Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 734: 734. Can't Change My Mind

  Chapter 734 Chapter 734. Can't change

   Now the status of the two parties has been reversed, Wu Yan worried, "The family is so good, can they take a fancy to you?"

  Before, my sister-in-law was worried that he would not be good enough for him, but now that I met him, she was worried that he would not like him anymore, Jiang Zhaoyong, "..."

  Jiang Zhaoyong said, "Qing Ning is not that kind of person. Their family members are very nice. When the time comes, you will know when you go to the village and meet them."

  Wu Yan nodded, "Well, let's prepare the dowry according to this dowry list. We keep all the money you brought home over the years, so it's no problem to buy the dowry."

  Jiang Zhaoyong was a little moved, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

Wu Yan is a grateful person. Since Jiang Zhaoyong was admitted to the champion of martial arts, she has never been stingy in sending money to her family. She always remembers it in her heart, "What are you talking about, we are all a family. Now you are getting married, and your elder brother and I are very happy." Be happy, treat Qing Ning well in the future."

  Jiang Zhaoyong really likes Chu Qingning, "Sister-in-law doesn't say I will."

  Wu Yan said very relievedly, "You go and get the carriage and send me and your elder brother to the Town God's Temple, and find the master to see a good day, let's come to propose marriage."

  Jiang Zhaoyong responded, "I listen to my sister-in-law."


  Chu Family Village.

  After returning home, Chu Qingning said with some anxiety, "Father and Mother, what do you think of Zhaoyong's family?"

  Li Qingyu has a good impression of them, "His brother and sister-in-law are all reasonable people, and they are not difficult to get along with."

  Chu Rong's focus is a little different. He said, "The two children are well taught. They are very polite when they call people and eat."

  Li Qingyu said, "Normally what happens to an adult, so does a child. Two children are good, so adults are naturally not far behind."

   "That's good." Chu Qingning was a little relieved, "Father and mother, I'm going to change clothes, and I have to dispense medicine later."

  Li Qingyu said, "Go and get busy, don't delay the business."


  Yunfei Academy.

  Back door, Wu Yaqing smiled and waved to Song Qingyuan, "Here."

  The cute and smiling girl came into view, and Song Qingyuan, who was always a little serious, couldn't help but also smiled, and walked towards Wu Yaqing at a faster pace, "Have you decided where to eat?"

  Wu Yaqing blinked her eyes, "If I treat you to dinner, you should choose the place."

  Song Qingyuan smiled softly, "As a man, it's too disrespectful for a girl to invite you to dinner, so let me treat you."

  Wu Yaqing waved her hand and said with a smile, "I've agreed to invite you, and you can't change your mind."

  Song Qingyuan thought for a while, "Then let's eat fish skin dumplings?"

   "Fish skin dumplings?" Wu Yaqing licked her lips with a cute gesture, "Are they delicious?"

   "You will know after a taste."

   "Then let's go."

   Came to a small shop, the shop sign is fish skin dumplings, a little old, it can be seen that it has been a few years, there are many people in the shop, but many of them are packed and taken away, and their business is the best in the whole street.

  Seeing that Wu Yaqing was interested, Song Qingyuan said, "This shop has been here since Yunfei Academy was there. The taste is delicious, and the business has always been very good."

   "Then I will have a good taste." Wu Yaqing walked in first.

  It happened that someone let out an empty table, and the two sat on the stool, ordered food, and continued chatting, talking, talking, and talking about Wu Yaqing's bookstore.

   "Yaqing, why do you think of opening a bookstore there?"

   "Because of scarcity." Wu Yaqing asked with a smile, "Are you afraid that my business will not be good?"

  Song Qingyuan said euphemistically, "I think reading is an elegant thing. The environment at the back door is not very good. If you open the bookstore there, it may have some influence."

Wu Yaqing coughed, straightened her face, and said, "I think your view is wrong. First of all, as long as you study hard, it doesn't matter where you study. Secondly, bookstores are just places to sell books. Simply speaking, it's a problem. Business, like any other business, is no different."

  She pointed to her head, "The difference is that there is a difference here, and it has nothing to do with reading itself."

  Song Qingyuan felt that Wu Yaqing's words were somewhat reasonable, and now he had nothing to refute Wu Yaqing's words, so he changed the subject when the buddy brought the dumplings, "Taste the dumplings."

  Wu Yaqing nodded, "Yes."

   After dinner, Song Qingyuan said to Wu Yaqing, "Many people in the academy plan to come and see you when you open, and I wish you success."

  Wu Yaqing smiled playfully and said confidently, "You will definitely like it."

  Seeing that the other party was so determined, Song Qingyuan couldn't help but become curious, "I will also come at other times to cheer you on."

  Wu Yaqing nodded, "Okay, welcome."

   After that, the two parted ways, one went back to the shop and the other to the academy.


  Chu Family Village.

   Several little girls in the village ran towards Chu Qingzhi's house, stood in the yard and shouted, "Qingyan, Qingyan..."

  Chu Qingyan was dispensing medicine, and ran out after hearing the words, "What's the matter?"

  Chu Xiaofeng waved to Chu Qingyan, "Can you come down?"

   "Wait for me a moment." Chu Qingyan turned around and ran downstairs. After running two steps, she turned back and flew directly down from the balcony.

   This scene stunned all the friends.

  Chu Qingyan clapped her hands, held her head high and said, "How about it, do I look like a little swallow?"

  Chu Xiaofeng looked at Chu Qingyan with adoring eyes, "You also learned martial arts like your Fifth Sister?"

   "Yeah, I learned how to fly a long time ago, and I just showed it to you." Chu Qingyan has always liked to show off, and she has long wanted to show off in front of her friends. It is rare to be able to bear it until now.

   "That's great, if only we were as good as you."

   "Qingyan, can you teach us?"

   "Qingyan, we want to fly too."

  Chu Qingyan wondered, "I don't know how to teach, and martial arts can only be learned by a teacher, so I can't teach it." She added, "But when I get better, I can take you flying, how about it?"

   There was no better way, so everyone nodded in compromise.

  Chu Qingyan quickly changed the subject, "What are you looking for me for?"

  Chu Xiaofeng asked, "Do you have medicine to make people whiter?"

  Chu Qingyan didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

  Chu Xiaofeng said, "The daughter of the landlord's family in the next village is very dark. She said that whoever can make her skin white will be rewarded with a penny. We are thinking of you."

   "White?" Chu Qingyan shook her head, "I don't know how to prepare such medicine, so I can only ask Fifth Sister."

  Chu Xiaofeng said, "Then hurry up and ask, the landlord's daughter is so rich, if you can marry her, wouldn't she be able to make a lot of money?"

  Chu Qingyan thought for a while, "You are very reasonable, I will ask my fifth sister when she comes back."

  Chu Xiaofeng warned, "Then hurry up, we're going home to work."

  Chu Qingyan said, "Thank you very much."

   "It's okay, let's go." Several little girls left quickly.

  (end of this chapter)

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