Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 496: 496. The Curtain Ended Successfully

  Chapter 496 496. Successful ending

  Back home, Shen Ruyue and others sat at the table happily counting money.

  Chu Qingzhi returned to the room with the sugar flower, took a vase and put it up, and covered the sugar flower with a layer of aura to prevent it from getting dusty.

  So much, it takes half a year to eat.

Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Hua, and recalled in her mind the appearance of Tang Jinghong walking towards her from the crowd with Tang Hua in his hands. His appearance was handsome, his appearance was imposing, and he was as handsome as the male protagonist in a novel. His eyes were very attractive. .

  With a smile on her lips, she turned around and walked downstairs, "Big brother, third brother, help me carry the box and carry it to Jinghong's side."

  The boxes were brought back by Chu Qingzhi from Guangxi Theater. There were several big boxes, and the boxes were locked. No one knew what was inside.

   "Okay." The two carried the box and followed Chu Qingzhi to Tang Jinghong's house.

  Put the box in the main room.

  Chu Qingzhi opened the box, and everyone looked at it immediately.

  There are men's clothes, pants, shoes, and some matching belts, jade pendants, and hair crowns in the box, all of which are made of high-quality materials.

   Tang Jinghong was puzzled, "This..."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "These merchants gave me these, and they asked me to choose whatever I wanted, so I picked some for you, and this is for you."

  A surprise flashed in Tang Jinghong's eyes, "Is this too much?"

  Looking at the color, there are estimated to be about ten sets of clothes, and there are many other accessories, at least they are worth thousands of taels of silver.

  Chu Qingzhi doesn't want to take advantage of others, but it's hard to turn down the kindness, too many excuses, which makes the relationship stiff, "I don't want it, they force it on me, so I just choose it myself."

  Tang Jinghong smiled, "Do they have Xuhua?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes, everyone has it." There are so many merchants, she picks at will, and they accumulate a lot.

  Tang Jinghong touched Chu Qingzhi's head, and said softly, "Thank you, I accept it."

  Chu Qingzhi felt that she was getting used to the role more and more. If Tang Jinghong touched her head at the beginning, she would definitely slap her, but now she feels that there is nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, she feels pretty good.

   "Jing Hong, you have worked hard these few days, you should rest early, I will go back first."

  Tang Jinghong said softly, "I'll see you off."

  Backing home, Chu Qingzhi opened the first four boxes one by one in order. Everyone really has them, and they have already packed them.

  She showed everyone one by one, "These are gifts from the merchants, and I picked some for you."

  After distributing what is needed, she opened the fifth box. The things in this box are the Four Treasures of the Study, "Xu Yuan, Xu Yao, when you run out of the Four Treasures of the Study, you can get them here. They are all sponsored by the merchants."

   Then I opened two boxes, one for toiletries, one for food... all kinds of exquisite pastries.

   "The pastries are stored for a short period of time, and everyone will eat them when they are hungry, and eat them as soon as possible."

  Chu Qingzhi pulled Shen Ruyue over, and said mysteriously, "You come to open the last box."

  Shen Ruyue was unclear, so, "Qing Zhi, why did I open this box?"

  Chu Qingzhi blinked, with a bit of mystery, "You will know when you open it."

  Shen Ruyue opened the box with some curiosity, and under everyone's curious eyes, Shen Ruyue's face turned red.

  The box is full of baby products, small clothes, small shoes, hats, toys...

  Shen Ruyue held back her embarrassment and asked, "This is?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It was also a gift from the merchant. I originally planned to not want it, but thinking that other merchants took it, I just took it together. Anyway, you are married to your eldest brother, so you will need it sooner or later."

  Shen Ruyue blushed, "Thank you Qingzhi."

  Chu Qingzhi approached Shen Ruyue and whispered, "Take it back and have a good look at it, these clothes, pants and shoes are too cute."

  Shen Ruyue couldn't move her eyes, "Yes."

  After the things were distributed one by one, Chu Qingzhi sat at the table and looked at the accounts.

  All the orders in the three days add up to 535 orders, some are big and some are small, the small ones are ten taels, and the big ones are a thousand taels. The total order value is about 180,000 taels.

  Li Qingyu sold a total of 1,800 taels of silver at the stall, leaving aside the cost, she made a small profit of 1,110 taels.

  Chu Qingzhi earned a total of more than 50,000 taels from the food festival, including money from selling booths, money from displaying items, and thank you fees from merchants.

  At the food festival, every businessman made a lot of money, some of them made hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the thank you fees given were basically several thousand taels.

In short, Chu Qingzhi secretly collected money and received soft hands, and tomorrow those merchants will hold a special banquet to treat her well. Chu Qingzhi has already agreed to go, business, socializing and entertainment are indispensable. Of course, her main thing is to bring Chu Xu magnificent.

  In the future, Chu Xuhua will be the face of Chu's Yimao, and if you need anything, you can find Chu Xuhua.

  The last thing is expenditure. Things are basically sponsored by merchants, and the main expenditure is on hiring people.

  Everyone worked very hard and earnestly. Chu Qing Zhikai's wages were very high, which totaled about six or seven hundred taels of silver.

  Among them, the main money was spent on the supervisors. Their existence facilitated countless transactions, and Chu Qingzhi settled all wages according to the agreement.

  Chu Qingzhi closed the account book, and said to Shen Ruyue, "You will have to work hard for a while in the future. If there is not enough manpower, you can find someone. Don't make yourself too tired."

  Shen Ruyue smiled and nodded, "I know, don't worry about me, by the way, Qingzhi, there is something I want to discuss with you."

  Chu Qingzhi tilted her head, "What's the matter?"

  Shen Ruyue said, "People from other villages came to me today and said they wanted to work in our workshop. I said think about it, but I haven't replied yet. What should I say?"

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a while and said, "If you think it's good, you can give it a chance. It's the person who arranges you in the core position."

  Shen Ruyue said, "I understand."

"Jiyue, wait a minute." Chu Qingzhi went back to the room and took the list of promotions she planned, "I have allocated the personnel affairs to you, so that you can arrange everyone to work, and you can take the time to fill in the vacant positions." After the people are selected and arranged, tell me and I will train them."

  Shen Ruyue secretly praised Chu Qingzhi for her strong execution ability, and the list was already drawn up after she got it, "Okay, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

   "I have to add one more." Chu Qingzhi took the pen over and added fifteen people to bake egg tarts at the end of the list.

  Many people ordered egg tarts, and the delivery will start tomorrow, and Chu Qingzhi will take her family to work overtime later, otherwise the contract will be breached the next day.

  Shen Ruyue said, "Tomorrow, I will ask Brother An to help us build an egg **** workshop?"

  Egg tarts have received many orders and met the conditions for building a workshop.


   Then, except for Grandpa Chu and Grandma Chu, everyone went to the bakery workshop to work overtime to bake egg tarts, and they needed to bake a thousand egg tarts.

  (end of this chapter)

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