Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 498: 498. Paying taxes

  Chapter 498 498. Paying taxes

  Day and night alternate.

  After breakfast, Chu Xuhua and Li Zhangjie took two workers to deliver the goods. After they left, the Chu family also became busy.

  Li Qingyu called to stop Chu Qingzhi who was about to go to the workshop, "Qingzhi, do you use the soybeans? If they are useless, mother will sell them when the soybean collectors come?"

   Soybeans? Of course it works, "Mom, how many soybeans are there in our family?"

  Li Qingyu sighed, "Today's harvest is not good, only about 300 catties."

"Mother, keep it. I'll use it to make soybean paste." Soybean paste can be used to make dishes such as steamed fish with soybean paste, roasted eggplant with soybean paste, braised pork knuckle with soybean paste, and fried noodles with soybean paste. It's also delicious, and restaurants are definitely vying for it.

  Li Qingyu readily agreed, "Okay."

  After finishing the work of the workshop, Chu Qingzhi went to the warehouse of the old house to take out all the soybeans, and asked three people to help, first clean the impurities in the soybeans, and then soak them in water.

  While she was busy with this matter, a team of yamen servants came to Chu's Village under the leadership of the master, and went straight to the village head's house.

   Not long after, the village chief came out and yelled, "Everyone, prepare the tax and food, and those who have silver taels can also prepare silver taels. After a while, the master will go from house to house to collect."

   Except for those who have passed the exams as a scholar, hearing such things as taxation is like going to Half-Life.

  Da Ling is not bad, there are no exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, only normal taxes, after the common people pay taxes, sometimes they are hungry and save money, but they can still barely make ends meet.

  The villagers of Chujia Village this year didn't feel bitter when they heard the tax as in previous years. They were quite calm about what to do.

   "I will pay two taels of silver this year, but I will not pay the food. I will keep the food for my own family."

   "I also plan to pay the silver, I'm ready."

   "I have received all the food in my family in the warehouse, and I am too lazy to move it out, so I will give you two taels of silver."


  The master took the tax from the village head's family that the yamen servants collected first. Several people from the village head's family worked in Chu Qingzhi's house. The family saved a lot of money and gave it directly to the silver taels.

  Actually, the master also wants to receive two taels of cash, because food is not easy to get.

  When the master saw Yinliang, he laughed, "Your Chu family village is quite rich!"

  The village chief straightened his back and said with a smile, "Borrowing the east wind from Qingzhi's family, the life of the villagers has improved a lot."

   "You guys are lucky." The master took out a paper and wrote down the tax payment situation of the village head's family, and then took the yamen servants to the next family, ten families in a row, all paid silver taels.

  A yamen servant couldn't help but said, "Are all the people in this Chu family village so rich?"

  The yamen servant next to him said, "It looks like a lot of money, everyone will be given silver taels. If you don't have a certain amount of savings, it won't be like this."

  Master said, "Miss Chu is doing business and has brought the whole village with her. Can she not be rich?"

  A yamen servant joked, "Master, is there still time for us to move to Chu Family Village?"

  Master said, "Don't think about it, the county magistrate will not agree."

   There are quite a few people who want to come to Chu Family Village now, if such a precedent is set, the Chu Family Village may be in chaos.

  The yamen servant sighed and regretted, "Why isn't my surname Chu? If the surname is Chu, there is no need to move."

   "Looking like this, I should say, why am I not Miss Chu's brother or sister?"


  Everyone talked and laughed and came to Chu Qingzhi's house.

  Li Qingyu also prepared silver taels. They have a large family and pay more taxes. There is a big bag of silver taels, which makes her feel distressed, "Master, it's been a hard trip."

  Master said politely, "This is our duty, sister-in-law, you are welcome."

  Chu Qingzhi came over, she wanted to ask the master something, "Master, is the tax collection going well?"

The master has a deep admiration for Chu Qingzhi. Because of the food festival held by Chu Qingzhi, the business tax revenue of the county government has increased by one hundred thousand taels. At that time, the county magistrate's achievements were definitely number one.

  This means that the county magistrate is not far away from being promoted. Once the county magistrate is promoted, won't he follow the tide?

   "Your village is going well, other villages don't know yet."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Master, I want to ask you something."

  Master said politely, "Miss Chu, please tell me."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Is there anyone selling fields near our village?"

  Master lowered his head and thought for a while, then shook his head, "No, Miss Chu wants to buy a field?"

   "Well, but it doesn't matter if you don't have any." The family needs a lot of food, and she wants to grow some by herself, anyway, she is in the village, by the way.

The master thought for a while, and understood what Chu Qingzhi meant, and planned to sell it well, "Miss Chu, I guess you should buy the land to grow the grain you need for your own business. In this way, I will tell the village chiefs when I go to pay taxes. , Let the villagers grow more, and then sell it to you, how about it?"

  This method is also good, Chu Qingzhi smiled and thanked, "Thank you, master." Then she made a list of food and gave it to the master, "Master, please."

   "It's a little effort, no trouble." The master cupped his hands to Chu Qingzhi, "Miss Chu, we won't bother you anymore, you are busy."

   "Master, walk slowly."

  Li Qingyu heard the conversation between the two, and moved closer, "Qingzhi, we can't afford to buy the land."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It's okay mother, we can invite human race."

  Li Qingyu thought for a while, "My mother took people to open up wasteland. There is a large piece of wasteland next to the medicine garden. The wasteland is open to her family, and there is no need to pay taxes for three years, which is very cost-effective."

  Wasteland sounds good, but the soil in such places is generally poor, otherwise it would have been opened up.

  But no matter how barren the land is, Chu Qingzhi won't be troubled, she heard what Li Qingyu said, "Mother, let's go and have a look."

  Li Qingyu glanced in the direction of the old house, "You don't need to deal with beans anymore?"

  Chu Qingzhi dragged Li Qingyu to the wasteland, "There are a few aunts there to help with the selection, so I can sneak in for a while."

  Li Qingyu smiled and followed Chu Qingzhi away.

  When he came to the medicine garden, Chu Qingzhi took a look at the lush medicinal herbs, then walked to the right, and the wasteland was beside him.

  The wasteland is about five acres, and the terrain is flat, like a plain, that is, it is covered with grass and has a thick layer.

  The grass is a little withered and yellow, and has a lot of grass seeds. When touched, the grass seeds will fall to the ground.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Mother, if the grass on this wasteland is burned with fire, there won't be so much grass in the coming year, and the plant ash is just for fertilization."

  Li Qingyu nodded in agreement, "I'll find a few people to help open up the wasteland. After the land is opened, I will plant vegetables and raise the land. I will start growing food next year."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Thank you for your hard work."

  The matter of land reclamation was settled in this way, but Li Qingyu didn't invite anyone in the end, and several elders in the family took care of everything.

  Chu Qingzhi let them go, she went to the county town to buy seeds and water tanks.

  (end of this chapter)

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