Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 937: 937. Qingzhi Returns to Camp

   Chapter 937 937. Qing Zhi returns to camp

  Chu Tang looked at Hong Feiyun with the eyes of "be safe and don't be impatient", "There is nothing to do, just keep the current state."

  Hong Feiyun had no other choice, she put it on hold for the time being, and asked instead, "How many warehouses have you inspected today? How is it?"

  Chu Tang coughed lowly, "I encountered some special circumstances today, and I didn't go to investigate. I will go tomorrow."

   Hong Feiyun looked at Chu Tang and guessed, "Could it be that General Tang is here?"

  A look of embarrassment flashed across Chu Tang's face, and he immediately changed the subject, "Mu Xiao didn't come to see you today?"

  Hong Feiyun instantly got goosebumps, hugged his arms and rubbed each other, "Don't mention him, I feel bad when I mention him."

  Chu Tang said seriously, "Actually, I think Mu Xiao is okay. If you are a girl, you can definitely consider it."

  Hong Feiyun hurriedly raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, auntie, I was wrong, I shouldn't have mentioned General Tang."

  Chu Tang gave Hong Feiyun an indifferent look, "Okay, let's get down to business, is there any news about the second batch of military rations? Who is it that asked about Lou Ze?"

Hong Feiyun shook his head and said, "I don't have a clue for the second batch of military rations, but I have a clue for the last question. The other party left a sentence, asking you to meet at the Huibin Building tomorrow. Are you going? Will you? Is it a trap?"

  Chu and Tang are definitely going, but whether they will show up depends on the situation at the time, "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I'm not afraid of traps, I can deal with it, that's all, let's rest earlier, I'm leaving."

   "Hey, wait a minute." Hong Feiyun pointed at the fainted man on the ground, "What should he do?"

  Chu Tang took the tea from the table and poured it on the man in black. The man in black woke up. When he saw Chu Tang and Hong Feiyun, he was so frightened that he just wanted to faint again.

  Chu Tang sat back on the stool, "Tell me, what did Master Zuo ask you to stare at Hong Feiyun?"

  Knowing the current affairs is a hero, the man in black said without any struggle, "It's nothing, Mr. Zuo Shi asked me to keep an eye on Hong Feiyun, only to report any abnormalities, nothing else."

  Chu Tang calmly asked again, "Do you know what to do next?"

  The man in black hurriedly repeated, "I know."

  Chu Tang waved his hand, "Go."

  The man in black ran away quickly.

  Hong Feiyun worried, "Aren't you afraid that he will go back and tell the truth?"

  Chu Tang glanced at Hong Feiyun, "What can he sue? And do you think Mr. Zuo Shi will keep a person who failed the mission? Don't worry, he will be more secretive than us."

  Hong Feiyun didn't say anything more, "Then it's up to you."

  Chu Tang left behind the mission, "Continue to inquire about the whereabouts of the second batch of military rations, and put everything else aside for the time being."

  Hong Feiyun replied, "Understood."


  Shopping mall, tea house, private room on the second floor.

  The shopkeeper said politely, "I know the girl is coming, and the things you want are ready." He said and handed Chu Qingzhi a booklet.

  Chu Qingzhi took the booklet in her hand and flipped through it.

  The shopkeeper bowed his hands to Chu Qingzhi, left the private room, and went downstairs.

  The pamphlet contained information about Xiao Xiwen. He belonged to Uncle Li Hongjin. He was adopted from a young age and then raised in the family's secret organization. He was an out-and-out killer.

  The reason why the cult members were killed was to delay the news.

Grandpa Li Hongjin's birthday is approaching, and the old man announced that he would announce the heir of the family at the birthday banquet. At this time, Li Hongjin's second uncle was waiting for the 300,000 taels to buy a birthday present, and the other party could only take half a day. If he didn't see the money for half a day, the deal would be cancelled. .

  Uncle Li Hongjin prevented the second uncle from getting the birthday gift, so that he could suppress the latter at the birthday banquet and make the latter lose his right of inheritance.

  Chu Qingzhi closed the booklet, squeezed it with her hands, and the booklet was blown up into ashes, "It's really full of power struggles everywhere, and the whole Dongling is made into a mess by these people."

  After drinking a cup of tea, Chu Qingzhi walked downstairs and left the teahouse.



  Meng Shengdong came to report, "General, what happened to the wound medicine?"

   Tang Jinghong's face became serious instantly, "Say."

  Meng Shengdong's face was not very good-looking, "It was a military doctor's hands and feet. The military doctor had disappeared on the day of the accident. Our people went to investigate and found that the military doctor had died in the wilderness."

  Tang Jinghong was silent for a moment, "Is it the work of Yun Organization?"

  Meng Shengdong couldn't be sure, "No extra clues were left at the scene, so it's hard to tell if it was the handiwork of the Yun organization, but our people are still chasing and killing, I believe there will be news soon."

  Tang Jinghong was sullen, "Be sure to dig them out for me, and do it again and again in the barracks, and we must not tolerate it."

   "Yes, General."

  Meng Shengdong took the mission and left the barracks. After a while, Chu Qingning walked in with a hesitant expression, "Brother Jing Hong, I think I should tell you after much deliberation."

  Tang Jinghong tapped on the table lightly, "Say it."

Chu Qingning recalled, "Before I went to collect herbs, I met someone who killed me. At this time, a person happened to appear. He flew out a stone and used it as an arrow for me. The figure of the other party disappeared in a flash, but I always felt that it was Zhao Yong's figure."

  Finally there was news about Jiang Zhaoyong, Tang Jinghong asked, "Are you sure?"

  Chu Qingning shook her head, "I'm not sure, but I think it's very similar."

  Tang Jinghong said, "I'll send someone to investigate right away, you go back first, don't think wildly, I will tell you as soon as I have news."

  Chu Qingning nodded, "Okay."

   "Come on!"

  Soldier Xia Lanfeng entered the main account, "General."

   "Go and investigate what Chu Qingning said just now."


  Tang Jinghong twirled his fingers lightly, thinking, "What task did the emperor send Jiang Zhaoyong to complete?"

  After thinking for a long time, he still had no idea, so he wrote a letter to the emperor and asked the eagle to send it back, and then sent the letter to Chu Qingzhi with the golden feather phoenix.

  Chu Qingzhi said she would come back immediately.


  Chu Qingzhi sneaked into the tent and knocked Lan Qiongzhen unconscious, then changed into the same clothes as Lan Qiongzhen, and came to the military doctor's tent, "Fourth Sister."

  Chu Qingning knew that it was Chu Qingzhi who came back when she heard the voice, she turned around and hugged Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth sister, you finally came back to see me, you are so worried about me."

  Chu Qingzhi said confidently, "I'm fine, it's bad luck for others to meet me."

  Chu Qingning smiled, "Yigao is bold, let's go, let's talk in the camp."


  The two of them returned to the tent, and Chu Qingzhi said straightforwardly, "Jing Hong said you saw Jiang Zhaoyong?"

  Chu Qingning shook her head, "I'm not sure, it just feels similar, but I have a hunch that it's him. If it wasn't for him, the other party probably wouldn't have rescued me."

Chu Qingzhi nodded slowly, "It's possible. By the way, fourth sister, show me the letter Jiang Zhaoyong wrote to you. If there is anything you don't want me to read, you can stick it on with white paper. I will read it for you." Tear it apart."

  Chu Qingning said with a smile, "You are my younger sister, there is nothing you can't see, wait a minute, I'll get it."

  (end of this chapter)

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