Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 759: 759. Marquis of a Thousand Households

  Chapter 759 759. Marquis of Thousand Households

  The golden feathered phoenix on Chu Qingzhi's arm suddenly flickered, she nodded, and Tang Jinghong's voice came.

   "Qingzhi, I want to tell you two things. The first one is about the ledger. The ledger has been handed over to the emperor. Tell Li Hua that you don't have to worry about it anymore."

"The second thing is about "Ming". The people under his command found out that "Ming" is called Xing Jinming. He is from the Xing Family of Yong'an City in Dongling. Family, and later joined a mysterious organization, engaged in the business of murder and robbery."

   "This Xing Jinming offended a lot of people, and later he was deliberately harmed by someone, and he contracted a certain disease. The disease he contracted needed to be relieved by taking drugs. Because of this disease, the organization kicked him out."

   "It is precisely because of this that Xing Jinming has completely degenerated. He began to rob houses and houses by all means, and finally fell into the hands of the governor of Yong'an City."

   "The Fu Yin sentenced him to death, but due to the negligence of the yamen servants, he escaped, and his whereabouts have not been seen yet."

  Listening to Tang Jinghong's words, Chu Qingzhi secretly said, it seems that what Xing Jindong said is true.

   Now it is certain that this person is Xing Jinming.

   Not long after, the emperor and others sent letters to Chu Qingzhi, and the investigation results were similar.

  Chu Qingzhi raised her hand and turned all the letters into ashes. Although the investigation found that it was Xing Jinming, no one investigated why Xing Jinming appeared in the deep mountains behind Yuncun.

  There must be something brewing in it!


  Cloud Village.

  At the entrance of the village, Chu Xujin happily said to Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, the epidemic in Yun Village has basically been eliminated."

   Once smallpox is cured, you can be immune for life, and you don't have to worry about it anymore.

   "Pack up your things, you can evacuate."


   Then Chu Qingzhi went to Xia Village, and the villagers in this village basically got better and regained their vitality.

  Riding a horse, he inspected the surrounding villages one after another. The traces of the epidemic have faded, and smiles have returned to everyone's faces.

  The villagers kept sending Chu Qingzhi to the entrance of the village...

   "Girl, thanks to you, otherwise we don't know how many people will die!"

   "Girl, thank you so much, you are a good person, you will be safe and smooth, and your wishes will come true."


   Soon after, many villages erected Chu Qingzhi's birth shrine, the old man Huangtong, and worshiped him.

   This wave of operations made some gods in the sky envious. Chu Qingzhi is only a quasi-immortal, and someone enshrines her, and the incense is very strong. When she returns to the fairy world, she may not be low.

  After the epidemic was completely over, the emperor issued an imperial decree, directly sealing Chu Qingzhi's household, and canonizing her as Marquis of Qianhu.

  Hou of a thousand households, one person enjoys the food town of a thousand households, including food and property, and can manage the local people, which is similar to dividing a small territory.

  With the Chu Family Village as the center, the surrounding 1,000 households are all owned by Chu Qingzhi. She enjoys the taxes of these people and the right to manage the land.

  In other words, this land and the people on it have become Chu Qingzhi's private property.

  The birth of the first female Marquis of a Thousand Households in history was published prominently in the Mansion Newspaper. This time, Chu Qingzhi became famous throughout Daling.

  Chu Qingzhi instantly became a landlord.

  After hearing the news, some small landlords came to give gifts one after another. From now on, Chu Qingzhi will be their immediate boss, so she has to pay her respects quickly and build a good relationship.

  Chu Qingzhi accepted them one by one with a smile. She didn't expect that she could get to the point of owning a fief in ancient times, which is not bad.

  After other friends and business partners learned about it, they sent congratulatory gifts one after another, and Chu Qingzhi accepted the gift again and received it softly.

  After the impact of the epidemic subsided completely, it entered November, and everyone began to prepare things for winter.

  The trustees of Chuqingzhi bought a lot of cotton from northern Xinjiang, made cotton clothes and quilts for the family, and prepared things for winter.

  The various businesses at home have stabilized. In Wancheng, with the help of Zhuang Ziqian, things are selling well, and many merchants come to ask for purchases, which is unexpected to everyone.

  Paper towels have become completely popular in the upper circles of the capital. For consumables such as paper towels, there are old customers and new orders every day. Under such circumstances, Chu Qingzhi began to expand the paper making workshop.

The brick kiln at home has already been built, and a batch of bricks have been fired. Under the control of several master craftsmen and under the advice of Chu Qingzhi, the quality of the fired bricks is much better than that of other people, and they can be used to expand.

  Small cakes have also entered thousands of households. They are fluffy, soft, fragrant and sweet, loved by adults and children, and have become a new type of popular pastries.

  All the little parrots were born, Chu Qingzhi built a long pole under the eaves outside the window, often the pole was full of little parrots, fortunately they were not noisy and were very good.

  The most gratifying thing is that both Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​passed the Tongsheng exam, and both took the first place in the exam.

  For this matter, the Chu family once again held a big banquet for three days, and anyone can come to eat.

  The two children were rewarded by the academy, and all tuition fees were waived for studying in the future. They also received a reward of ten taels of silver, and became influential figures in the academy and even Shuiyun County.

  The dean of the academy specially wrote a large-scale bragging letter to the younger brother of the Imperial College, enviously making Master Jijiu enviously want to abduct the two children immediately.

  After Ling Yanjiang recovered from his injury, he had nowhere to go, so he simply joined the Chujia Village's cargo team, intending to live a stable life and make changes when he has an idea in the future.


  On this day, Zhan Hongjun brought Fan Yuru to Chu Qingzhi's house, and said a little shyly, "Master, I plan to bring Yuru back to Beijing, and then propose marriage to General Fan."

  Chu Qingzhi was about to speak when Bao Linjiang walked in with Rong Shiyu, "Master, we also plan to return to Beijing." He looked at Rong Shiyu, "Propose marriage to the Prime Minister."

   During the epidemic, they supported each other and faced difficulties big and small together. Their relationship has reached a very good stage.

  Chu Qingzhi laughed, "Is there an appointment between you two?"

  Zhan Hongjun hurriedly said, "No, it's all a coincidence, Master, we'll come back after finishing our business in Beijing."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Go, lifelong events are also very important."

  Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang saluted Chu Qingzhi solemnly, and then left with the girls they liked.

  Chu Qingzhi returned to the room, stood in front of the window facing Tianhe Peak, and took a long breath. The weather was slightly cool, and the birds began to strengthen their nests, preparing for the winter.

  The door was knocked, and Wu Yaqing's voice came, "Qingzhi, can I come in?"

  Chu Qingzhi turned her head, "Come in."

  As soon as Wu Yaqing entered the room, she rushed over and hugged Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, I miss you so much."

  (end of this chapter)

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