Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 479: 479. Who Can Prove

  Chapter 479 479. Who can prove

   Zhou Yunlin's reaction to Chu Xuhua was as expected, and he smiled, "Chu shopkeeper, can you rest assured to talk about business with me now?"

  However, Chu Xuhua's answer surprised him, "Can you let me think about it? The food festival is only over in three days, and I want to give you an answer in the future."

  Zhou Yunlin was puzzled, "Why?"

  Chu Xuhua said, "I just want to think about it more." The richest man in Daling came to them to cooperate. It is unbelievable. What if it is a trap?

  Zhou Yunlin thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, let's talk about it later."

   At this moment, there was a burst of noise, including the cry of a woman...

   "This is my child, give it to me..." A woman cried and tried to **** the child from an old woman, but the old woman avoided the woman's hand quickly.

  In the arms of the old woman, a one-year-old baby was crying loudly, attracting everyone around to form a circle.

   "This is my grandson, why do you say it's your child?" The old woman said fiercely.

   "That's right!" An old man came out of the crowd, went to pat the little baby on the back, and said lovingly, "Grandson, don't cry, don't cry, grandpa will help you beat the bad guys away."

The woman burst into tears, "That's my child. I was picking things at the stall just now, and Xiaobao was standing in front of me, picking and picking. Xiaobao disappeared. If you look again, someone will take him away. He really It's my child, Xiaobao, come to mother."

  The old woman hugged the little baby tightly, and when the woman approached, she secretly pinched the little baby hard, and the little baby burst into tears again.

   "If it was your child, would he cry when you approached? You are a human trafficker, and you want to rob my grandson. Everyone, look at her, she is a deceitful human trafficker."

  The old man also said, "There are people in this world, but this is the first time I have seen someone like you blatantly stealing other people's children."

  The woman said strongly, "Xiaobao is really my child. If you don't believe me, he wears a longevity lock I bought for him around his neck, and the word Xiaobao is engraved on it."

  The old woman took out the longevity lock and cursed, "My daughter-in-law bought it for Xiaobao. When did you buy it?"

  A couple squeezed out from the crowd, walking in a hurry, "Xiaobao, Xiaobao, parents are here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

  The woman in the couple took the child from the old woman, "Good boy, mother will take you home right away."

  Xiaowa cried even harder.

  The woman cried even more when she saw this, "That's my child, everyone help me, help me **** the child here."

  The man in the couple pointed at the woman and scolded, "You want a son and give birth to it yourself. How can you treat other people's children as your own?"

  The woman knelt down on the ground and begged, "Please help me to be fair, Xiaobao is really my child, and they are the traffickers."

  Everyone sees each other with a good sense of the word, but don't know who to trust?

   "Don't lie, Xiaobao is my grandson." The old woman looked annoyed, "Mother, let's go, or I will be blackmailed soon, and I will not be able to explain why."

  The woman hugged Xiaobao and gently coaxed her, "Don't cry, Xiaobao, mother will take you home." As she spoke, she was about to push through the crowd and go outside.

  The woman rushed over and firmly blocked the woman's way, "Give me back the child..."

  The man kicked over, "Go away, what is your child, are the traffickers so arrogant these days?"

   "I am not a trafficker, I am the child's mother, and the child is mine, Xiaobao, come to mother." The woman was kicked away, but immediately rushed over again.

  The crowd parted again, and another couple came over.

   "We are the uncle and aunt of this child, this child belongs to our family, it cannot be that woman's."

  The crowd saw so many people coming to protect the child, and gradually believed the old woman's words.

   "If you want a child, go home and find your husband to have a child. Don't steal other people's children!"

   "Yeah, you can't be rare, just **** other people's children?"

   "Go back quickly, the child is not yours, so you can't force it."

  The woman heard these words, crying out of breath, feeling powerless, looking at Xiaobao, worried, "No, no, don't listen to their nonsense!"

  Chu Xujin and Ge Lihua walked over with a few yamen servants in plain clothes. After the yamen servants came over, they secretly surrounded them.

  Chu Xuhua put on a sullen face and said with authority, "We are from the government, what happened?"

  When the woman heard the government officials, it was as if she had grasped a life-saving straw, "My lord, they robbed my child, please make the decision for me, please."

  Chu Xuhua helped the woman up, "Don't worry, I will uphold justice!"

  Chu Qingzhi displayed the products on the stage, and she didn't forget to pay attention to the movement here. Is this something the princess did?

  The woman turned her head to look at the child, anxious and afraid, "My child, mother will definitely save you."

  Someone said, "My lord, both parties say that the child is theirs, and it looks like it's true, who do you believe?"

  Chu Xujin raised his hand and made a calm gesture, "It's easy to prove whose child it is."

  He walked towards the child and reached out to hug the child, but the woman hid and did not let Chu Xujin hug her, "You say you are from the government, who can prove it?"

   "We can all prove it." Someone said, "They often come out to patrol the streets, and this lord is very good at solving crimes, we have all seen it."

   And humanely said, "They are indeed from the government, and that girl is the only police officer in the government. Everyone was curious, so we went to see her when she was patrolling the streets."

  Chu Xujin took out the official card, "Can this prove it?"

   Very interesting.

  He said that he was a member of the government, and while seeking his help, he actually questioned his identity.

  The woman was speechless, and looked at Chu Xujin warily, "Tell me, how do you prove it?"

   "It's very simple, you put the child on the ground, you stand on one side." Chu Xujin pointed to the woman, "She stands on the other side, whoever the child runs to, what he says will be true."

  Children of a few months can recognize people, and children over one year old are naturally more able to recognize people, and most children rely on their mothers.

  The woman took a step back with the child in her arms, refusing to show it to anyone, "What if you guys are cheating?"

  The old woman next to him came over and wanted to stop Chu Xujin, "Yes, the child's judgment is not strong, what if he admits the wrong person?"

  Chu Xujin pursed his lips slightly, and his tone became serious, "Don't worry, children over one year old won't mistake their mother." He suddenly said coldly, "Are you a liar for being so uncooperative?"

  The woman suddenly felt strong pressure, and she dared not refuse any more, and put the child on the ground.

  As soon as the child landed on the ground, he ran straight to the woman, "Mother."

   It is instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When a child is hurt, the first thing to do is to find the mother. It is also instinct.

  (end of this chapter)

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