Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 792: 792. A matter of confidentiality

  Chapter 792 792. It's a matter of confidentiality

  Flying halfway, it was too late, Chu Qingzhi waved his hand, and all the vines on the cliff seemed to come alive, weaving into a net, layer by layer, suspended in mid-air, to meet Wen Shaoyuan.

   Between the vines, transparent spiritual power permeated, relieving the gravity of Wen Shaoyuan's fall, otherwise even if he was caught, he would be crushed to pieces.

  Chu Qingzhi pointed at Wen Shaoyuan, and the spiritual power flew over and entered between his eyebrows, making him faint. He couldn't let him see this scene.

  Wen Shaoyuan fell freely, and the extremely fast speed allowed him to smash through the vines layer by layer, forming a big hole.

  Chu Qingzhi hurriedly manipulated the vine again, and made a net under the vine net again until Wen Shaoyuan was caught.

  Chu Qingzhi retracted her fingers, and the vine that caught Wen Shaoyuan flew towards her and fell to the ground.

   Then she smashed the trees that grew horizontally on the cliff one by one, and then did some treatment on the ground to create a scene where Wen Shaoyuan was saved by those trees.

   Coincidentally, when Chu Qingzhi destroyed those trees, she found the herbal medicine she wanted.

  She flew over, picked all the herbs, and flew back.

   Summon Dabai to carry Wen Shaoyuan.

   Then blow the sound of the chickadee to call the parrots and leave together.

  The mountains and forests are very dangerous. The current parrots are fully capable of carrying out investigation tasks. If there is one less, she will be very distressed.


  Chu Family Village.

  After returning to the village, Chu Qingzhi asked Shuang'er to find Hong Yujun, and she had the key to Wen Shaoyuan's house.

  Jun Hongyu didn't know why, but when he heard that Chu Qingzhi was looking for her, he immediately followed Shuang'er.

   "Shaoyuan!" Seeing Wen Shaoyuan laying on Dabai's back, Hong Yujun quickened his pace and ran over, almost stepping on the hem of his skirt and falling down in anxiety.

  Jun Hongyu was very anxious, "Qingzhi, what happened to Shaoyuan?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Let's put him in the room first."

   "I'll go to the room to get the key." Jun Hongyu ran to Chu Qingzhi's house in a hurry, but didn't bring the key with him, and left it in the room.

  Jun Hongyu used the fastest speed in his life to get the key back.

  Wen Shaoyuan was put on the bed in the room.

  Jun Hongyu asked anxiously, "Qing Zhi, what happened?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Actually, I didn't know, I just saw him fall from the cliff and broke all the trees on the cliff. I happened to be looking for medicine nearby, so I rescued him."

  Jun Hongyu immediately knelt down to Chu Qingzhi, gratefully said, "Thank you Qingzhi, if it weren't for you, Shaoyuan would have been eaten by wild beasts even if he hadn't been thrown to death."

  Chu Qingzhi helped Hong Yujun up, "Get up quickly."

  Jun Hongyu's eyes were red with anxiety, "Qingzhi, when will Shaoyuan wake up?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Let him rest for a while, there is nothing wrong with his body, you don't have to worry."

  Jun Hongyu nodded, "En."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "You stay and take good care of him, and I'll dispense the medicine."


  Chu Qingzhi left Wen Shaoyuan's house with Dabai and the parrots.

  Jun Hongyu took off Wen Shaoyuan's shoes and coat, fetched water, wiped his face and washed his hands, took good care of him, and finally went to the kitchen to make food for Wen Shaoyuan.

  She brought the food to the room and met Wen Shaoyuan who had just woken up.

   "Yu Jun." Wen Shaoyuan sat up slowly.

  Jun Hongyu put the tray down, rushed over and hugged Wen Shaoyuan tightly, and then said in fear, "When I saw Qingzhi bring you back, I was about to stop being scared to death."

  Wen Shaoyuan patted Hong Yujun's back lightly, "I'm sorry, I made you worry." After a pause, he asked, "You just said that Miss Chu brought me back?"

  Jun Hongyu nodded, "Well, she asked Dabai to carry you back."

  Wen Shaoyuan was overjoyed, "Why did Miss Chu go to the mountains?"

  Red Jade Jundao, "The wheat in the field has withered and turned yellow due to pests. She went to gather herbs to save the wheat."

  Wen Shaoyuan tightened his arms holding Hong Yujun, and said fortunately, "Fortunately Miss Chu went to the mountains, otherwise I might not be able to see you."

   "Don't talk nonsense." Jun Hongyu let go of Wen Shaoyuan and looked at him, "Qing Zhi said that he saw you fall off the cliff, what happened to you?"

  Wen Shaoyuan stretched out his hand to cut Hongyu Jun's broken hair, and apologized, "It's a confidential matter, I can't tell you, otherwise it will bring you a disaster of death."

  Jun Hongyu understood, "You almost died because of the secret, didn't you?"

  Wen Shaoyuan nodded, "Don't go out and say that I'm back, if they find me, people in the village may be implicated and victimized innocently by me."

  Jun Hongyu solemnly said, "I understand."

   "By the way, I cooked some food for you, you can eat some."

  Wen Shaoyuan's eyes softened, "Okay."


  Chu Qingzhi came to the medicine house and asked everyone to help process the medicinal materials together.

  All the medicinal materials need to be ground into powder. She can do it with a single spell, but it must be suspicious, so let's work together.

  After some arrangements, the dispensing of medicines started in an orderly manner.

  Ge Lihua came to look for Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, the children have made the test paper, do you want to see it?" He said and handed the test paper in his hand to Chu Qingzhi.

   "Let me take a look." Chu Qingzhi sat on the chair and read the first paper.

  Ge Lihua sat beside him and watched with Chu Qingzhi.

  The first paper is Xu Songnian’s. For the first question, please summarize the learning experience of the past three months in one sentence, (20 characters are limited.)

  He answered like this: If you don't cut a jade, you can't make a tool, and if you don't learn, you don't know.

  Chu Qingzhi said to Ge Lihua, "This answer is still possible."

  Ge Lihua nodded, "It's quite smart to think of this sentence."

  The two continued to read the test questions at the end. After reading it, Chu Qingzhi scored a point, "I can get seventy points."

  Ge Lihua smiled, "Usually, Songnian's exam score is above 95, but suddenly 70, will the mentality be unbearable?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "The child's temperament is unstable, it will definitely be bad, you should watch carefully, if you really can't turn the corner, you can remind me."

  Ge Lihua said, "I see."

  The two continue to look at the arithmetic problem...

The first question is: a bag of rice is 120 catties, a bag of rice is 70 catties, a bag of rice is 110 catties, no need to weigh it, if you have an empty bag, how do you equalize the three bags of rice into one hundred catty.

  Xu Songnian's answer: 120 catties of rice divided in half into empty bags, 60 catties each.

   Seventy catties of rice and one hundred and one hundred catties of rice were mixed together, and then divided equally, each ninety catties.

  Sixty catties and ninety catties are mixed together to form one hundred and fifty catties. At this time, two empty pockets will be emptied. These two empty pockets and one of them, one hundred and fifty catties, will be divided into three fifty catties.

  Mix two of them to get a hundred catties.

  The remaining fifty catties were mixed into one hundred and fifty catties, and then divided into two to get two hundred catties.

  There are many ways to solve this question, and this method is also okay.

  (end of this chapter)

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