Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 737: 737. Bad Premonition

  Chapter 737 737. Bad feeling

  Chu Qingzhi picked up the medicine, took it back to Zhao San’s home and fried it, gave it to Ling Yanjiang, and left after a while.

  Before leaving, Chu Qingzhi told the villagers not to tell outsiders that they had been to the village, and if the other party forced them, they should tell the truth.

  The villagers immediately stated that they would definitely keep silent.

  After leaving the village, Ge Lihua didn't want to delay Chu Qingzhi's business, so he suggested that she take Ling Yanjiang back alone, and Chu Qingzhi continued to buy cattle.

  Chu Qingzhi thought about it, agreed, and then went to the next Niuzhuang alone.


  Chu Family Village.

  Chu Junsong, the steward of the freight team, brought back many letters to Shen Ruyue, "Sister Ruyue, these are all from the shopkeeper of the other party who asked me to bring them back for you."

  Shen Ruyue took the letter over, "Thank you."

   "You're welcome, I have nothing to go on."

   "Go and rest."

  Shen Ruyue opened the letters one by one, and read them one by one. After reading them, she couldn't help but beam with joy.

The letter was the feedback after the packaging of apple pie and taro pie was changed. The letter said that after the packaging was changed, the two items sold better, and there were many more customers who bought them as gifts. In addition, many customers entered the store for the first time. Just look at them at a glance...

  Shen Ruyue happily put away all the letters, "When Qing Zhi comes back, we can discuss with her to change the packaging of the egg tarts..."

  Chu Bo, the gatekeeper of the workshop area, came over, "Jiyue, someone delivered oiled paper, and I asked you to receive it."

   "Here we come." Shen Ruyue got up and walked out.

  At the gate of the workshop area, Chu Feng personally led someone to bring back the oiled paper, "Sister Ruyue, there are 5,000 oiled papers in total, please order."

   "Wait a minute." Shen Ruyue asked for the scale to be weighed.

  With so many oiled papers, it is naturally impossible to count them one by one. In this case, they are all weighed. As long as they are within a certain range, the goods can be received.

   After weighing, there was no problem, Shen Ruyue put away the greased paper, "Go slowly."

   "Okay." After a short rest, Chu Feng took the people out of the village and went to Chu's papermaking workshop.

  Shen Ruyue looked at the oil paper produced by her own company, and felt that it was better than others. "I don't know where to find another talent. He has a good vision."

  With your own oil paper, you can order less from other people's homes. When you replace all of them with your own home in the future, you can save about 1,000 taels of silver a month, which is enough to pay half of your wages.


  After finishing the matter of buying the cattle, Chu Qingzhi rushed back to Chujia Village. Not long after she came back, Wan Haonan came to her, "Girl, Ma Peng is ready, take a look."

  Chu Qingzhi came to Ma Peng...

   Ma Peng built a word shape.

  The three sides are the stables where the horses rest. The stables are rectangular, and the inside is divided into small areas, one area can accommodate three horses.

  The sink and food trough are placed in front of the stable, and the space is very spacious.

  Two thatched huts were built on the remaining side. One thatched hut was used for feed such as horse grass and soybeans, and the other thatched hut was used for sleeping by the horse watchers.

   Horses have no night grass and are not fat. They need a person to feed the horses at night. It is inconvenient to go back and forth, so they sleep in thatched huts.

  Near the thatched hut, a house will be built in the future to store the wagons. After the horses come back, it will be more convenient to unload the wagons here and put them back on when needed.

  The whole Ma Peng has a reasonable layout, grandeur, and exquisiteness. It can accommodate a total of 50 horses, leaving room for expansion.

  Chu Qingzhi was very satisfied, "You guys have done a good job of building it, and you will drive the horses here tonight."

  Luo Hongping volunteered, "Girl, I am good at taking care of horses, so let me take care of horses from now on?"

   This saves her trouble, Chu Qingzhi said, "Then I will trouble you."

  Luo Hongping said, "No trouble, if it weren't for the girl, we wouldn't know what to do. Now that the girl has found a job for us, we will try our best to do it well."

   "You guys will go back after dinner later, thanks for your hard work." Chu Qingzhi was worried that it would be difficult to manage, but she didn't expect everyone to let her worry so much.

  Luo Hongping said, "Thank you, girl."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "You guys take a break, I'll go and see the cowshed."

   "Let's go together and help build the cowshed."

   "Let's go."


  Shuiyun County.

  A well-dressed, aloof woman walked into Wu Yaqing's unfurnished shop, and looked around like the owner's house.

  Behind her were two little girls, expressionless, cold, not easy to get close to, holding a sword in their hands, like knights walking in the rivers and lakes.

  When the people working around saw the stranger coming in, they wanted to expel him, but seeing the stranger, they had no choice but to behave politely, "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

  Wu Wenyu glanced at the other party, "Wu Yaqing, your shopkeeper."

   "Wait a minute, we'll call you right away." The man who spoke quickly ran into the room and called Wu Yaqing out.

  Wu Yaqing yelled excitedly when she saw the three of them, then ran over and hugged Wu Wenyu, "Auntie, why are you here?"

  Wu Wenyu raised a smile, but his tone was still serious, "If I don't come, you will be abducted."

  Wu Yaqing had a bad feeling in her heart, and quickly retorted, "What did my aunt say? I'm so smart, who can abduct me?"

  Seeing that Wu Yaqing was pretending to be stupid, Wu Wenyu said it directly, "You still have the nerve to say, who is Lu Yichen?"

  Wu Yaqing glanced around, but did not look at Wu Wenyu, "He, he..., he is him."

  The corners of Wu Wenyu's lips flattened, and he put on a stern expression, "I tell you clearly, your mother doesn't want you to be with him, and I'm here to stop you."

  Wu Yaqing raised her voice, "I don't agree."

  Wu Wenyu had a firm attitude, "This matter cannot be left to you, you must listen to your mother."

  Wu Yaqing thought to herself, if the tip of the needle is against the wheat awn, the one who suffers must be herself, so it is better to take a long-term view, so she softened her attitude, "Auntie, let's not talk about this for now, you came from a long way, I will take you to eat and rest first, okay?"

  Wu Wenyu didn't want to push Wu Yaqing too hard when he came, so he agreed, "Let's go, let me see the customs of Daling."

  Wu Yaqing patted her chest and vowed, "I won't let you down."

   After speaking, he dragged Wu Wenyu out,

  On the way, Wu Wenyu said distressedly, "The skin is not as white as before, have you come out to suffer?"

  Wu Yaqing smiled and said, "Auntie, then you are wrong. I don't know how beautiful my life is. I will tell you slowly in the future, eat first."

  Wu Wenyu loves Wu Yaqing very much, "Listen to you, talk while eating."

  Wu Yaqing readily agreed, "Okay."


  Chu Family Village.

  Chu Qingzhi returned to the village and called Fu Bao to stop, "Take your younger brothers to live in a new home in a while."

  Fubao is the leader of the family's horses, so all the horses obey him.

  (end of this chapter)

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