Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 787: 787. Who will pay for the loss?

  Chapter 787 Chapter 787. Who will pay for the loss

  The two brothers went to Wangjia Village together.

  The flat bluestone road, like a beautiful ink painting pattern of nature, extends to the distance, setting off the surrounding great rivers and mountains, and looks extraordinarily beautiful.

  Wang Yuanlin said with some emotion, "Brother, it's different if the road has been built before or if it hasn't been built."

  Wang Yuanping nodded, feeling more and more admiration for Chu Qingzhi in his heart, "Indeed, Miss Qingzhi is really doing practical things for the common people, which is very rare."

  Wang Yuanlin turned his head to look at Wang Yuanping, stared at him for a while, and asked, "Brother, is this why you temporarily changed your mind?"

  Wang Yuanping said bluntly, "Yes, it's okay if there was no hope before, but now there is hope, and I don't want to let it go. Second brother, if we lose this opportunity, it will be difficult to turn around in the future."

  Wang Yuanlin felt a little eagerness in his heart, "Then let's make good use of this opportunity."

   "It's natural." Wang Yuanping changed the subject, "By the way, why don't we move our house to Chu Family Village?"

  Wang Yuanlin paused, "What do you mean?"

  Wang Yuanping said, "We have been forced out of the village now, why not take this opportunity to choose a new place to stay."

  Before they had nowhere to go and were forced to go to Wangjia Village with their servants. Now they can choose again. He doesn’t want to stay in Wangjia Village anymore, where he always feels that he is an outsider and has no sense of belonging.

  Wang Yuanlin frowned, "But we have no money!"

  Wang Yuanping glanced at his younger brother, "Didn't you hear Miss Qingzhi say that as long as we help her with good things, everything will be fine."

  Wang Yuanlin suddenly understood, "Brother, I understand."

  Wang Yuanping nodded, "Let's go, go back and tell the family the good news. The family has been depressed for too long. I hope this news will make everyone happy for a while."

  Wang Yuanlin clenched his fists with high fighting spirit, "Yes."


  Chu Qingzhi gave the office of the fief a name, Fengwei, which means the administrative organization in the fief.

  Feng Weili set up three positions.

  One manages the population, such as registering household registration at birth, canceling household registration at death, leaving or joining a fief and other related matters.

  A management field, such as the sale and purchase of fields, taxation, distribution of seeds, etc.

  One manages criminals, such as burning, killing, looting, fighting, stealing, etc.

  Chu Qingzhi turned her pen to think. Now that there are two brothers, Wang Yuanping and Wang Yuanlin, there is only one brother left. Who will be in charge?

   Filtered all the people I knew, but I didn't think of a good candidate.

   There is no need to be so anxious. You can find it while building Fengwei. Chu Qingzhi put the blueprints away, left the room, and went to the village to find the address of Jianfengwei.

  Chu Qingzhi just walked out of the yard when she saw Ye Zi running over in a hurry, "Girl, something happened in the bookstore!"

   Ye Zixing is the shopkeeper of Yaqing Bookstore, a treasure talent that Chu Qingzhi dug out from his own paper-making workshop.

  He has a very unique view on opening a store, and his ideas are very novel, which suits Chu Qingzhi's wishes, so Chu Qingzhi arranged to be the shopkeeper of Yaqing Bookstore.

  He did not disappoint Chu Qingzhi, and he managed Yaqing Bookstore in a very good way. Since he became the shopkeeper until now, the business has been very good every day.

  After hearing what Ye Zixing said, Chu Qingzhi asked, "What happened?"

   Ye Zixing was very anxious, "Girl, the matter is very complicated, and I can't explain clearly in a few words. Can we talk while walking?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Let's go."

  On the way, Ye Zixing told Chu Qingzhi that a person named Qin Yuming came to the shop today.

  He used to be a student of Yunfei Academy and a scholar, but for some reason, he suddenly left the academy one day and stopped taking the scientific examination.

  However, he likes reading very much. Since the opening of Yaqing Bookstore, he will visit it for an hour every day, at a fixed time, at a fixed location, with a fixed portion of preserved pork and a bowl of milk tea.

  Milk tea is made by Chu Qingzhi who boils tea and milk together, and then adds some sugar. You can drink the original flavor, or you can add red beans, mung beans, taro balls, walnuts, etc. It is very delicious and very popular with everyone.

   At first, it was the same as before, but today he met Tao Ming'an who he had offended.

  Tao Ming'an is the county magistrate's nephew. He is usually high-profile and arrogant, with no one in his eyes.

   Once Tao Mingan was exposed by Qin Yuming on the spot for cheating in an exam. Although the matter subsided later, the relationship between the two was considered dead.

  From then on, every time Tao Mingan saw Qin Yuming, he would humiliate and make fun of him.

  Everyone is very memorized today.

  Usually, when Tao Mingan humiliated Qin Yuming, Qin Yuming endured it. Anyway, it wouldn't matter if the other party said a word. One thing more is worse than one thing less.

  But today, when Tao Mingan was humiliating Qin Yuming, he met Xia Zongxian.

  Xia Zongxian is Qin Yuming's best friend. When he saw Tao Ming'an humiliating people like this, a man in the world, wanton revenge, he beat Tao Ming'an.

  The beating was quite ruthless, not only did Tao Mingan suffer from injuries all over his body, he also vomited blood.

  Qin Yuming originally wanted to stop it, but he was a frail scholar, who knows martial arts, and when he succeeded in stopping it, Tao Ming'an had already been injured.

  Everything turned into an unresolved mess.

   Ye Zixing had no choice but to invite Chu Qingzhi because it was beyond his ability.

  After hearing the ins and outs of the matter, Chu Qingzhi was very speechless, "Look at me for a while."

  Ye Zixing said respectfully, "Yes, girl."

  Such a big event happened at Yaqing Bookstore, and many spectators gathered around.

  At this time, the Yaqing Bookstore is in a mess, scattered books, broken cups, milk tea that is flowing everywhere, and displaced bookshelves...

  When the crowd saw Chu Qingzhi coming, they quickly moved out of the way.

  Chu Qingzhi came to the front of the crowd.

  The tall and slender girl exudes a powerful aura that makes people shiver.

  Qin Yuming is very responsible. Seeing Chu Qingzhi, he immediately came over to apologize, "Miss Chu, I'm sorry, it's my fault that the bookstore encountered these things."

  Chu Qingzhi took a look at Qin Yuming, a gentle, fair scholar, "Who will make the move first?"

  As a young chivalrous man, Xia Zongxian also has a sense of responsibility. He walked up to Chu Qingzhi and cupped his fists, "Girl, I made the first move, but he insulted others first!"

  He pointed at Tao Mingan.

  The doctor was bandaging several contusions on Tao Mingan's arms, the pain made his facial features slightly distorted.

  Tao Mingan said angrily, "I'm talking to Qin Yuming, what's your business?"

  Xia Zongxian was filled with righteous indignation, "I am his friend, and if you insult him, you are insulting me. Let me tell you, if I see you insult him next time, I will beat you again!"

  Tao Mingan gritted his teeth, "You..."

  Xia Zongxian showed his fist.

  Chu Qingzhi was too lazy to care about the grievances between the few of them, and asked directly, "Who will pay for the loss?"

  Qin Yuming said, "I will pay!"

  (end of this chapter)

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