rong immediately went to the house and moved a small table and four stools, which were purposely placed behind the tree, somewhat concealed, "Please sit down."

  The four walked and sat at the table.

  Li Qingyu cut the apple pie into four, and thoughtfully placed the bowls and chopsticks on the table, "Girls please."


  Fan Yuru smelled it, "It smells so good, I like it."

  One of the girls said regretfully, "I don't like apples."

  Rong Shiyu took a sip and found it delicious, "Taste it first, if you don't like it, we won't eat it."

  The girl nodded, "OK."

   Said that she didn’t like apples, but after taking a bite of the apple pie, well, she couldn’t help but suspect that all the apples she ate before were fake, and the apples inside tasted completely different and delicious.

  Fan Yuru finished eating the apple pie, walked to the stall, pointed at the sandwiches and said, "Ma'am, give us one more."

   "Okay, I'll get it for you right away."

  Fan Yuru glanced at Rong Shiyu, who was immersed in the delicious food, and said, "I really think my experience is too short. There are so many delicious foods in this small county."

  Rong Shiyu nodded in agreement, "I'll try others later, this stall is full of things I haven't seen before."

  The girl said, "I see that there seems to be water, shall we have a bowl?"


   "My aunt said it was sugarcane juice, and eating sugarcane was unsightly, but I didn't expect that someone would think of squeezing it into juice to drink, so smart."

   The four girls ate and discussed, and they were full without knowing it.

   At this time, the opening ceremony began.

   "Boom, boom, boom—"

  A large drum was erected on the left side of the stage, which was arranged as the presiding stage. Tang Jinghong walked up to the big drum and beat it heavily.

  The sound of drums is clanging and majestic.

   All the eyes of the people present gathered, and at the same time they stopped talking and became quiet.

  The drum beat eighteen times, stopped, and the piano sounded...

  Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​sat at the table upright, their white and tender fingers skillfully plucked the strings, and played the song Luoyan Pingsha.

  Their playing skills can only be considered moderate, but they don’t need to play very well on such occasions, just being able to listen is enough, the main purpose is to create an atmosphere.

  (end of this chapter)

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