Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 707: pissed off

  Chapter 707 707. Got angry

  Zhuang Ziqian was dubious, but he didn't show it, "Where is the genius doctor, I'll go visit him?"

  Yu Wanwan's servant came over, "Master Zhuang, the genius doctor is not in the village, I heard that he went out to see a doctor..."

  Zhuang Ziqian hesitated, "Then when will he come back?"

  The boy shook his head, "I don't know, the genius doctor is very busy every day, sometimes he leaves early and returns late, and he can only see people at night."

  Zhuang Ziqian thought for a while, "Then you go and watch, and when you see the miracle doctor coming back, you come and tell me immediately."

   The boy said, "Yes, Master Zhuang."

  Yu Wanwan said, "Ziqian, it's getting late, why don't you stay here for one night before going back?"

   This reminded Zhuang Ziqian, "Did the genius doctor say when you will return to normal?"

  Yu Wanwan told the truth, "Three months."

  Zhuang Ziqian immediately said, "Then I will go back in three months."

  Yu Wanwan raised her head and looked at Zhuang Ziqian, her eyes were full of doubts, "What are you doing here for so long?"

   "When you go back together, I don't worry about you being here alone."

   Zhuang Ziqian's words were basically a confession, and Yu Wanwan felt a little touched, "Xiao Si, you go and tidy up a room for Ziqian, and then go to the county town to buy some food and drink and come back to cleanse Ziqian."

   "Yes, Miss." The little maid secretly said, Master Zhuang won't be interested in his own lady, right?

   Zhuang Ziqian thought to himself, why not take this opportunity to tell Wanwan what he wants, otherwise Wanwan will definitely misunderstand that he likes her skin before she recovers.

  With this idea in mind, he secretly planned.


  Tian Xiaoqiu's aunt happily came to Chu's Village and found Li Qingyu who was working in the field, "Sister Qingyu, I have something to tell you."

  Li Qingyu put down the **** and walked up to Aunt Tian, ​​"Aunt Xiaoqiu, what's the matter?"

  Aunt Tian said, "I want to take Tian Xiaoqiu home, but I can't get in the ancestral hall. Can you ask Chu Rong to call someone for me?"

  Li Qingyu frowned puzzled, "Xiaoqiu did well in class, why did you take her back?"

  Aunt Tian kept smiling, "What kind of class is a girl going to, it's better to go home and help the family."

  Li Qingyu felt something was wrong, "Xiaoqiu is very obedient and works hard, you can let her continue to attend classes, if she studies well, wouldn't it be nice to stay in the workshop to work in the future?"

  Aunt Tian refused, "I won't study anymore. No matter how well you study, the money you earn in the future will be given to your husband's family. What does it have to do with my family? It's not as good as it is now..."

   When she reached this point, she quickly stopped.

  Li Qingyu felt more and more wrong, could it be that she wanted to sell Xiaoqiu? Girls are usually sold to brothels, "Aunt Xiaoqiu, tell the truth, otherwise I won't agree."

  Aunt Tian saw Li Qingyu's refusal, her smile disappeared, "Qingyu, Xiaoqiu came to your house to teach, not sold to your house, why do you disagree?"

  Li Qingyu secretly thought, there is a ghost among them, "Xiaoqiu also called me third aunt, how can I just watch you ruin people?"

  Aunt Tian felt guilty, but her attitude became more and more arrogant, "Now you know that she is her third aunt, what did you do in the early years? Xiaoqiu was raised by me, and now I need her, so she has to repay her kindness."

  Li Qingyu didn't want to quarrel with Aunt Tian, ​​so she took it easy and asked in a normal tone, "How do you want Xiaoqiu to repay her kindness?"

   At this point, Aunt Tian also went all out, "Someone from Zhangjia Village next door offered five taels of silver to buy Tian Xiaoqiu home as a child bride-in-law, and I have already agreed."

  Li Qingyu couldn't believe it, "Being a child bride is more miserable than being a maid. You are Xiaoqiu's aunt. How can you bear to see her suffer like this?"

  Aunt Tian rolled her eyes, "If you don't want her to suffer, then you can pay the five taels of silver. Anyway, your family is so rich."

  Li Qingyu looked at Aunt Tian disappointedly, "There is no problem with money, but you have to be reasonable."

   "No matter what you say, if you want Tian Xiaoqiu, you can pay for this money." Aunt Tian now has nothing else in her eyes except money.

  Li Qingyu greeted Chu Rong, and angrily led Aunt Tian to the ancestral hall.


  Ancestral hall.

   It happened to be recess, Chu Qingning finished class and came out to get some air. She didn't expect to see her mother walking over angrily. She hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Mom, what's wrong?"

  Li Qingyu is a prominent figure in the village. Seeing her angry appearance, many idle people in the village followed her.

  A mother-in-law pointed to Aunt Tian, ​​"Your mother is mad."

  Li Qingyu was really angry, "Qing Ning, is Xiao Qiu here?"

  Chu Qingning saw the two of them, combined with what her mother-in-law said just now, she was a little worried, and quickly said, "Xiaoqiu is here, what's wrong?"

  Aunt Tian raised her hand, "Call Xiaoqiu out."

  Chu Qingning was very puzzled, "Xiaoqiu is sick and is sleeping on the table, just say so if you have anything to do."

  Aunt Tian immediately started to have a seizure, "What's wrong? Is she pretending to be sick? Did she know that I was coming to her and deliberately pretended to be sick to avoid me?"

  Chu Qingning said a little angrily, "Didn't Xiaoqiu live in your house? Didn't you know she was sick?"

  Aunt Tian looked mean, "She hasn't come home for several days, who knows where she went to fool around!"

   "Don't talk too much!" Xu Songnian ran out and said loudly, "Xiaoqiu has been staying at my house these days, what fooling around? She is a girl, if you say that, how can she behave?"

  Aunt Tian raised her triangular eyebrows, "Did I say something wrong? How can a good girl not go home?"

  Xu Songnian was angry, and reasoned, "If she can come back, won't she come back?"

  Aunt Tian said aggressively, "What do you mean, did I abuse her?"

   "Didn't you abuse me?" Xu Songnian said, "Xiaoqiu said that she was going to commit suicide that day, but then she got scared and climbed ashore again. What kind of aunt are you, you don't care about her at all."

  Aunt Tian was startled, she didn't expect that little girl to seek death, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm good to her, how could she commit suicide?"

  Xu Songnian said, "You know how you treat her!"

  Ge Lihua came over, "I remember Xiaoqiu telling me that day, someone broke the things she wrote for her homework, but your son did it? You just came, so let's calculate the compensation?"

  Aunt Tian took a step back immediately, "That little girl broke it herself, so don't blame others."

   "It was your son who broke it." Xu Wenlin squeezed into the crowd, "Xiaoqiu cherishes it so much, how could it be possible to break it yourself? It is you who indulged your son and wronged a good person."

  Li Qingyu didn't expect there to be so many things, "Qing Ning, how much is it for Xiaoqiu's medical treatment? Now that your Aunt Tian is here, why don't you let her pay the bill?"

  (end of this chapter)

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