Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 765: great progress

  Chapter 765 Chapter 765. Great progress

  Chu Qingning probably knew the reason, and said, "I'll give you a pulse."

  Xu Xiqin quickly stretched out her wrist, then looked at Chu Qingning with some anxiety.

   "It's okay, don't worry." Chu Qingning clasped her fingers on Xu Xiqin's wrist, and cleared her pulse carefully, "It's nothing serious, I'll prescribe a medicine for you, drink it for three days, and you'll be fine next month."

  Xu Xiqin said happily, "Thank you, Sister Qingning."

   "Qing Ning!" Jiang Zhaoyong's voice came in, Chu Qingning couldn't help showing a smile on her face, walked out quickly, and replied at the same time, "I'm here."

  Jiang Zhaoyong was standing at the door of the medicine house waiting for Chu Qingning. His body was straight and thin, he was wearing a black robe trimmed with gold silk, and he had a narcissistic personality.

  Chu Qingning walked in front of Jiang Zhaoyong, "Why are you here suddenly?"

  Jiang Zhaoyong looked straight at Chu Qingning, "I'm going to the capital, so I came here to tell you."

  Chu Qingning was puzzled, "Why are you going to the capital all of a sudden?"

Jiang Zhaoyong said with mixed joy and sorrow, "I took two exams a few days ago, one for knowledge and one for piano skills, and I passed. The emperor asked me to return to Beijing immediately. The dean said that the emperor may have something to delegate to me. .”

  Chu Qingning looked at him very reluctantly, "Where will the emperor send you? Will you come back?"

   "I don't know." Jiang Zhaoyong wasn't sure, "No matter what I'm assigned to do, I will come to see you before I go to work. If it really doesn't work, I'll send you a letter."

   "Wait a minute." Chu Qingning took Jiang Zhaoyong back home, and took out a box from the room for him, "Here are the life-saving pills given to me by Fifth Sister, and there are a lot of wound medicines, you take them as spares."

  Jiang Zhaoyong took the box with one hand, and hugged Chu Qingning into his arms with the other, "Qingning, you have to take good care of yourself, I will come back to you as soon as I finish my work."

  Chu Qingning's eyes were red, "Yes."


in the room.

  Chu Qingshuang returned home with a face full of joy. As soon as she got home, she ran to find Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, I have good news for you."

  Chu Qingzhi is designing new products, and the Chinese New Year is approaching, so she needs to take the opportunity to launch something suitable for the occasion and promote her own products.

  After hearing what Chu Qingshuang said, she asked, "What good news?"

  Chu Qingshuang took out the silver ticket, and said with great vigor, "Fifth sister, this is my dividend from selling porcelain, isn't it great?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "It's getting stronger and stronger."

  Chu Qingshuang handed the money to Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth sister, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what I'm doing now, so I want to give this money to you, thank you very much."

  Chu Qingzhi pushed Chu Qingshuang's hand back, "You keep the money yourself, there are many ways to thank me, if you really want to thank me, how about cooking me a meal today?"

   "I'll go get ready right away." Chu Qingshuang stuffed the money into Chu Qingzhi's hand, and then ran away quickly.

  Chu Qingzhi looked down at the bank note in her hand, and smiled, the little girl was also very grateful, the pain was not in vain.

  She got up and walked towards Chu Qingshuang's room, and put the banknote under Chu Qingshuang's pillow, and regarded the money as a dowry for the little girl.


   Workshop area.

   So far, all the food that can be repackaged in the workshop have been repackaged, so Shen Ruyue has received many feedback letters every day.

  I received another ten today, and she opened them one by one to read...

  Almost everyone said that after changing the packaging, it is obviously easier to sell, mainly because more people buy it as a gift, such an exquisite packaging, it is extra face-saving when giving a gift.

  After reading the letter, Shen Ruyue was completely relieved.

  Xu Songnian glanced at the letters. He has already learned most of the characters, and reading a letter is not a problem. "Big cousin, the package delivery box is here, and I want you to receive it."

  Shen Ruyue nodded, "You go with me, you will receive the goods later, I will watch."

  Xu Songnian suddenly became nervous, "Big cousin, I don't know how yet."

  Shen Ruyue patted Xu Songnian's shoulder twice, encouraging, "I believe in you."

  Xu Songnian took a deep breath, "Then I'll try, big cousin, if you make a mistake, please remind me immediately."

  Shen Ruyue said, "Don't worry, I will always be watching."

  The two of them, plus Xu Wenlin, walked out together and came to the gate.

Shen Ruyue gave Xu Songnian the receipt. The receipt is a form, which will be filled out one by one when receiving the goods, and then compared with the planned receipt. If it is correct, the receipt can be given to Xu Songnian. The other party said that he had accepted the goods and used this as evidence.

  Xu Songnian was very nervous. He bumped and bumped when ordering the goods, and was so nervous that he broke into a cold sweat.

This time I received small cake packaging boxes, a thousand pieces, which is a very large amount. They have to be weighed, and they can only be received within a certain range. Qualified sandwiched inside.

  Randomly check the boxes, and specify how many times to draw within a certain amount. For example, for the thousand boxes, you have to check thirty times, and check from different locations.

   If any unqualified goods are found, first, you need to collect them one by one. If you don’t accept them, the delivery time will be delayed. Second, you need to talk about compensation. There are regulations on these.

  Xu Songnian was very nervous, thinking about the steps of receiving the goods quickly in his mind, his palms were sweaty...

  My family's goods will not be given to unqualified ones, and the receipt is very smooth.

  Xu Songnian glanced at Shen Ruyue, then signed his name on the receipt, and handed it to Chu Feng, "Brother Chu Feng, the receipt."

  Chu Feng looked at the receipt, no problem, he said with a smile, "You can do it, you have already learned how to receive the goods."

  Xu Songnian finally relaxed, and said with a relaxed smile, "It's my cousin who taught me well."

  Chu Feng smiled and said, "Keep working hard, let's go."

   "Walk slowly."

  Watching Chu Feng and others leave, Xu Songnian turned to look at Shen Ruyue, smiling very happily, "Big Cousin, I will."

  Shen Ruyue smiled and nodded, "I will practice more in the future."

  Xu Songnian readily responded, "Yes."


   After dinner, Chu Qingzhi waved to Hong Yujun, "Yujun, come with me."

   "Here we come." The second batch of rice wine and wine were brewed at the same time. In these two days, at the critical moment, Mr. Hongyu was too busy to touch the ground.

  Come to the room, Chu Qingzhi handed a letter to Jun Hongyu, "Young master has written back to you."

  Jun Hongyu was surprised and delighted, tears welled up in his eyes, "I thought the young master wouldn't reply to my letter."

  Chu Qingzhi defended herself, "No, it's just that he is far away, so he came back late, take it back and have a look."

  Jun Hongyu nodded, "Well, Qingzhi, I'm going back to my room."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Go."

  Jun Hongyu returned to the room, immediately opened the letter to read, and then shouted happily, "Young master is coming to my wedding banquet, that's great, that's great!"

  (end of this chapter)

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