Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 910: 910. Too outstanding

   It seems that the next step is to regain the trust of Master Zuo Shi, Hong Feiyun said, "Who cares about him, it's not my loss." She changed the subject, "What does Master Zuo Shi like?"

  Zeng or looked at Hong Feiyun, in disbelief, "You don't want to give a gift, do you?"

  Hong Feiyun asked back, "Isn't it possible?"

  Zeng folded his arms and shook his head, "Master Zuo Shi has countless rare treasures, and he will not be rare for your things."

  Hong Feiyun asked again, "Then does this person have any weaknesses?"

   Zeng or thought for a while, "There is one."

  Hong Feiyun asked, "What?"

   Zeng said, "I heard that Lord Zuoshi has a son who is paralyzed. If you can cure his son, he will definitely be able to get you through this incident."

  Hong Feiyun thought about the details, "Okay, let's use this paralyzed son as a breakthrough."


  In a certain house, a man wearing an eagle mask stood in front of the window, looking at the moon in the sky.

  A subordinate behind him reported, "The assassination of Hong Feiyun Theater failed. Except for Hong Feiyun who was rescued, the rest of the army was wiped out!"

  The masked man laughed loudly, "Good kill, good kill!"

  The subordinates said, "It's just the master, you told us to keep an eye on Lou Ze. After the assassination, he disappeared. We searched all over the theater and couldn't find him."

  The masked man withdrew his smile, and said with a bit of anger, "Can't you just disappear out of thin air?"

   Kneeling under his hands, "Master, Lou Ze has been coming and going without a trace. It was very difficult for us to catch his trace. Master, please give me some more time. The subordinates will definitely find him."

  The masked man closed his eyes, that’s all, he couldn’t be in a hurry, “After you find Lou Ze, you don’t have to come and tell me, you just tell him, I know the whereabouts of the second batch of military rations, let him come to me.”

  The subordinate replied, "Yes, master."

  The masked man waved his hand, "Go down."

  The subordinate said, "Yes."


  The matter of Linzhang City is over, Tang Jinghong led the army to the mall.

   All the officials, big and small, and all the people in the city came to see off.

  The magistrate looked after the army and said, "Fortunately, there are General Tang and Chu Qingzhi, otherwise I might still be in the dark prison, and the whole Linzhang City might be over."

  Master echoed, "My lord, Chu Qingzhi and General Tang are the lucky stars of our Dongling."

  The magistrate nodded, "I will pass on the order. Once the fairy ointment is found in Linzhang City, I will immediately report it to the government. I will reward you for my merits. If you don't report the knowledge, you will be punished as the same crime."

   The situation that has finally settled down must be maintained.

  Wen Juncheng rode over on a fast horse, "Brother, I'm going to serve the court, you don't have to worry about me, I did a lot of wrong things before, now I just have to make up for it."

  The magistrate is very pleased. After this incident, my brother has grown up completely. "Then be careful and write to me often."

   "Yeah." Looking into the distance, he might not be able to come back, Wen Juncheng said slightly sadly, "Brother, take care of yourself and take good care of your sister-in-law and nephews."

  Master Zhifu nodded, "I will, and I won't let them have an accident like before."

   "Brother, I'm leaving." Wen Juncheng saluted the magistrate, and then hurried to chase Tang Jinghong.

  Some righteous men who had been waiting and watching in the Quartet also went to seek refuge with Tang Jinghong. After this incident, everyone saw Tang Jinghong's determination and had great confidence in him.


  From Linzhang City to Shangcheng, the army needs to march for three days.

  Three days later, the army was stationed on the outskirts of the mall, and the tents stretched for several miles, which was very spectacular.

  Meng Shengdong entered the main tent, "General, please see Yan Zihao."

  Tang Jinghong was reading the letter. Hearing this, he pressed the letter under the book and motioned, "Let him in."

  Meng Shengdong arched his hands, turned and went outside the tent.

   After a while, Yan Zihao walked in, "I met the general."

  Tang Jinghong raised his eyes and looked at him lightly, "What's the matter with you?"

  Yan Zihao cupped his fists, straight to the point, and said loudly, "General, I want to make meritorious service."

  Tang Jinghong raised his eyebrows, "Making meritorious service is not as simple as talking about it. What might even cost you your life?"

  Yan Zihao didn't hesitate, "I'm willing to give my life."

  Tang Jinghong paid more attention to Yan Zihao, "Aren't you afraid of getting nothing?"

   "Don't be afraid!" Yan Zihao said without hesitation. For his background, mediocrity is the most terrifying thing.

  Tang Jinghong looked at Yan Zihao's performance and wanted to give him a chance, "Since this is the case, this general will assign you a task. If you complete it, this general will reuse you."

  Yan Zihao was overjoyed, "Please tell me, General."

Tang Jinghong said, "The general just got the news that there is a mysterious cult organization in the shopping mall. Now you sneak into this organization and find out their personnel relationship. Of course, the most important thing is the leader. If you are sure it is the leader, you don't need to report it. Just kill it."

  Yan Zihao's heart tightened slightly, "Yes, General, I will definitely complete the task."

  Tang Jinghong reminded, "Although this general said so, the premise is that life-saving is the most important thing. You don't have to die to be loyal and capable. This general is looking at the result, understand?"

  Yan Zihao suddenly realized something, "Thank you, General, for your reminder."

   Tang Jinghong waved his hand, "Go."

  As soon as Yan Zihao left, Jiang Zhanglin walked in again, "I met the general."

  Tang Jinghong looked at Jiang Zhanglin. Although he was a noble son, he didn't feel tired at all following the army. For this, he still took a high look, "Are you also here to accept the mission?"

  Jiang Zhanglin cupped his fists, "General, I am willing to do the work of a dog and a horse."

  Tang Jinghong was a little surprised, "Did you know that Yan Zihao also received the mission just now?"

   "I know." Jiang Zhanglin thought for a moment, and then said, "The general should have asked him to investigate the cult in the mall."

  Tang Jinghong was very surprised, "Why do you say that?"

  Jiang Zhanglin said cautiously, "Now the general is facing only one problem, and Yan Zihao is eager to make contributions. The general will definitely assign him this task."

  As expected of the most outstanding student of the Imperial College, Tang Jinghong said with such a clever mind, "You are right. If he completes this task, this general will give him military merit."

  Jiang Zhanglin said, "This is what it should be."

Tang Jinghong looked at Jiang Zhanglin, "You don't know martial arts, and you are too outstanding to attract people's attention." He thought, "Go and see the surrounding villages and counties, and I will give you three days to investigate. General Ben wants to know the result in the future, can he do it?"

  Jiang Zhanglin asked, "The general, please send me some men."

  Tang Jinghong tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, "No one in the army will send you one, but Du Zhaolin and the others can send it to you at will. This general will issue a military order."

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