Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 518: 518. In Danger

  Chapter 518 518. In danger

  Given that the three children had exceeded her expectations and were frightened, Ge Lihua asked the three children to go back to rest and practice tomorrow.

  After not practicing, the children in the village also went home one after another.

  The Chu family gradually quieted down.

  Ge Lihua walked upstairs and glanced at the door of Chu Xujin's room. Chu Xujin was handling cases in the county seat and hadn't come back yet, so the room was completely dark.

  After thinking about it, she turned and went downstairs, planning to visit the county seat.

   Coincidentally, Chu Qingzhi came out of Chu Qingning's room and asked Chu Qingyan to watch making medicinal cream, and saw Ge Lihua going downstairs, "Li Hua, where are you going?"

  Ge Lihua didn't hide anything, "I'll go to the county to pick up Xu Jin."

  Chu Qingzhi frowned slightly, "The third brother hasn't come back yet?"

   "Not yet." Ge Lihua was a little worried about what happened to Chu Xujin, and said anxiously, "Qingzhi, I'll go and have a look, I'll talk about it when I get back."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Then be careful."

   "Yeah." Ge Lihua flew to the county seat directly using lightness kung fu.


  Chu Qingning room.

  Chu Qingyan took the prescription of the medicinal cream and the paper with the method of making the medicinal cream in her hand at the same time, after reading it, she said, "Fifth sister, the method of making the medicinal cream looks so complicated."

  Chu Qingning said, "Twenty kinds of medicinal materials can't be simple. Generally, ten kinds of medicinal materials are used, and the production process can't be simple."

  Chu Qingyan had a teachable expression on her face, secretly thinking that people who study medicine are said to be smart, otherwise they would not understand at all.

  Chu Qingzhi took the small scale, the pounding bowl, and some bottles and jars, "Qingyan, you use the pounding bowl to pound those dried herbs into powder, and I'll deal with the fresh herbs."

   "Yes." Chu Qingyan got busy obediently.

  Chu Qingning was on the sidelines helping Chu Qingzhi. She was also very interested in the medicinal cream, "Fifth sister, when will this medicinal cream be ready?"

   "It's almost an hour."

"so fast?"


  In the cubicle, new medicinal scents were constantly spreading, and the three of them couldn't help but become more energetic after smelling the medicinal scent.

  On the other side, Chu Qingyue finished the quilt for Dabai, "Fifth Sister, Dabai's quilt can be sent over."

  Chu Qingzhi's voice came from the small cubicle, "Second Sister, put the quilt on the chair, and I'll send it to Dabai later."


   An hour later, in the medicine jar, the pale green cream in white was ready, with a fresh fragrance, "Qingyan, put the cream in the medicine bottle, and I'll go give Dabai a quilt."


  Chu Qingzhi went to Tang Jinghong's house with the quilt in her arms.

  Tang Jinghong was still dealing with official business in the study, the orange light warmly scattered on his face, half bright, half dark, bright face looked serious and calm.

  Hearing the movement, he immediately raised his head, and the sharpness in his eyes immediately switched to soft light after realizing that the other party was Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi."

  Chu Qingzhi's melodious voice came in, "I'll give Dabai a quilt."

  Tang Jinghong walked out of the house, "Did you finish the quilt so quickly?"

   "The second sister is ingenious."


  Dabai fell into a drowsy sleep, saw Chu Qingzhi, woke up for a second, and rubbed Chu Qingzhi affectionately, seeing Chu Qingzhi hugging the quilt, he quickly retreated to the side, not making trouble.

  Chu Qingzhi spread the quilt into the tiger's den. The quilt is made of dirt-resistant and wear-resistant fabric, gray in color, and can be made by Dabai for a long time.

  Chu Qingzhi clapped her hands and stood up, "It's all right, Dabai, go to sleep."

   Dabai strolled over, sniffed the quilt, seemed satisfied, lay down on it, yawned, and fell asleep again.

  Chu Qingzhi patted Dabai's head, "Go to sleep, see you tomorrow."

  Standing up straight, Chu Qingzhi hugged Tang Jinghong, "Good night, go to bed early." After saying that, she stepped back, ready to go home.

  Tang Jinghong moved his arms and hugged Chu Qingzhi into his arms again, his voice was low and hoarse, "Good night."

   "See you tomorrow." Chu Qingzhi kissed Tang Jinghong's face.

   "See you tomorrow." Satisfied, Tang Jinghong let go of Chu Qingzhi, sent him to the gate of the courtyard, and watched Chu Qingzhi enter the house before returning to his home.


  In the room, Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​lay flat on the bed, unable to sleep.

  Chu Xuyao ​​turned his head to look at Chu Xuyuan, his fox eyes were shining a little in the dark night, "Seventh brother, who do you think is behind the scenes?"

  Come over for a while, Chu Xuyuan slowly shook his head, "Excluding He Shaozhi and Su Wenji, I really can't think of who it is."

   "Could it be the two of them?" Chu Xuyao ​​turned his head back and looked up at the sky, "After all, the most unlikely person is him in the end."

  Chu Xuyuan hesitated, "Then why don't we find a way to test it out?"

  Chu Xuyao ​​thought, now the enemy is in the dark, they are in the light, and the situation is very unfavorable to them, "Tomorrow we will go to their house to find them."

  Chu Xuyuan said, "Why did you go to their house?"

  Chu Xuyao ​​said, "If they are enemies, then destroy them; if they are not enemies, then pull them into the camp."

  Chu Xuyuan thought for a while, "I agree."

  Chu Xuyao ​​said, "Then it's decided."


  Shuiyun County.

  Ge Lihua rushed all the way to the county seat without delay, the entire county government office was brightly lit, and everyone was still working.

  Ge Lihua found Master, "Master, is Xu Jin back?"

  Master waved his hand in a good temper, "Not yet."

   "Then do you know where he went?"

   "It seems to have gone to the suburbs."

   "The suburbs?" Ge Lihua frowned suddenly, "The clues are in the suburbs?"

  Master was also very confused, "They didn't say that Xu Jin set off with a group of people at that time."

  Ge Lihua said, "Which suburb are you going to, I'll go find them."

  Master raised his face and thought for a while, "It seems to be the suburbs in the north of the city."

  Ge Lihua immediately went to Ma Pengli to get a horse, and rode to the northern suburbs.

  There is no one on the street, the doors are closed, only the lanterns under the eaves swaying slightly with the night wind.

  Ge Lihua didn't look sideways, and galloped all the way to the north. The crisp and loud hooves of horses kept ringing behind her, rendering the silent environment even quieter.

   After riding for a quarter of an hour, they finally arrived at the north city gate. They issued a warrant to let the officers and soldiers guarding the city open the gate, and continued on their way.

  Ge Lihua stopped his horse suddenly, looked ahead, frowning, the northern suburb is so big, where did Xu Jin and the others go?

  Suddenly she thought of something, jumped off the horse, and identified the horseshoe prints on the ground. The direction with many horseshoe prints must be the direction Xu Jin and the others left.

   Soon she got on the horse again and beat the horse to the left.

   After walking quickly for a certain distance, the sound of soldiers fighting suddenly came from ahead, and Ge Lihua's heart trembled, something really happened.

  She drew her sword, flew directly from the horseback, and joined the battle circle.

  Chu Xujin doesn't know martial arts, and is clumsily dealing with the opponent's attack.

The opponent raised a big knife and slashed at Chu Xujin's shoulder. Chu Xujin held up the saber with both hands to resist. The opponent's strength was too strong, and his jaw was numb. .

  The opponent's broadsword gradually pressed towards his shoulder.

  (end of this chapter)

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