Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 905: 905. Came to the theater


   Fearing that there would be an accident with the medicinal materials, Chu Qingzhi went all the way back to Daling with Xue Gui. It took a few days to go and ten days to return. Chu Qingzhi wanted to carry them on their way.

  Chu Qingzhi didn't go back to the barracks, she went to find Zeng or, she needs to know what happened in the past 20 days, about the Yun organization.

  She gave Xue Gui both the medicine and the prescription, and asked him to give it to Tang Jinghong.

  In the main account.

   Xue Gui saluted Tang Jinghong, and then presented the prescription and the medicine booklet, "General, my subordinates have brought back the medicinal materials and the things you asked for. Miss Chu has other things to do, so she said I will come to you at night."

   "Remember, keep quiet about Qingzhi." Tang Jinghong took the things, looked at them, and said, "It's been hard work, you should rest."

   "Thank you, General." Xue Gui cupped his fists and left the main tent.

  Tang Jinghong gave the prescription to Meng Shengdong, "Take Tianzhu Huang and the prescription and go to Doctor Fang, tell him, and leave the rest to him."

   "Yes, General."

  Tang Jinghong changed his clothes, went to the kitchen, and prepared to cook a welcome banquet for Chu Qingzhi.

   Not long after, a notice was posted at the gate of the government office in Linzhang City, "Those who want to quit smoking can go to the government office to drink medicine."

   Half a month later, everyone in Linzhang City successfully quit smoking, and the city's vitality slowly began to recover.


  In the inn, Lou Ze was sitting on a stool, eating sweet-scented osmanthus cake. There was a teacup next to it, and white mist emerged from it. She waved her hand at the white mist, and the whole room soon became fragrant.

   Zeng flew in through the window, "Sorry, it took a long time to get rid of the tail."

   Lou Ze took a sip of tea and asked, "Did you show your flaws?"

  Zeng or was also puzzled, "I don't know, Hong Feiyun sent someone to follow me."

  Lou Ze was not very interested in this, and said, "Let's skip this for now, tell me about the changes in the organization in the past half month."

Zeng said, "The changes have been quite big. The first left envoy came here and personally commanded and dealt with Tang Jinghong, the second Hong Feiyun was going to personally assassinate Tang Jinghong, the third organization began to recruit members on a large scale, and the fourth Lin Zhangcheng members are now moving to the mall."

  After hearing this, Lou Ze picked up another piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and ate it. It was quite delicious, "Get ready, we're going to the mall too."

   Ever asked, "When are you going?"

  Lou Ze thought for a while, "Not sure, you prepare first, and I will notify you when the time comes."

   "Okay." Zeng or answered, and then flew away through the window.

  Lou Ze finished eating a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, clapped his hands, went to bathe and change clothes, and went to see Tang Jinghong in a while. It had been more than 20 days since he hadn't seen each other, so he missed it.


  Tang Jinghong personally cooked a few special dishes and brought them to the camp. This scene amazed the people in the kitchen.

  The last time I saw General Tang cooking was at the border, General Fan came to the barracks for business, and because he was too fast to travel, he felt unwell. Tang Jinghong personally made some soup for General Fan to recuperate his body.

  Who is the general for this time?

  No matter what the soldiers guessed, Tang Jinghong took a bath and changed clothes after cooking. He changed into ordinary clothes, sat at the table, and waited for Chu Qingzhi while watching military affairs.

  Chu Qingzhi arrived after dark, and an hour had passed since Tang Jinghong cooked the meal.

  Tang Jinghongjun had a gentle smile on his face, even his eyes were tender. He got up and walked over, hugging Chu Qingzhi gently, "I miss you."

  Chu Qingzhi wrapped her arms around Tang Jinghong's waist, smiled slightly, "I miss you too."

  Tang Jinghong kissed Chu Qingzhi's face, let go of her, "Are you hungry, I cooked, you eat."

   "Okay, I'm just hungry." Chu Qingzhi brushed the food with her hand, and the food immediately returned to steaming. She took the cushion, sat on it directly, and chose the most comfortable position to eat.

  During this period of time, she was on the road, and she was too tired from the torment. She was feeling lazy in all her bones.

  Tang Jinghong gave Chu Qingzhi the soup, "This is black chicken soup, specially simmered to nourish your body, you can try it."

   "Thank you." Chu Qingzhi took the soup and started to drink it, "The simmer is just right, it's delicious."

  Tang Jinghong's eyes were full of Chu Qingzhi, "I will cook for you next time."

  Chu Qingzhi brought food to Tang Jinghong, "You probably haven't eaten well during this time, let's have a good meal today."

  Tang Jinghong smiled and nodded, "Okay."

   The two chatted while eating, Tang Jinghong talked about what happened during this period, Chu Qingzhi talked about what she encountered in Chen'an Country, and almost finished eating after talking.

  At this time, a letter came in, "Chu Qingzhi is singing in the theater in Linzhang City."

  Chu Qingzhi took a glance, "Jing Hong, this is leading you out."

  Tang Jinghong pursed his lips and thought for a moment, "Since they have sent letters specially, why don't you go to meet for a while, you are resting in the tent, I will go and have a look."

  Chu Qingzhi grabbed Tang Jinghong's wrist, "I'll go with you, I also want to see who is pretending to be me."

  Tang Jinghong's voice was exceptionally gentle, "Aren't you tired? Stay and rest?"

  Chu Qingzhi stood up and straightened her clothes, "It's okay, I'll come back to rest later."

  Tang Jinghong didn't say anything more, he took a cloak from the side and put it on her, "It's a bit cold at night, so it's warmer like this."

  Chu Qingzhi was neither afraid of the cold nor cold, but she did not refuse Tang Jinghong's kindness, "Let's go."

  The two avoided the people in the barracks, and flew towards Linzhang City with light kung fu, and their figures landed on the roof opposite the theater building.

  The theater building in front of me is a theater building with a long history, a large area, and a long history.

   It is said that it was built by the richest man in Linzhang City a hundred years ago to please his wife. Now it has been a hundred years old, and it looks quite luxurious.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Jing Hong, you go in alone, and I will follow behind to see the situation."

  Tang Jinghong said, "Then call me if you have something to do."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

  Tang Jinghong flew lightly to the gate of the theater building, looked left and right, and walked into the theater building.

  Chu Qingzhi flew into the alley, changed into Lou Ze's appearance, waited for a while, and entered the theater building.

  The opera building is singing "Man Jianghong", the business is quite good, and the hall is full of seats.

   "Good!" When the beautiful part was sung, the guests in the audience clapped and applauded, and the popularity was very strong.

  The arrival of Tang Jinghong made the atmosphere stagnate for a moment, but it soon returned to normal, like an illusion.

  He looked around, but he didn't see anyone who looked like Qing Zhi, it seemed that it was a real trap.

  Sitting on the chair as if nothing had happened, Tang Jinghong applauded with the guests. There were many snacks on the table next to him. Lou Ze walked in, sat on the other side, and picked up the snacks to eat.

  Lou Ze's appearance, Tang Jinghong has never seen before, I don't know if he will recognize it, "Let's eat together."

  Tang Jinghong raised his eyebrows, he was not like Qing Zhi in any other way, except for those eyes, he smiled, "Eat it, it's all yours."

  Lou Ze turned his head to look at Tang Jinghong, "You..."

  Tang Jinghong handed the snack plates on the table to Lou Ze, "It's all yours, eat whatever you want."

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