Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 973: 973. Too Insidious

  The King of Dongling was not moved, but smiled instead, "I agree with the general's idea, but why do you want to do something that you can't do? Isn't it embarrassing yourself?"

   Tang Jinghong's expression was light, "Then what does the prince think can't be done? What can be done?"

  The King of Dongling looked at the great river and mountains, and said in silence for a while, "General Tang, do you think this king is suitable to be the king of Dongling?"

   "It's not suitable for the king's land on the shore of the land." Tang Jinghong said clearly.

  The face of Dongling King turned gloomy instantly, "General Tang, do you know who you are talking to? Believe it or not, this king makes you unable to leave Dongling?"

   "There are many people who want me to be inseparable from Tangling, but no one can decide whether I will stay or not." The king of Dongling exploited and enslaved the people of Dongling, and wanted to be the king of Dongling, which is simply ridiculous!

   King Dongling looked at Tang Jinghong, "Do you really think you are great? Do you really think you can't do it without Da Ling?"

   Tang Jinghong's face was flat, "I never thought about it like this, but now that I am here, and the emperor entrusts me with this matter, I have to do my job well."

   King Dongling slapped the railing with his palm, showing his anger. After a while, he suppressed his anger again, and said in a calm voice, "Tang Jinghong, how about doing things for this king?"

  Tang Jinghong was a little harsh, "I only support orthodoxy."

   King Dongling shouted, "Tang Jinghong!"

  Tang Jinghong's expression was calm, as if he didn't hear the roar of King Dongling, "I want to ask the prince, since the prince wants this Dongling, why did he let Dongling fall into such a dire situation?"

  The King of Dongling turned his head to wait for Tang Jinghong, complex struggles flashed in his eyes, "Do you think this king thinks? All this is out of my control at all."

   Now that the words have been made clear, there is no need to hide them anymore, Tang Jinghong cut to the point and said, "What does the prince have in the hands of Yun Organization?"

  The king of Dongling's expression froze, "Tang Jinghong, the water in Dongling is deeper than you imagined. I advise you to get out in time."

   "I'm here, can I still get out?" Tang Jinghong eased his tone, "Why don't you tell me clearly, who is Lord Yun?"

  The King of Dongling closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "You are so capable, you should check it yourself, but I will tell you that he is not from Dongling!"

   Tang Jinghong's face changed slightly. If so, it would make sense. After all, such things as immortal ointment are too vicious, wouldn't it be self-defeating to use them in your own country?

   "My lord, I will remind you at the end, there is still a chance to recover in time." After finishing speaking, Tang Jinghong hugged Dongling King and left the garden.

  Dangling King stood up slightly, with his hands behind his back, looking forward with a helpless and complicated expression.


  On the cliff.

  Tang Jinghong stood with his hands behind his back. He was slender and well-proportioned. He was dressed in black with a domineering majesty, which made people daunting.

  Yan Zihao stepped forward quickly, "General."

   "Exemption." Tang Jinghong didn't turn his head, he just said, "You said you have something to ask General Ben, just tell me, what's the matter?"

  Yan Zihao looked up at Tang Jinghong's back, "General, my subordinates have found out where Wei Zhongqing's money has gone."

   Tang Jinghong paused and asked, "Where did you go?"

  Yan Zihao said, "Give it to the second prince, and the second prince amassed money crazily. He gave the money to the second prince of Chen'an Kingdom. The second prince trained his private soldiers and planned to use the palace change to seize the position of the monarch."

   "The plague is raging in Chen'an, and these princes still want to fight for power." Tang Jinghong couldn't help but feel sad for the people of Chen'an, "What news is there?"

  Yan Zihao shook his head, "Not for now."

   "Take back the 300,000 taels of silver that this general gave you, and you can stop." The next thing is beyond Yan Zihao's control, otherwise he will surely die, and there is no need to make fearless sacrifices.

   "Yes, General." Yan Zihao's heart was touched, he didn't expect Tang Jinghong to care about his life and death.

  Three days later, rumors spread in Shu City that Master Kagura had absconded with 300,000 taels of silver...


  In the side hall, Tao An said to Mrs. Wei, "Mrs., our Qiuyan is really not good enough for your young master, why not let it go for the marriage?"

   Mrs. Wei was annoyed for a while, if it is said that the resignation should be raised by their Weifu, even a small merchant dares to come and slap their Weifu in the face!

  Thinking of this, Mrs. Wei naturally didn't have a good face towards Tao An, "Tao An, do you know what will mean to your Tao family after breaking the engagement with our Wei Mansion?"

  Tao An said lightly, "It's fine as long as you withdraw from the marriage, and you don't have to worry about other things."

   If you don’t agree again, it might spread that the Wei family is clinging to the Tao family. Mrs. Wei gritted her teeth, feeling aggrieved, "Xiao Tao, go and get Miss Tao's name card."

   "Yes." The servant girl took Tao Qiuyan's name card back.

   Mrs. Wei glanced at Tao An, and the maid hurriedly handed the name card to Tao An, and Tao An gave the maid the name card of Master Wei. From then on, their marriage has nothing to do with each other.

   After getting the name card, Tao An took Tao Qiuyan away.

  Tao Qiuyan tore up the name post after receiving it, and finally retired, so she can sleep peacefully, "Thank you, Dad."

  Tao An's expression was indifferent, "Go back and pack your things, leave Shucheng immediately, and move to Linzhang City."

   "Why?" Tao Qiuyan didn't understand why she wanted to move suddenly.

   "Mrs. Wei will definitely take revenge on us if we stay, so it's better to leave early." Tao An really deserves to die, but his family members are not that bad, they can be saved as soon as possible.

   "Father is right, I'll go back and pack my things right away." Tao Qiuyan was terrified.

  That night, the Tao family went out of the city overnight and went to Linzhang City.


  A certain house.

  The Great Elder said in disbelief, "Sixth Elder, Eighth Elder, Ninth Elder, Tenth Elder, left and right, Mr. Qi Qi disappeared?"

  The men bowed their heads, "Yes, we can't contact them no matter what."

  The Second Elder was puzzled, "How could this be? Have they messed with someone they shouldn't have?"

  The third elder said with an ugly expression, "Who do you think has the ability to capture them all?"

  The fourth elder said solemnly, "The most urgent task is to catch this person."

  The First Elder looked at the Fourth Elder, "What good idea do you have?"

  The fourth elder was silent for a while, "The other party saw that he was targeting the elders of our cloud organization, so as long as someone goes out to lure him, then we will set a trap and catch the turtle in the urn, what do you think?"

  The second elder pondered, "The idea is a good idea, but who will lead him?"

  The scene fell into silence.

  The third elder said suddenly, "Let the fifth one go, he doesn't know about it yet."

   Several people looked at the third elder, wouldn't this be too insidious?

  The third head glanced at everyone and said, "If you don't agree, then you go."

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