Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 747: 747. Confiscation of gift

  Chapter 747 747. Confiscation of gifts

  After school, Yan Yi called the two brothers to stop, "Xu Yuan, Xu Yao, wait for me, I will go home with you."

  Chu Xuyuan responded, "Master, we will wait for you at the gate."

  Yan Yi nodded first, "Okay, I'll go find you after I put the things away."

  The two brothers came to the gate, and Fubao, who was busy all day and night, just arrived. When he saw the two of them, he ran towards them.

  It is the end of school time, and the students go out at the gate one after another, and they will take a look at Fubao after they come out.

  Fubao, a horse that can take children to and from school, is very famous among the students. Some people even use Fubao to make articles and paintings. Fubao is not only a star horse in the village, but also in the academy.

  Chu Xuyao ​​touched Fu Bao's head, and said, "Wait a minute, Master Yan is going home with us."

  Fu Bao flicked his tail and walked to the side to graze. After a busy day, he didn't have time to graze properly.

   He Shaozhi and Su Wenji saw that they hadn't left, so they walked towards them.

  Chu Xuyao ​​put the two of them in the same yard, and the two didn't fight against them again after that. The latter thought that they were studying in the same dormitory after all, so they reconciled.

  He Shaozhi looked around, "Who are you waiting for?"

  Chu Xuyao ​​turned his head to look at He Shaozhi, with distaste written in his black and white eyes, "Waiting for Master."

   These two guys are not against them now, but they have imitated them everywhere, making those who don't know the truth think they are four brothers, and some people asked him specifically.

  He Shaozhi was a little envious of their good relationship with Master Yan, "Is Master going to your house?"

   "Yes, my fifth sister helped Master Yan heal his leg before, so he went to thank my fifth sister." Chu Xuyao ​​raised his eyebrows, now I see how you learn.

   "Oh." He Shaozhi responded in a low voice, looking a little regretful, why didn't he have such a sister.

  Chu Xuyuan smiled secretly, there is nothing to learn now, "Master is here, we have to go."

  He Shaozhi and Su Wenji took a step back, stood aside, and looked at Yan Yi first.

  The two once pushed Yan Yixian, and later apologized sincerely, and Yan Yixian forgave them.


  Yan Yi looked at the two of them first, "Hurry up and go home after school, don't run around and worry your family."

  The two responded obediently, "Yes, Master."

  Yan Yixian rode away with Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao.

  He Shaozhi looked at the figure of the three leaving at once, and said enviously, "Why do Xu Yuan and Xu Yao always live better than others?"

  Su Wenji hit the nail on the head, "Because he has a good sister."

  He Shaozhi sighed helplessly, "Let's go back, we don't have cute and capable sisters, only parents who are strict with us."

  The two looked at each other, and then sighed in unison.


  Chu Family Village.

  Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​put down their things, asked Li Qingyu where Chu Qingzhi was, and took Yan Yi first to find her.

  Chu Qingzhi is repairing the pig shed with everyone. The pig shed has been built, and the overall structure is similar to that of a modern pig farm. After the repairs are completed, the piglets can be bought back.

  When Yan Yi came here first, everyone was building a house for cooking pig food. Pigs are not easy to get sick when they eat cooked food, and they grow faster.

  He thought to himself, Chu Qingzhi is probably the only such down-to-earth and beautiful girl, and anyone else would definitely not be able to do these rough jobs.

  He stepped forward with admiration, "Miss Chu."

  Chu Qingzhi turned her head to look, then clapped her hands and walked over, "It's dirty here, let's go to the side and talk."

  A small pavilion was built next to the pig shed, with a set of stone tables inside. Although it is a place for raising pigs, it has to live, and there are some living facilities.

   Surrounded by mountains and forests, it is okay to sit here when you are free.

  If people come to discuss business, this place can also be used as a place to discuss business, which is also very good.

  Chu Qingzhi brought Yan Yixian to the pavilion, before he was seated, Yan Yixian handed the small box in his hand to Chu Qingzhi, "Thank you, Miss, for healing my leg."

  Chu Qingzhi pushed the box back, "If Master really wants to thank me, help me take care of my two younger brothers."

  Yan Yi was the number one scholar first, and he was also Juren’s wife. With him teaching Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao, the two of them will definitely go further in the imperial examination. Now she has no shortage of money, only resources.

  Yan Yixian was a little surprised and said, "I have to give you a gift, and I will treat the girl's two younger brothers well. Please rest assured, girl."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the box, "Then this thank you gift is the tuition I paid for my two younger brothers."

  Yan Yi first understood what Chu Qingzhi meant, "I will do my best."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled slightly, "Then I will thank Master first."

   "Girl, you're welcome."

   "It's getting late, I'll ask Fu Bao to take Master back."

   "Thank you."

  Send off Yan Yixian, Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​ran towards Chu Qingzhi, Chu Xuyuan asked puzzled, "Fifth sister, did you confiscate the thank you gift from the master?"

  Chu Qingzhi said with a bit of mystery, "It's accepted, but it's not money."

do not understand.

  Chu Qingzhi patted Chu Xuyuan's shoulder and said, "Go and do your homework, you will know about it later."

   "Yes." Both of them listened to Chu Qingzhi's words very well, and obediently went to do their homework.


  In the hall on the second floor.

  Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​took out their homework and sat opposite each other.

  Chu Xuyao ​​rolled his eyes, revealing a burst of intelligence, "Seventh Brother, did Fifth Sister and Master reach a certain consensus, which is why the thank you gift was confiscated?"

  Chu Xuyuan thought for a while, "I think it looks very similar, but what could it be?"

  Chu Xuyao ​​frowned in distress, "I can't guess this one."

  Chu Xuyuan interrupted Chu Xuyao, "Okay, don't guess, let's study hard and don't disappoint everyone's expectations of us, you know?"

  Chu Xuyao ​​looked at Chu Xuyuan, and sometimes he was quite envious of Brother Seven's boss, "Do your homework."


  Yan Yi returned home first, rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and finally found several books that he had read when he was taking the scholar examination.

  The servant reminded, "Master, be careful with your legs."

   "It's okay." Yan Yi tidied up the books first, and then decided to deal with the servant's affairs, "I don't need anyone to take care of me now."

  The servant clenched his hands, his nose sore, and asked cautiously, "Is the master planning to sell me?"

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that." Yan Yi saw that the young man was about to cry, and quickly explained, "You have worked hard to take care of me during this time, so I would like to thank you first, if you don't want to stay here, I am willing to give you the bond of sale Here you go, you can find your own way out."

  The boy hurriedly said, "Master, I won't leave, I am willing to take care of you all the time."

   Have freedom, but lose everything else.

  Master is not like other masters who beat and scold their servants, but treat him so well. He is already very satisfied with this kind of life.

  (end of this chapter)

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