Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 768: 768. Where is the face?

  Chapter 768 Chapter 768. Where is the face

  Shuang'er's eyes straightened for a moment, then she tilted her head and called out excitedly, "What about me? What about me?"

  Chu Qingzhi said unfeelingly, "You haven't completed the task, and there is no reward."

  Shuang'er flew onto Chu Qingzhi's arm, seeking benefits for herself, "Don't do it, don't do it..."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't expect Shuang'er to do this for food, but she was surprised, "If you want a reward, finish the task well tomorrow, otherwise you will get nothing."

  If you set the rules, you have to act according to the rules. Otherwise, if you indulge once, what will happen to the thirty-five parrots in the future?

  Shuang'er quarreled for a while, seeing Chu Qingzhi's resolute attitude, she had no choice but to retreat, but looked into Chu Qingzhi's eyes, quite sad.

  Chu Qingzhi said to it, "You can't blame me, who made you lazy."

   Just take this opportunity to make an example to others!

  Seeing that Chu Qingzhi is so strict, the other parrots completely gave up the idea of ​​being lazy, and they never got lazy until the end of their lives.

   Shuang'er was extremely wronged.

  Chu Qingzhi ignored it, and continued to ask other parrots about today's tracking tasks.

  Except for the overly smart Shuang’er, the other parrots completed the task very well and were rewarded by the little caterpillar.

  Little caterpillars are snacks that Chu Qingzhi made for the parrots. They use chicken, pork, duck, and green vegetables to mash them into a worm shape and then deep-fry them. The parrots like to eat them very much.

  Shuang'er watched her companions eat the caterpillars enviously, and secretly swore that she would never be lazy again.

   After the little parrots ate snacks, Chu Qingzhi began to assign new missions. She wanted to investigate intelligence. In addition to detecting news, she also had to pay attention to concealment, so the next mission was...

  Take the village as the scope, find a place to hide tomorrow from the 1st to the 10th, and the rest of the parrots will go to search, but whoever is found will fail, within a day.

   The failed food will be halved, and the food will be restored next time.

  Successful ones will be rewarded with ten small caterpillars.

  The color-changing parrots are best at hiding, so after hearing about this task, they were all eager to try and very excited.

   "Okay, everyone, rest and think about where to hide tomorrow. If you fail, you will have to halve the food."

  These words made the parrots calm down a bit, and after a while, they all flew back to the bird's nest, ready to go.

  Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, the animals have been well trained, and they are no less effective than humans.

   Lie on the window and told Tang Jinghong about the progress of the parrot's training today.

  Tang Jinghong will reply soon...

  The two chatted one sentence at a time, as usual, after chatting for a while, Chu Qingzhi sat down on a chair, took out her autobiography and continued writing.

  She has already written more than half of her autobiography, and it will be finished in about a month.

  Chu Qingzhi picked up a pen and dipped it in ink, and at the same time thought, wondering what kind of reaction Jing Hong would have when he saw her story.


  When the charity money was in place, Chu Qingzhi immediately organized people to start building roads near Shuiyun County. She announced each person's daily salary and material expenditure one by one, winning everyone's praise.

  The road that started to be built is the road from the west of the city to the capital. Although it is an official road, it is full of potholes and has not been repaired for almost ten years.

  Chu Qingzhi has an influence that everyone responds to. As soon as he said that he was recruiting workers to build the road, within half an hour, there were enough people to help, and he was very active.

  With people and money, the project went very smoothly.

   There are even mine owners sponsoring bluestone slabs.

  While laying bluestone slabs on the road, Chu Qingzhi also took measurements, erected milestones for every mile, and set up guideposts at three-way intersections, trying to do things as well as possible.

  Later, her way of building roads was imitated by almost everyone and spread throughout Daling.


  An Huai State, the capital city Xuncheng.

  The maid Fang Ruo entered the room and added a rabbit down cape to Wu Yaqing, "Princess, be careful of catching a cold."

  The weather in November, Anhuai country has started to snow, the weather is very cold.

  Wu Yaqing stood by the window, returning to her princess attire, wearing expensive jewelry, and changing her clothes into palace attire. She was cute and playful, and she was a little more dignified, which also made people feel more distant.

  She closed her cloak and asked with some expectation, "Is there a letter from Yichen?"

  Fangruo shook her head, "Recently, the servants and servants in and out of the palace have been paying attention, and no letter has arrived."

  The disappointment in Wu Yaqing's eyes was very obvious, sighed, and looked into the distance, "I haven't written to me for so long, and my letter seems to have disappeared. Where did he go?"

  If Fang could not answer Wu Yaqing's words, she pursed her lips and kept quiet.

  After a while, Wu Yaqing sniffed coldly, "Go and call Jin Wei."

  Fang Ruo whispered, "Jin Wei was sent away by the Empress."

  Wu Yaqing, "..."

  Empress did not agree with Wu Yaqing being with Lu Yichen, so she cut off all possible means for Wu Yaqing to contact the outside world.

  Wu Yaqing stomped her feet and said angrily, "Why is the queen mother like this?"

   As he said that, he walked out of the palace to find the Empress.

   Coincidentally, after visiting Wu Yaqing after the country, the two met at the gate of the palace.

  After the country, she was in her thirties and was well maintained. She looked like a twenty-six or seven-year-old woman, very young, dressed in palace attire, very dignified in words and deeds, and sweet in appearance.

  But you must not be deceived by her appearance. She looks gentle and soft, but her character is very tough and powerful. When she gets angry, the empress herself is the queen.

   "Mother's Queen." Wu Yaqing hurriedly took two steps back, and saluted very politely.

  Hou frowned slightly. After going out for so long, she still didn't seem to have learned to be steady. "You are so aggressive, where are you going?"

  Wu Yaqing was very angry with the empress, so she replied in a somewhat aggressive tone, "Empress, did you transfer Jin Wei away?"

  Empress looked at Wu Yaqing calmly and said, "I transferred you away, how are you doing?"

  Wu Yaqing didn't dare to fight hard with the empress, so she softened her attitude, "Can you return the golden guard to me?"

   "You stay in the palace well, what do you want Jin Wei to do?" Suddenly, the Empress seemed to think of something, "Pack up your things, and move to live in my side palace from today on."

  After hearing this, Wu Yaqing didn't dare to make mistakes, "Mother, my daughter has grown up."

  Guo Hou scowled, "Now you don't even listen to me?"

  Wu Yaqing pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "My queen, I am still living in my mother's harem at this age, what do others think of me?"

  After the country insisted, "Others are others, you are my daughter, I have to protect you."

  Wu Yaqing was unwilling, "Mother, I am safe in the palace and do not need protection."

  Guo Hou said forcefully, "Don't think that I don't know what your plans are, this matter is not for discussion."

Wu Yaqing pursed her mouth so that she could hang oil bottles, "Mother, you have sent three layers of guards in this palace, and no one can come in." After a pause, "I am not the kind of person you think." People, otherwise I would not have been released."

  The Queen of the Kingdom was afraid that Lu Yichen would run into the palace and take Wu Yaqing away privately. How would Yaqing's reputation survive then? Where is the face of the royal family?

  (end of this chapter)

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