Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 852: 852. Delay life

  Seeing the delicious dishes delivered to other tables, the little prince, who had been following his eyes, became anxious, "Sister Chu, I want to eat fish too."

  Chu Qingzhi patted the little prince on the back, "Then let's answer the question."

  The little prince doesn’t understand, but what Elder Sister Chu said is right, as long as she agrees, it’s fine, “Yeah.”

  Chu Qingzhi asked Chu Xuyuan to answer.

  Chu Xuyuan got up and gave a salute to everyone, and replied, "'Three mouths overlap, don't guess the character', it is the word for "mu"."

  After explaining the answer to the riddle, everyone thought about it carefully, and the "eye" is indeed one of three.

   Applause sounded, "Good!"

  The servant said loudly, "Send the dishes to steamed Wuchang fish."

  When the little prince saw the fish put on his table, he clapped his little hands happily, and he just said, what sister Chu said was right.

  Wuchang fish doesn't have many bones, so it's not afraid of children eating it, not to mention Chu Qingzhi, I saw her gently flicking with chopsticks, and a large piece of fish meat fell off the fish cleanly.

  Chu Qingzhi put the fish in the little prince's bowl.

  The little prince turned his head to look at Chu Qingzhi, his eyes were piercing, "Sister Chu, you are so kind."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled lightly, "Eat."

   Fang Mingyi's voice came from the side, "Everyone, don't fight for it. As the host, we should give more opportunities to the guests."

   These words attracted everyone's attention to the table of scholars in the Imperial College.

   "The opportunity should be given to the guests. May I ask the guests, what is your topic?"

   "If you can't answer, we can help you."

   "There are still many good dishes in the back kitchen. Don't be embarrassed, I will give you one. At worst, we will eat one less."

  The scholars of the Guozijian all had a very bad face, because they couldn't answer their questions well, otherwise they would have stolen the limelight.

  Their topic is: Please tell the correct pronunciation of "靁".

  Ghost knows what this word is, they have never met it before, and the few people who are in the middle don't know what to do when they hear that Fang Mingyi is targeting them.

  Everyone at the table was silent. In fact, not many people knew this word, but the students of the Imperial College were unlucky enough to encounter this problem.

   "Hurry up, if you answer, we can answer, otherwise this dish will be cold."

   "If you don't answer, can we answer for you?"

   "Hurry up, hurry up, what are you pretending to be at this time!"

  Wei Maoke slapped the table, "Don't rush, we can't answer, who can answer, you answer!"

   "Hahaha, I can't answer it!"

   "I thought the students of Guozijian were so good, but I didn't expect it to be like this!"

   "Hey, I'm so disappointed."

  Among the words with guns and sticks, the students of the Imperial College were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

  At this time, Chu Xuyao ​​stood up and said loudly, "This word reads "thunder", which is the same as the thunder and lightning in the sky."

   Applause sounded, "Good!"

  The boy’s voice sounded again, “Give me a lion’s head of crab noodles.”

   Chu Xuyao ​​stood up and answered just to compete for food. Of course he didn't know this word, but he has a powerful Fifth Sister, so he helped him get the crab meat lion head into his bag.

  The little prince cheered softly, very happy, "Wow, there's something delicious again."

  Chu Qingzhi gave him a lion's head, "Eat it, what else do you want to eat, we will fight again later."

  Zeng Yuanshi stared at Chu Xuyao, squinted his eyes, there were no scholars at that table, just a few ordinary guests, how could he know such difficult words, "Are you guys cheating?"

   These words are slapping everyone in Yunfei Academy.

  Pan Yuheng has an impatient personality, and he was not happy when he heard it. He got up and said, "I'm talking nonsense! It's just a topic at the banquet. Everyone is having fun, is it worth cheating?"

  Zeng Shiyuan looked angry, "You don't have to quibble, what can't you do to embarrass us?"

Pan Yuheng glanced at all the scrolls present, and asked, "The scrolls on this are hung at random, and they were hung up three days ago. You came to the banquet hall and chose a place at random. How can we cheat? Are we unpredictable? "

   Zeng Shiyuan retorted, "Maybe you all know the title above, no matter where we sit, we will be counted."

  Pan Yuheng laughed, "Then what do you mean, you can't answer any of the questions?"

  Zeng Shiyuan blushed so angry that his neck was thick, "You..."

  Pan Yuheng gave the other party a step down, "In this way, you can choose any of the questions present, and if you answer correctly, we will also give you a dish, how about it?"

   "Okay!" This is not the time to save face, several people looked at each other and walked in all directions. They must answer one question correctly, otherwise how will they explain it when they go back?

  Everyone quietly watched a few people choose and answer questions...

  Chu Qingshuang gently tugged at Chu Qingzhi's sleeve, "Fifth Sister, can they answer it?"

  Chu Qingzhi said persuasively, "As a student of the Imperial College, you can't be so weak, otherwise, why would you be sent to the opponent's academy? Isn't it intentional to lose face?"

  Chu Qingshuang nodded and agreed, "It seems to be the same."

  As soon as she finished speaking, Ning Jingzun from the Imperial College spoke, "I'll answer this question..."

  The topic he fancy is: Today there are chickens and rabbits in the same cage, with thirty-five heads on the top and ninety-four feet on the bottom, how many chickens and rabbits are there?

Ning Jing followed, "Assuming there are thirty-five chickens, that's seventy legs. But in reality, there are ninety-four legs, and the twenty-four legs that are missing are the rabbits that are regarded as chickens. From the assumed thirty-five chickens, twelve rabbits are removed, so there are twenty-three chickens and twelve rabbits in total."

  The students of Guozijian applauded, "Good!"

  Dean nodded, "Indeed!"

  The boy’s voice spread, “Give a copy of Taibai Duck.”

  The students of Guozijian all returned to their seats, with proud expressions on their faces. They must be the only ones who can answer such a difficult question correctly. Now they can give Yunfei Academy a good slap in the face.

  The banquet continues...

  More and more people stood up to answer the questions, and finally there was one question left, which stumped all the scholars.

  This topic is: Today there are objects whose numbers are unknown, two are left when three or three are counted, three are left when five or five are counted, two are left when seven or seven are counted, how many things are there?

   Everyone counted with their fingers, but everyone frowned and shook their heads, including Xu Guannan.

   The imperial examination does not test arithmetic, which is convenient and there is no good research, and it is really impossible to calculate.

  The students of Guozijian whispered.

   "The people in Yunfei Academy are so perverted. Didn't they deliberately make it difficult for the students to answer such a difficult question?"

   "Who knows what their yard thinks? If you were Master Jijiu, you would never ask such a weird question."

   "That's for sure, Lord Jijiu is determined to train all students to be good officials who govern the country and the people."

   "Fortunately, we are in Guozijian, and this is Yunfei Academy. Life must be delayed."

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