Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 777: broken family

   Chapter 777 777. The family is broken

  The old man directed several people to lift a huge stone to the bridge pier, but failed after three attempts.

   "Old man, we can't lift it up, the stone is too heavy."

  The old man also knew that several people had tried their best, so he turned around and shouted, "Is there anyone with stronger strength, come and help."

   It happened that Chu Qingzhi walked up to her, "What are you going to do?"

  The old man pointed at the big stone helplessly, "Now we need to put that stone on the bridge pier, and everyone is not strong enough to lift it up."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I'll come!"

  Old man, "..."

   It was the big rock, not the small one next to it. She must have misunderstood it, so she opened her mouth to explain, but she couldn't close her open mouth.

  In his eyes, he saw Chu Qingzhi prying with a wooden stick, and stretched his hand under the stone. As soon as he exerted force, the stone was moved and placed on the pier.

  People, "…"

   This strength is also too great. It is rumored that someone is born with supernatural power. Could it be that she is such a person? Immediately, everyone looked at her with deep envy.

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Where are other stones that need to be moved?"

  The old man hesitated, "Girl, this way..."

  Chu Qingzhi walked over, put the huge stone in the designated place, and then helped to carry it a few times. For a while, the story of Chu Qingzhi's natural supernatural power became known to everyone.

  When patrolling behind, everyone looked at Chu Qingzhi's eyes with admiration.


   Fengxin County.

  Chu Xuhua came to the house where Li Tingzhao lived with four new gift boxes, "I have seen the prince."

  Li Tingzhao loves Wu and Wu, and treats Chu Xuhua very well. He invites him to sit down and asks him to serve tea, "Why is the shopkeeper Chu here free today?"

  Chu Xuhua took the gift box to Li Tingzhao, "This is a new product made by my fifth sister recently, and I brought it here for you to try."

   Li Tingzhao immediately asked someone to open the box and take out the food for tasting.

  Only in this way can he feel closer to Chu Qingzhi.

  As Chu Qingzhi became more and more famous, he no longer dared to bother her, and could only think about it secretly.

   After tasting one by one, Li Tingzhao said that he wanted to buy some of each of them and sell them in the store, and he would send Chu Xuhua a contract when the time came.

  Chu Xuhua came here because he really wanted to give Li Tingzhao a taste of new products. After all, without his help, business in Fengxin County would not be so smooth, and secondly, it was naturally for business.

   Unexpectedly, before he said anything, Li Tingzhao said he would buy it, thus saving a lot of saliva.

   "Then I won't disturb the prince."

   "Wait!" Li Tingzhao stopped Chu Xuhua, hesitated and asked, "How is your fifth sister?"

  Chu Xuhua didn't think much about it, after all, Chu Qingzhi was already engaged, so she said honestly, "It's good, she's been busy building roads recently, and she's lost weight."

  Li Tingzhao hurriedly said, "Then take good care of her and prepare more food for her."

  Chu Xuhua felt that something was wrong, and looked at Li Tingzhao inquiringly, did he care too much about Fifth Sister?

  Seeing this, Li Tingzhao coughed in a low voice, hiding his emotions, "I'll just say it, don't take it to heart."

  Chu Xuhua stopped speculating, after all, the two of them are incompatible people, "Our family takes care of Fifth Sister very much, and we won't let her be wronged."

   "Yes." Li Tingzhao didn't say anything more, fearing that Chu Xuhua might notice something and cause misunderstanding.

  At this time, the guards came to report, "My lord, Mr. Lin is here."

  Li Tingzhao was silent for a while, "I'll bring it in later."


  In the past three to four months, the Lin family's business has plummeted, and it has reached the point of bankruptcy. Basically all the things in the family have been sold, and they will soon lose everything.

  Everyone in the Lin family knew that Li Tingzhao was behind the scenes, but there was nothing they could do about him.

  Uncle Lin came to see Li Tingzhao many times, but most of them were turned away. He was actually the last person he wanted to see Li Tingzhao, but for the sake of the Lin family, he had to come forward.

   At this time, he was blocked at the door again, but this time he was asked to wait, not to go back.

   Mrs. Lin stood across the road, waiting anxiously. Uncle Lin said that if the Lin family was overthrown, she would definitely divorce her. She caused all this.

  In the living room, Li Tingzhao suddenly asked Chu Xuhua, "What would you do if someone hurt you?"

  Chu Xuhua said, "Of course an eye for an eye, no, double the amount."

  Li Tingzhao nodded, "I think so too." He waved to the guards, "Go and call Uncle Lin in."


  Chu Xuhua felt that it was inconvenient for him to be here, so he said, "My lord, I'll go back first."

   Li Tingzhao saw that the sweat on Chu Xuhua's face was not dry yet, and wanted him to rest more, "No, you just sit there and watch, it's okay."

  Chu Xuhua was very puzzled. He was an outsider who heard the grievances between you, okay?

  Uncle Lin was called in. He was very surprised to see Chu Xuhua, but he couldn't care less now, and saluted Li Tingzhao, "My lord!"

  Li Tingzhao looked at Uncle Lin with contempt in his eyes. He thought that before, when he greeted Uncle Lin, the other party would just give him a slight glance. At first, he didn't take it seriously, but now that he thought about it, it meant he didn't care.

  He is also really slow, and he only discovered it at this time.

  He asked lightly, "Excuse me, what can I do?"

  Chu Xuhua sat there, glanced at Uncle Lin and quickly looked away, secretly thought, if I knew this before, why bother!

  Uncle Lin said earnestly, "Can the prince spare our Lin family?"

  Li Tingzhao swayed his chin with fingers, with a finger on his finger, looking extravagant, "How do you want to forgive me?"

  Uncle Lin put his posture at the lowest level, "Don't argue with the Lin family anymore, if the prince still has anger in his heart, can you vent it on me alone?"

  Li Tingzhao asked back, "Are you worthy?"

  Uncle Lin's face froze, "My lord, I thought you were my... illegitimate child by doing that. If he knew your true identity, he would not dare to treat you like that."

   "Hehe!" Li Tingzhao smiled sarcastically, "Why didn't you tell her? Even if I am an illegitimate child, she can abuse me?"

  Uncle Lin is powerless to refute, the matter has already happened, there is no way to untangle this knot, "My lord, as long as you are willing to let the Lin family go, I can do whatever you want."

   Li Tingzhao said angrily, "You don't have that much face, get out!"

  Uncle Lin begged, "My lord..."

  Li Tingzhao became impatient, "Are you forcing me to call someone?"

  Uncle Lin hurriedly said, "Don't dare, it's just my lord, the Lin family has raised you for so long, even if you hate the Lin family, you shouldn't be so heartless, right?"

   Li Tingzhao stared at Uncle Lin and said word by word, "So I didn't hurt anyone in the Lin family!"

  Uncle Lin's face turned pale. He did not harm the Lin family, but he planned to destroy the Lin family!

  (end of this chapter)

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