Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 727: 727. The Vinegar Altar Overturned

  Chapter 727 Chapter 727. The Vinegar Altar Overturned

  Li's Porcelain Kiln.

  Yan and Lin walked into the porcelain kiln, went straight to Chu Qingshuang, and handed her a design drawing of the porcelain, "Qingshuang, can you make this porcelain?"

Chu Qingshuang looked at the drawings carefully for a while, "Yes, but the important thing about this piece of porcelain is not its shape, but the glaze. Look, there is a gradient color here. Master said that the most difficult thing is to glaze the gradient color." , and this problem, you see..."

  Seeing the problem at a glance, Chu Qingshuang is really powerful, Yan Helin's eyes were full of admiration, "Then do you have a solution?"

  Chu Qingshuang said conservatively, "It may not be successful once, try a few more times."

  Yan and Lin were silent for a while and said, "Can I make this porcelain with you?"

  Chu Qingshuang replied without hesitation, "Of course." The master said that this kind of technical work sometimes needs more people to communicate with each other to improve.

  Yan and Lin were very happy, "Then I will ask you to teach me more."

  Chu Qingshuang smiled modestly, "Don't dare to be the one, let's ask each other for advice."

   Then the two started a series of discussions on the porcelain design drawings...

  When Li Shaoliang walked into the porcelain kiln, he saw Chu Qingshuang, Yan Helin talking and laughing, and immediately overturned the jar of vinegar, "What are you doing?"

  Chu Qingshuang had a clear conscience. Hearing Li Shaoliang's voice, she raised her head and replied with a smile, "You're talking about porcelain, why are you here?"

  Li Shaoliang restrained his temper and said, "Can't I come?"

  Hearing the other party's slightly stiff tone, Chu Qingshuang's smile gradually subsided, "What's wrong with you? Did someone mess with you?"

  Seeing the change in Chu Qingshuang's expression, Li Shaoliang realized his gaffe just now, and quickly apologized, "I was in a bad mood just now, and I didn't mean to lose my temper with you. I'm sorry."

  Chu Qingshuang asked concerned, "What's wrong with you?"

   "It's okay." Li Shaoliang's eyes skipped over Chu Qingshuang, and landed on Yan Helin, with a repellent tone, "Cousin doesn't come to the door very often, why did you come here suddenly today?"

  Yan Helin is older than Li Shaoliang, and has much better emotional control ability. He took the blueprint of the porcelain and showed it to Li Shaoliang, and smiled, "I'll come to Qingshuang to discuss how to make this porcelain."

  Bad intentions, Li Shaoliang muttered to himself, and then raised his voice, "Is the discussion over? You can leave after the discussion."

  Yan and Lin smiled, and said generously, "Not yet, no one has made this porcelain, I need to make the porcelain with Qingshuang to finish the job."

  Li Shaoliang almost wrote the words "Hurry up" on his face, "How long will it take to finish?"

  Yan and Lin said unhurriedly, "At least one or two days, at most ten days and a half months."

  Li Shaoliang, "..."

  Li Shaoliang thought about it and said, "I think Qingshuang can handle it all by himself. Why don't you go back first and come back when Qingshuang is ready?"

  Yan and Lin said in a good temper, "I can't leave. I brought the drawings. If I don't participate, who will own the porcelain in the future?"

  Li Shaoliang was rich and powerful, "How much, I will buy it?"

  Yan Helin smiled and said, "Porcelain design drawings are priceless treasures, and I'm afraid it's not enough to take out your lucky money."

  Li Shaoliang, "..."

   "Shaoliang, you go back first." Chu Qingshuang has a strong interest in porcelain, and now that Shaoliang is delaying it, she has no way to study it carefully.

   "You want me to go back?" Li Shaoliang felt uncomfortable again. Why did Qingshuang choose her cousin instead of him?

  Chu Qingshuang nodded, "The difficulties on the porcelain need practical operation. If you continue to talk to us, some things can only be done tomorrow."

  Li Shaoliang had a feeling that he was superfluous, "Qingshuang..."

  Chu Qingshuang felt that Li Shaoliang's eyes looked a bit like an abandoned puppy, and said softly, "If you don't want to go back, just stay and watch, and we will have dinner together later, okay?"

  Li Shaoliang was happy, and quickly responded, "Okay."

  Chu Qingshuang walked towards Yan and Lin, "Let's try to make porcelain and glaze it."

  Yan and Lin glanced at Li Shaoliang, then nodded, "OK."

  The two continued to be busy, Li Shaoliang took a stool and sat beside him and watched silently, thinking to himself, he knew that he should learn porcelain well when he was a child, otherwise he would be discussing with Qingshuang now.


   The back door of Yunfei Academy.

   "Wow—" A person fell from the wooden frame to the ground, which shocked everyone.

  Wu Yaqing hurried forward, "How are you doing?"

  The man burst into tears in pain, "My leg hurts, my leg hurts..."

   "I'll find someone to save you right away." There were no doctors around here, Wu Yaqing racked her brains, and suddenly thought that there was a medical student in Yunfei Academy, so she ran downstairs to Yunfei Academy.

  She can only move around in the backyard, and she cannot pass through the door leading to the front yard of the academy.

  Wu Yaqing said anxiously to the porter, "I'm looking for a doctor, someone fell and injured, can you help me find a doctor?"

  Song Qingyuan happened to pass by, and stopped when he heard the words, "I'm a doctor, where is the injured person?"

  He is one of the best medical students in Yunfei Academy. He usually goes out to ask doctors to gain experience.

  Wu Yaqing said eagerly, "In my shop, follow me."

  Song Qingyuan just came back from practicing medicine, and he still carried the medicine box on his back, so he didn't need to go back to get it, so he followed Wu Yaqing directly to the shop.

  In the store, the injured man was lying flat on the ground, and no one dared to move him.

  Song Qingyuan checked the other party's injury and said, "His arm is slightly broken, and it will be fine after a period of recuperation after correction. There are no other serious problems."

  Wu Yaqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Treat him quickly, and I will pay for the amount."

  Song Qingyuan nodded, healed the injury immediately, and finished the work for a while, "Don't use force on this hand, cultivate it well, and come to me for a follow-up visit in half a month."

  The injured said gratefully, "Thank you, doctor."

  Wu Yaqing asked, "How much is the consultation fee?"

  Song Qingyuan said, "One tael of silver."

  Wu Yaqing searched, but couldn't find the money bag. She patted her forehead annoyed, and apologized, "I forgot to bring the money bag, can I give it to you tomorrow?"

  Song Qingyuan smiled and said, "Okay, you go ahead, I'll go back first."

   "Hey, what's your name?"

   "Song Qingyuan."

  Wu Yaqing praised carelessly, "Good name, thank you for today's matter, I will treat you to dinner another day."

  It is rare to see such a lively and straightforward girl. Song Qingyuan has a good impression of Wu Yaqing, "Thank you girl."


  Chu Family Village.

  In the workshop, under the guidance of Chu Qingzhi, the apple pie was successfully repackaged. Looking at it like this, it feels aristocratic.

  Chu Qingzhi stood aside and watched the workers packing, "Jiyue, after changing the packaging, don't our things feel more gorgeous?"

  Shen Ruyue nodded and said with a smile, "It looks very expensive and elegant at first glance."

  (end of this chapter)

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