Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 883: 883. Mixed into organizations

  Chapter 883 883. Mixed into the organization

   With a wave of Chu Qingzhi's hand, the three arrows were directly crushed into powder by spiritual power, and then her figure flashed, and she grabbed the three of them out of the forest and threw them in front of the killer leader.

   "Exactly four!"

  The four of them were lying on the ground like a pool of mud, their eyes weak and desperate.

  Chu Qingzhi looked down at the four of them, and went straight to the point, "Who sent you here?"

  The killer leader said with difficulty, "We belong to Lord Yun. Tang Jinghong destroyed his treasure. Out of revenge for Tang Jinghong, the higher-ups sent us to kill you."

   Master Yun actually made a move, Chu Qingzhi asked, "Who are you Master Yun from Dongling?"

The killer leader said, "No one knows who this person is in reality. When he met his subordinates, he was wearing a cloak and a mask, and his voice changed deliberately. His figure was still a tall and thin man with a hunched back. Weird feeling."

   Oddly shaped?

  Chu Qingzhi touched her chin, she was most interested in such strange things, "Where is Master Yun usually?"

  The leader of the assassins said, "I don't know, each of the twenty cities in Dongling seems to be appearing."

  Twenty cities can appear...

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Where is your organization active?"

  The leader of the killers said, "There is no specific location for the entire Tanglin, but Shucheng is the most active."

  Chu Qingzhi stared at the killer leader, "How to join the organization?"

  The leader of the killers was startled. If Chu Qingzhi got mixed into their organization, it would be like a wolf mixed into the flock. He would not be able to survive, but when he thought about it, his scalp still felt numb, "Do this..."

  Chu Qingzhi asked a lot of details about how the cloud organization, and she was going to learn more about it.

  After asking, she asked about the second batch of supplies, "Did Master Yun transport the second batch of supplies?"

  The killer leader said, "It's Master Yun, but I'm not responsible for this matter, and I don't know anything else."

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a while, now there is no need to go to supplies, just go to Master Yun directly.

  The killer leader closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

  Chu Qingzhi killed the other three and kept the killer leader, "Help me get into the organization. If things are done well, I can spare your life."

  The killer leader opened his eyes, "Really?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I seem like a liar? If it's done well, I'll save your life during this process, how about it?"

  The killer leader said without hesitation, "Deal."

  Compared with life, what else is it? And he himself is not very accepting of killing this and that every day. If he can take the opportunity to escape from the organization, he is willing to do it one hundred and twenty.

  Chu Qingzhi cast a spell on the leader of the killer. Once the leader of the killer betrays, the spell will backfire, and he will die immediately. He said, "Get ready, we will go back to the organization together in a while, and we will go on business."

   Killer Chief, "…"

  Chu Qingzhi told the killer leader to turn his back. She cast a spell on one of the short corpses of the man, and exchanged the appearance of the two, "It's ok, pick him up, let's go."

  The killer leader turned around, his eyes widened, "You, you..."

  Chu Qingzhi said calmly, "What's so surprising about this, hurry up and don't show off, or you will know my tricks."

   Seeing Chu Qingzhi's almost monstrous ability, the leader of the killers dared not feel the slightest bit of betrayal. He had reason to believe that he must have died before he betrayed.

  The killer leader stepped forward to pick up "Chu Qingzhi", and then took Chu Qingzhi, who had become a subordinate, to the business.

  Chu Qingzhi found an opportunity to tell Tang Jinghong about the whereabouts of the second batch of supplies and her plan, and told Tang Jinghong not to worry.

  The leader of the killer is Zeng He, and the subordinate Chu Qingzhi pretends to be is Lou Ze. The meeting place is at Shili Pavilion outside Linzhang City.

  When Zeng You and Lou Ze arrived at Shili Pavilion, there was a group of people standing in the pavilion, headed by a woman in red, she looked fierce, "Mission completed?"

  Throwing "Chu Qingzhi" to the ground, "The subordinate was lucky enough to kill Chu Qingzhi."

  The woman in red turned her back to the two of them. Upon hearing this, she immediately turned around, suppressing her excitement, "Really, really killed?"

  So many people tried to kill Chu Qingzhi but did not kill him, but Zeng or even killed him. He is indeed the number one killer in the organization. It seems that he found the right person.

  If she knew that Chu Qingzhi, the number one killer in her mind, couldn't even catch two moves, how wonderful would her expression be?

  Zeng or handed over, "Master please check."

  Lou Ze played the role of little transparent, standing slightly bent at the side, quietly watching the performance of the woman in red.

The woman in red flicked her cloak, walked towards "Chu Qingzhi", took out a dagger, and slashed several times on "Chu Qingzhi"'s face, the person died without bleeding, but the knife marks were still red, It looked a little cruel.

  Lou Ze looked at this scene, and secretly scolded the woman in red as a pervert, and made a fuss even after everyone was dead.

  The woman in red slashed "Chu Qingzhi"'s face a few times, and then stabbed her chest with a dagger a few times, as if she must make sure that the other party is dead before giving up.

   After a while, Lou Ze looked at the unrecognizable "self" and really wanted to whip that woman a few times. How much hatred can he do such a thing?

  The woman in red straightened up, took out her handkerchief and wiped her dagger, "Come here, take it away."

  Zeng or hurriedly said, "Master, what's the next task?"

  The woman in red said, "Go and kill the prefect of Linzhang City."

   Zeng glanced at Lou Ze who played a very good role, and asked one more question, "Why did you kill him?"

  The woman in red secretly wondered why she would ask such a question, but now that Chu Qingzhi was killed, she was happy, so she replied, "Tang Jinghong has found out his identity, so kill him to silence him."

  Zeng or hand in hand, "Yes, master."

  The woman in red led her men and carried the body of "Chu Qingzhi" away.

  Lou Ze thought for a while, investigated the Linzhang City first, and then asked for more information from the woman in red, so he decided to stand still.

   Zeng saw the woman in red walking away, and immediately asked Lou Ze respectfully, "What should we do next?"

   Lou Ze frowned, "Don't switch identities, do you understand the whole set of acting?"

  Zeng or felt terrified, and put on the courage of a killer leader, "Yes."

  Lou Ze asked, "Who was that woman just now?"

Zeng He said, "The cloud organization is strictly hierarchical, and the first level is in charge of the first level. What you saw just now is Hong Feiyun who is in charge of killers. Don't look at her as a woman. She has a very violent temper and likes to kill. Everyone is afraid of it." she."

  Lou Ze didn't ask any more questions, and said, "Going to Linzhang City, I want to meet the magistrate."


  The news of Chu Qingzhi's murder quickly spread in the Tao...

   "Chu Qingzhi was really killed?"

   "No way, her martial arts are unfathomable, how could she be killed?"

   "I heard that she was killed by Dongling's killer, there is no way, everyone in Dongling wants her to die, it is hard to guard against!"

  (end of this chapter)

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