Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 888: 888. Give you a size

  Chapter 888 Chapter 888. Give you a size

   "Three hundred acres?"

  Wen Juncheng nodded, "The letter said it was indeed 300 mu."

  A cold light flashed in Tang Jinghong's eyes, he thought about killing all these people, "Did the ground come out?"

   "I don't know about this. Yangcheng is quite far from Linzhang City. It's none of my business, so I don't care."

   "One more thing, there are many warehouses for those things in Linzhang City. I don't know the exact location. Send someone to look for it yourself."

  The magistrate said, "If you know what you have to say, we must clear up Dongling, so that we can settle down."

  Wen Juncheng nodded, "I know, but I only know so much."

  Tang Jinghong left the tent, returned to the main tent, and told Chu Qingzhi the news he had just received, and then he sent Meng Shengdong and five martial arts soldiers to assist Chu Qingzhi.

  At this time, Chu Qingzhi had just returned to the city...

   Zeng or a quick leap on the roof, came to the roof near Lou Ze, "Lou Ze, this way."

  Lou Ze looked up, then flew up to the roof, followed Zeng or to a private house.

   There were more than a dozen men in black waiting in the private house. When they saw the two people coming, they came out of the house one after another and saluted, "Boss!"

   He may have felt a little guilty, but his face was still the serious and indifferent killer leader, "Give me the paper that records what the prefect has done."

  The subordinates immediately presented it.

   Zeng or ordered, "Stand by for now, I will write a letter to the master after reading it."


   Zeng called Lou Ze, and went into the room together. He didn't read what was written on the paper, and gave Lou Ze directly, "You can read it yourself."

  Lou Ze sat down in a chair and took a quick look.

  The fake magistrate is a subordinate of Wen Changyuan of the cloud organization, and is responsible for finding places to plant drugs. This Wen Changyuan is the main person in charge.

  He also does one thing, which is to be in charge of transshipment when delivering the goods. The previous batch of goods was transshipment goods, but it is still unknown who stole it.

  The warehouses he is in charge of are located in the following three locations, Baihua Street in the south of the city, Junyiqiao Street in the west of the city, and Yanglou Street in the north of the city.

   Others are nothing.

  After reading it, Lou Ze lightly raised his hand holding the letter, and the letter turned into ashes in an instant, "Let's go, go and deal with this magistrate."

   "Yes." Zeng got up and walked out.

  Going outside, Zeng or clapped his hands a few times, waiting for the man in black who was in the room to come out quickly, surrounded the surroundings, "Let's go!"

   Silently, a group of men in black flew up to the roof and headed for the government office.

   Lou Ze followed far behind. With so many people, he didn't need to do it himself, just look at it.


   Government Office.

   One hand came down to the room and told the false magistrate, "Brother, the matter has been revealed, the master is going to kill you, shall we run away?"

  The false magistrate did not expect the master to be so cruel. He made only one mistake and was killed. "Where is the killer?"

  The subordinate said, "It will be the government office in a while."

  The false magistrate made a prompt decision, "Let's go, let's get out of here, he is not benevolent and I am not righteous, let's go to Tang Jinghong."

  The subordinate hesitated, "What does Big Brother mean?"

  The false magistrate glanced at his men, then went to pack his things, "That's what you understand."

   His subordinates helped clean up.

  After packing his things, the false magistrate led his men on horseback and left the government office through the back door.

  He left one step ahead of time, and the killers naturally rushed to nothing. The killers searched the government office, and there was no trace of the false prefect except for his family members.

   "Boss, what should we do now?"

   "Extend the search area and make sure to catch this person!"

  The killers quickly dispersed and searched nearby, but the false prefect had already been stopped by Lou Ze, "It's so late, I don't know where the prefect is going?"

  The false magistrate looked at the stumbling block in front of him, and panicked, "Who are you? Get out of the way!"

  Lou Ze folded his arms, and looked at the false prefect with a slight smile, "Master Zhifu answered my question, so I will naturally get out of the way."

  The fake magistrate's eyes flashed a murderous look, "What do you want to ask?"

   Lou Ze said, "Tell me where you are going, maybe I will consider letting you go!"

  The fake magistrate also went all out, "The organization wants to kill me, I'm so angry, I'm going to seek refuge with Tang Jinghong to save my life, I said, can I get out of the way?"

   If you don't get out of the way, you can only fight to the death.

   Take refuge in Jinghong? Lou Ze smiled slightly, "It's no wonder that your conscience found out that the young master is in a good mood today, so he let you go."

   After speaking, he flew to the roof and made way.

  The fake magistrate didn’t expect the other party to let him go so easily. He glanced at Lou Ze several times, but he didn’t see anything, so he rode away.

  Lou Ze saw the false magistrate walking away, turned around and flew towards the government office.

  Zeng or saw Lou Ze coming, stared at him for a while, and then flew over, "Did you see Mr. Zhifu?"

   Lou Ze shook his head, "No."

  Zeng or secretly thought, why does he not believe it? But Chu Qingzhi has no possibility of helping the magistrate, he must have thought too much, "If we don't kill the magistrate, we will be held accountable by the organization."

  The corner of Lou Ze's lips curled into a smile, "I just want to meet that Hong Feiyun."

   "You won't..." The sense of déjà vu of wolves joining the flock is becoming more and more obvious, Zeng may be silently mourning for the people of the cloud organization.

  Lou Ze asked back, "What? No way?"

   "Okay, okay, you can do whatever you like." Zeng Ru immediately turned into a dog-legged boy, feeling quite exciting in his heart.

   Lou Ze said, "I'm going to find an inn to rest. If Hong Feiyun calls, come and find me."

   Zeng or hastily replied, "Yes."

  Lou Ze disappeared in a flash.



  Chu Qingzhi opened the door and entered a room where Meng Shengdong and the others were waiting. Seeing Chu Qingzhi, she hurriedly saluted, "Miss Chu!"

Chu Qingzhi nodded to several people, and then wrote down the names of the three warehouses, "These are the three warehouses built by the false magistrate in Linzhang City. You secretly recruited people to evacuate the people in these three locations, and wait Come here and wait for me after you evacuate."


  Chu Qingzhi warned, "Don't act rashly. There are many people from the Yun Organization in Linzhang City, and the people inside are ruthless. If you catch you, you will never show mercy. Be careful."


  Chu Qingzhi said, "Go to work."

  Meng Shengdong left the inn with a few people. Dongling is now like a dying old man. If he is not paying attention, he will die and collapse. Everyone dare not slack off for a moment.

  Chu Qingzhi changed the room, opened the window, and parrots No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 flew in.

  Chu Qingzhi took out some small caterpillars from the bag for them to eat, and poured another glass of water over, "Any news about Jiang Zhaoyong?"

  No. 3 said, "No, we flew all over Tanglin, but we didn't see him."

  Chu Qingzhi had a bad guess in her heart, Jiang Zhaoyong could not have been killed, right? If that's the case, how can I explain to Fourth Sister?

   "Have you heard someone mention Jiang Zhaoyong's name?"

  Road No. 4, "Yes, in Shucheng, I heard someone mention it once, but we didn't hear it after we flew away."

  (end of this chapter)

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