Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 955: 955. To Shu City

  Chu Tang questioned the person who confessed Sun Xiaowei, but it turned out that they didn’t know anything. They shipped the arrows out, and the other party gave them money. After they got the money, they didn’t care about anything anymore.

  The clue was cut off like this.

  Chu Tang sat in the tent, resting his chin with one hand, wondering if there were any clues.

  Suddenly he thought of one thing—he picked up an arrow in the woods, and that arrow was probably lost during transportation. If so, he could infer the direction the arrow was transported to.

  Chu Tang got up and came to the place where he picked up the arrow.

He looked around. There was a river on the left, a deep mountain in front, and Liangcheng on the right. If it was a waterway, there should be traces by the river. If it was a deep mountain, there would be few traces. The arrows were transported into the city, even if there was an internal response, Xi Zhaoping would still get the news.

  In this way, it is likely to be waterways and deep mountains.

  Chu Tang analyzed it in his mind, and flew towards the river, observing while flying, as long as he did something, it would definitely leave traces.

   Observed and came to the river, which is far away from the place where the villagers live, but there are many messy footprints on the river, which shows that many people have been here.

  According to inference, the other party probably left by water.

  Chu Tang glanced at the direction of the deep mountain. It is not easy to search the deep mountain. Now that there is a clue, it is better to start from the waterway.

   Along the downstream, Chu Tang flew.


  Chen Er looked in the direction of the gate of the barracks, and said sadly, "Brother Chu is leaving?"

  Chen Yi stretched out his hand and patted Chen Er's shoulder twice, "He went to find out where the arrow was transported, and he should come back after finding it."

  Chen Er tilted his head to look at Chen Yi, "Should? Brother, you are not sure, are you?"

  Chen Yi didn't speak, but turned and left.

  Chen Er felt puzzled and hurried to catch up, "Brother, what do you mean?"

  Chen Yi calmly accepted the fact that Chu Tang left, "It's nothing interesting. Brother Chu was going to leave. Do you think he will stay in the barracks forever?"

  Chen Er looked back, "But he left suddenly, without saying anything else."

  Chen Yi comforted, "If there is a destiny, we will meet again in the future."

  Chen Er reluctantly said, "Okay."


  A small county on the water appeared in Chu Tang's eyes.

  In this small county, small rivers extend in all directions. Houses are built on the banks of the river, and some are even built on the water. You can see the water as soon as you open the window, and you can even drink water from the canal by the window, which is very unique.

  Chu Tangfei went to a restaurant in the county seat. This restaurant was built in water. Although it was submerged in water, the restaurant was very dry and not damp at all.

  Chu Tang thought to himself, he didn't expect a small city in ancient times to be so well protected against moisture, which is a bit interesting.

  He found a seat by the window and sat down. There was water by the window, only a little lower than the window, and he could touch the water with his hand.

  The water flow is clear, with a touch of green, and occasionally you can see fish. The environment is really good. If you have time in the future, come and play with Jing Hong.

  The man came over enthusiastically, "Sir, what do you want to eat?"

  Chu Tang pointed to the menu on the wall, "The top row, all for one."

   "Okay, okay, please wait a moment, young master." It's been a long time since I met such a big customer, the guy was very excited, and immediately went to the back kitchen to pass the dishes, and brought some snacks and drinks by the way.

   "Young master, eat first, the food will be ready soon."

  Chu Tang nodded, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, drinking while watching the beautiful scenery outside the window.

   Occasionally, a few white cranes fly over the lake. The white cranes have a graceful posture. When they spread their wings and fly high, the whole picture moves and looks better.

   After a while, a man in black clothes came over. He had a handsome face and a long sword in his hand. He had a chic air, "Is there anyone here?"

  Chu Tang looked at the other party, the Jianghu people said, "No one, sit down."

   "Thank you." After the man in black sat down, he introduced himself, "This is Shang Zixing, a knight-errant who walks the rivers and lakes. May I ask who you are?"

   "When I was in the Chu and Tang Dynasties, I also came out to visit the mountains and rivers."

  Shang Zixing put the long sword on the table, and said familiarly, "Is it alone? If there is one person, can we go together?"

  Chu Tang refused, "I have something to do, I'm afraid it's inconvenient."

   "That was rude." Shang Zixing apologized, and then he said, "In order to express my apology, may I invite you?"

  Chu and Tang don't matter, "As you wish."

  The waiter brought up the dishes, "Young master, I'll serve you these dishes first, and I'm working on the rest."

   "Yeah." Chu Tang nodded, "I'll be on my way soon, so I'll hurry up if I can."

   "Yes, I will remind you again." The man is familiar with the road.

   Shang Zixing saw the four signature dishes on the table, which are already a lot, why are there more? Can you finish it?

  Chu Tang picked up the chopsticks and started to eat. After a few mouthfuls, seeing that Shang Zixing didn't move his chopsticks, he said, "Eat, what are you doing in a daze?"

   "Oh." Shang Zixing seemed to have just realized it.

   After eating half full, Chu Tang asked, "Is this your first time here?"

   "No, my home is here, but I often go out, and it's only been a few days since I came back." Shang Zixing said frankly.

  Chu Tang didn’t ask any more questions. She needed someone who was familiar with the environment here to answer his doubts. Shang Zixing was not a good candidate because he was too deep, but the right person came soon—the restaurant guy.

   "Brother, let me ask you something." Chu Tang stopped the man who was about to leave, and handed him some silver taels.

  The clerk took the silver in his hand with a smile, "Excuse me, young master, I will know everything."

  Chu and Tang didn't behave much differently, just asked in a normal way, "Did anyone transport things back and forth a lot in the past few months?"

  The guy raised his face and thought for a while, "Yes, I took a look at the window, but the other party was very fierce. I closed the window after just one look."

  The only thing Chu Tang wanted was this sentence, "Can you tell me exactly where it is?"

  The man pointed to the small building with red lanterns three blocks away, "It's right there, and the things are brought in through the window. I don't know what they brought in, I just took a look."

  Chu Tang took out another silver ingot and gave it to the buddy, "Thank you, I see."

  The buddy was overjoyed, bowed and thanked, "Thank you, young master, thank you, young master."

  Shang Zixing looked puzzled, but said nothing.

  Chu Tang didn’t intend to answer his doubts. After asking the waiter, he ate his meal. After eating, he put the money on the table and left the restaurant.

   Shang Zixing chased him out, "I'll go with you."

   "No need." Chu Tang looked back, what is the purpose of this person approaching him?

  Shang Zixing pursed his lips, "I'm a local, so I can show you where to go."

   "No need." After several ups and downs, Chu and Tang disappeared from Shang Zixing's sight. Shang Zixing looked around and didn't regain his senses for a long time.


  Chu Tang came to the place the buddy said. This is a warehouse. At this time, the warehouse is empty and there is nothing, but the ground is very clean, and things should have been stored recently.

  Suddenly, Chu Tang saw a few feathers in the corner of the wall, he picked up the feathers, they were the feathers on the arrow.

   It seems that this is where the other party shoots arrows.

   It's just that it's useless to find a place now. The arrow has already been sold. I don't know who is here?

  The clues are completely broken here!

   Chu Tang looked at the water outside the window, and now he can only go directly to the mastermind behind it.

  Thinking of this, Chu Tang flew out of the window and headed for Shucheng.

  Shang Zixing saw Chu Tang's figure and hurried to catch up, "Shall I go with you?"

   "I like to be alone!" Chu Tang frowned, is this person a dog skin plaster? Why can't I get rid of it!

   "I can help you." Shang Zixing smiled blissfully, looking at Chu Tang, as if you don't want me to follow, but I want to follow.

   "It depends on your ability." Chu Tang's body was full of spiritual power, and his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, so fast that Shang Zixing didn't even realize it.

  Shang Zixing, "..."



  Chu Tang was resting on a tree, when suddenly there was a muttering voice from below, "Everyone lay in ambush, the food and grass will come over in a while, and then we should work together inside and out to **** the food and grass."

   "Yes." The people in black immediately dispersed, looking for bushes to hide. In the dark night, as long as they don't move, no one can find their tracks.

  Chu Tang, “…”

  He has been using spells to rush on the road today, his spiritual power was exhausted, and he recovered his spiritual power on the tree. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

  But he wants to see which unlucky food and grass are being targeted by this group of people.

  The night was very quiet, there was no sound.

  In this silence, the sound of the wheels loomed, and then became clearer, and there were fires, figures, and carriages ahead...

  Chu Tang watched from the tree, someone really escorted the food and grass!

  While he was amazed, a group of people below made a slight movement, all eyes were on the people who came over, and they raised the knife in their hands, ready to besiege.

  Chu Tang looked at the flag on the carriage, it said "Chen", General Chen's food?

   Listening to what the man said just now, the inside should cooperate with the outside. It seems that the soldiers escorting the food and grass have the internal support of the group below.

  Who is so bold that he dares to join forces with others to rob food and grass?

   Chu Tang watched quietly.

  In his eyes, the group of people below rushed forward, without saying a word, and started to kill.

  The soldiers escorting the food and grass were also unambiguous. They drew their knives and started fighting with the robbers. In an instant, under the quiet night sky, killings broke out everywhere.

  Chu Tang took out the jelly beans he bought earlier, put one on his fingertips, aimed at a person, and flicked the jelly beans.

  The jelly bean hit the opponent's forehead, and embedded in it, and died.

  The soldier who was fighting with the man looked up, and there was actually a boy in white on the tree, holding jelly beans, as if he was helping them, or watching a show.

   While he was watching, the young man in white took out another jelly bean and shot the person behind him who was about to kill him, saving his life.

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