Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 714: 714. Miserable Consequences

   Chapter 714 714. Miserable consequences

  Aunt Tian put her hips on her back and said ferociously, "We are here to arrest Tian Xiaoqiu. Don't stop us, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

  One of the men with big arms raised a knife in his hand and threatened Li Qingyin, "Stand still, or I will hack you to death."

  Li Qingyin didn't dare to move, she just said, "You better stop now, otherwise if Qingzhi finds out about this, you will definitely not be spared."

  Aunt Tian snorted coldly with disdain, "A little girl, my mother is afraid of her, go, take Tian Xiaoqiu away for me, really think I can't do anything to you."

  One of the men without a knife came over to grab Tian Xiaoqiu.

   "You can't take her away." Li Qingyin stopped the man, "You better think about the consequences!"

  Xu Songnian stopped in front of Li Qingyin, "Xiaoqiu is from my cousin's family, did you take her away with my cousin's consent?"

   "Go away, Tian Xiaoqiu was bought by my family, it's your turn to talk, it won't work if anyone comes today." The man pushed Xu Songnian away, then Li Qingyin, and then reached out to grab Tian Xiaoqiu.

  Xu Songnian was pushed and staggered, while Li Qingyin was pushed aside and her palms were worn out.


   "Mother!" Xu Songnian and Xu Wenlin stepped forward to help her. Tian Xiaoqiu originally ran away, but when he saw Li Qingyin fell, he hurried back to help her.

  Tian Xiaoqiu began to cry, "Mother, are you hurt? I'm sorry..."

  Li Qingyin accepted Tian Xiaoqiu as her goddaughter, so that Tian Xiaoqiu could reduce the feeling of being dependent on others.

  Li Qingyin didn't expect Tian Xiaoqiu to come back to help her after running away, secretly lamenting that the little girl didn't suffer in vain, "I'm fine, don't worry."

  Li Qingyin wiped Tian Xiaoqiu's tears, "Don't cry, it's okay..."

   Before she finished speaking, Tian Xiaoqiu was dragged away by the man, "Mother..."

  This voice was so heart-piercing that Li Qingyin's heart trembled, and she pulled Tian Xiaoqiu back vigorously, "How much do you want, sell Xiaoqiu to me."

  The man immediately became greedy, "You can also want this little girl, just give me one hundred taels of silver."

  Li Qingyin said, "Songnian, take out a pen and paper to write the deed of sale, you are not allowed to arrest Xiaoqiu again."

  Li Qingyu said that taking in Tian Xiaoqiu was not a joke, but later Xu Wenlin said that Tian Xiaoqiu should live with her, so Li Qingyu gave Li Qingyin one hundred taels of silver to take care of Tian Xiaoqiu.

  The money was put in the purse for Xu Songnian to take home. At this moment, Li Qingyin is carrying the money with her to return to Li Qingyu. Tian Xiaoqiu is her goddaughter, so there is no need for living expenses.

   Did not expect to encounter a "robbery"!

Xu Songnian was talking about holding a pen and paper, when Xiao Ye suddenly appeared. It stood on a high rock, let out a long howl, then jumped out from behind, threw the man with the knife down, and took him bit off his hand.

  Saya will scare the mule, and usually hide in the dark when following.

  The sound the wolf made was terrifying, and the biting movements were even more vicious, scaring Aunt Tian and the other two men to the brim.

   Just when they were about to escape, the big wolf and the second wolf rushed over again. They were Xiaoye's eldest brother and second brother, and they were even more ferocious. They bit the man so badly that he passed out from the pain.

   Didn't want their lives, this is what Chu Qingzhi told them, just bite them half to death.

  Li Qingyin usually sees Xiao Ye as docile, but now the animal nature is aroused, which startled her, but it is also to protect them, so she secretly decided to go back and reward Xiao Ye with a chicken.

  Aunt Tian fell to the side limply, already fainted from fright.

   A passer-by saw this scene and ran to inform Chu Qingzhi, but Shen Ruyue was the only one at home now, and she couldn't leave, so Chu Laipi and Chu Papi were asked to solve it.

   This is what Chu Qingzhi told her. Generally, when encountering hooligans and unreasonable things, let them deal with them.

   Seeing the **** and tragic scene, the two didn't know how to deal with it. After discussing it, they sent all of them to the county government, and charged Aunt Tian with the four of them...robbery.

   It was the first time that the people in the county government had seen such a **** scene. The three men had no good place on their bodies, and the blood stained the tattered clothes red, which can be described as horrible.

  The county magistrate looked at it and didn't want to look at it again. He asked someone to invite a doctor to look at it. The crime of robbery can't be killed, so it's better to save people first.

  Aunt Tian went crazy after waking up. She witnessed the whole scene with her own eyes, and she was frightened dumbfounded.


  After hearing the news, Li Qingyu hurried home from the county seat, "Qingyin, are you alright?"

  Li Qingyin shook her head, "I'm fine, it's someone else who has a problem, third sister, you didn't see their appearance, they were bitten too badly."

  Li Qingyu patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "The daughter-in-law of the Tian family is so inhumane that she came here to **** her. They deserve what happened."

   "Fortunately, Dabai didn't go, otherwise they would not only be bitten badly, but they would probably be missing arms and legs."

  Li Qingyin couldn't help laughing, "It seems to be the same."

  The two sisters chatted for a while, Li Qingyin took out the money and put it in Li Qingyu's hands, "You take this money back, Xiaoqiu is also my half daughter, and it is right to take care of her."

  Li Qingyu shoved the plug back into Li Qingyin's hand, "Raising a child is not easy, you take the money and buy some new clothes for Xiaoqiu, this child is really pitiful."

  Li Qingyin thought for a while and accepted the money, "Don't worry third sister, I will take good care of Xiaoqiu."



  Tongzi County.

  The free clinic area next to the county government is crowded with people...

  There was a long queue at the four consultation desks. Fan Yuru, Rong Shiyu and some assistants for the free clinic were also very busy, but the whole scene was very orderly.

  A very luxurious carriage drove over and stopped near the free clinic area, and a girl got out of the carriage.

  The girl is dressed in fluttering white clothes, graceful and elegant, her black eyes are big and clear, exuding agility and playfulness.

  She went straight to Bao Linjiang, stretched out her hand and pinched Bao Linjiang's face with a very affectionate gesture, "It's still cute when it grows up so big."

   Bao Linjiang frowned and pushed the girl's hand away, "So many people are watching, can you pay attention?"

   "What?" Bao Yunhun put his hands behind his back, winked mischievously at Bao Linjiang, and said with a smile, "I can't touch you when I grow up?"

  Bao Linjiang protected his face, for fear that Bao Yunhong would attack him again, "You also said that men and women are different when you grow up, so don't touch your hands."

  Bao Yunhong smiled and said, "You forgot the way you ran behind my ass, and cried when you couldn't catch up with me. Now that you grow up, you despise people?"

  Bao Linjiang couldn't face himself when he was a child, "Can you stop mentioning my childhood, it's a dark history, besides, I was not sensible at that time."

  (end of this chapter)

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